Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

839. Chapter 839 The mouth is trying to be strong, but the heart is surrendering【1】

Do you think she, Lu Momo, is also a hypocritical person?

He kept his words, leaving no room for error, and didn't want to have anything to do with him, but what about the reality?

I couldn't resist his closeness at all, and even...even responded!

If there is barely a wall, she will definitely hit it with her head without hesitation. Lu Momo, you are crazy, you are so unprincipled!

You have to have a good talk before you allow him to get close to you!

How to break this situation now?

In the distance, a tall figure stood there. The man's hands were leisurely inserted into the pockets of his suit trouser, and his eyes like an eagle were staring at the man not far away who was clutching his head and had a wrinkled face. Woman with buns.

With a soft hum, he walked over.

"What to do, what to do, what to do..." Lu Momo pulled his hair in frustration, scratching his head and couldn't think of a good way. Suddenly, a pair of Italian handmade leather shoes appeared in his sight. High-quality leather shoes The face is still shining.

An angry and helpless voice came from above the head: "It's so annoying. If you've had enough trouble, just be a good boy and walk back. If I still have the strength, I'll wait for you to stand aside and watch you make trouble. When you get there, I'll pounce on you and never do anything." Let you go! But Lu Momo, sometimes I get tired, so you have to control it. It's almost okay."

Lu Momo raised his head. Under the light, his face was half-dark, and he was incomparably handsome. His voice was so helpless, but his eyes were so naked and affectionate.

A woman's heart is easily softened.

Just like Lu Momo now.

Humans are all advanced spiritual animals. Whoever treats us well can be felt through words and deeds as small as one eye.

At this moment, Lu Momo felt his feelings.

Tang Chao didn't say anything, and just looked at her condescendingly, letting her raise her head and look at him like a little idiot. Finally, Lu Mo stood up, lowered his head, and stood in front of him like a criminal. Like a primary school student who has made a mistake, he can't stand still and his hands are still twisted together childishly.

" do you know I'm here?"

Tang Chao glanced at her, looked at his dark head and said, "Why don't you go back? Why are you sitting here?"

"Oh, I'm...thinking about something." After saying that, Lu Momo really wanted to slap himself in the face, but why did he just pop out of his mouth when he was thinking about it?

It seems that he is right, her IQ, IQ...

She glanced at him guiltily and found that he had turned his head to look elsewhere. Lu Momo secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It's just that he didn't investigate carefully and escaped a disaster.

However, she didn't feel lucky for a long time when Tang Chao said calmly: "Why, I make it so difficult for you to face, don't you want to see it?"


what did he say?

Such words that were extremely unconfident about him actually came from his mouth, Mr. Tang. Did she hear it correctly?

However, when I thought about it, something was wrong, his tone was so flat, something was wrong!

Lu Momo moved in front of him in small steps, wanting to see his face, but he turned his head to the other side, preventing her from seeing it.

Lu Momo was anxious now. Could it be that he had really exhausted his patience with her? not the result she wants!

However, she didn't want to see him, it was just her own reasons. She was not mentally prepared yet...

Why did he think so wrong?

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