Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

851. Chapter 851 The mouth is trying to be strong, but the heart is surrendering【13】

Biquge, the fastest update of the sky-high price of the new wife: mistakenly committed a dangerous affair with the president!

"I'm back!" He opened the door and went in, carrying two large shopping bags in. Lu Mo straightened up while panting. When he saw that the faces of the men sitting on the sofa were serious, the atmosphere was wrong!

After being startled, she smiled and jabbed her index finger uneasily: " I disturbing you?"

The uneasy little look and the steps back seemed like "I'll retreat if I really disturb you."

Tang Chao glared at Acheng and the others. Everyone immediately fell silent and stopped talking. Acheng looked at Lu Mo Mo's funny look and hurriedly smoothed things over, "Haha, Miss Mo Mo, we were playing a game just now. How about it, the way you didn’t say anything just now was so cool, wasn’t it?”

It's not that it's cool, it's that it scares me to death! Lu Momo said silently in his heart.

"Hehe...hehe, it seems that Miss Mo Mo was frightened by what we just looked like, hehe." In order to lighten the atmosphere, Ah Cheng kept laughing and winked at his subordinates. Suddenly, several grown men laughed. .

The laughter spread and echoed in the room. It was very scary, okay?

Tang Chao's mouth twitched, he pinched the bridge of his nose, stood up and walked towards her, "Little brat, have you bought groceries?!"

She was surprised by the two supermarket shopping bags placed at her feet. Each one was very large and full of ingredients.

Looking at her from top to bottom, and then from bottom to top, Mr. Tang frowned, and the boss was unhappy: "With your small body, you can carry these two bags up by yourself?"

"That's right, I brought it up myself." After a pause, Lu Momo asked again: "Did you have another meeting just now? So serious?"

"No." Tang Chao said lightly, not intending to say more to her. He pinched her fleshy cheeks, bent down, picked up two large shopping bags, and walked to the kitchen.

Not a meeting?

Lu Momo yelled: "It's not a meeting, but you are still so scary!"

He looked like he was about to peel off his skin, cramp up and drink blood!

After a while, Tang Chao came out of the kitchen again and walked in front of her, "How can you buy so many vegetables?"

"I can't, aren't there still you guys?" Lu Momo answered matter-of-factly, blinking at him with big eyes, as if he trusted him and believed in his abilities.

Tang Chao clenched his fist and brought it to his lips, coughed a few times, and said sheepishly: "...You can't even do it, and it's even less likely that I can do it."

Lu Momo was dumbfounded and looked at Acheng and the others. The latter all responded to her by shaking their heads in the same direction, "We won't either..."

"Oh..." Lu Mo held his forehead and made a heartbreaking accusation: "Why is Young Master Rong so good at cooking, but you can't?"

"Lu Momo, how do you know that Yan can cook well?" Tang Shao was angry. Why was she paying so much attention to Yan? Could it be that she was silently paying attention to Yan behind his back?

"Of course An Xiaoning told me!"

The sour taste disappeared instantly. Mr. Tang laughed, walked up to her and hugged her. He said arrogantly and proudly: "Isn't it just a dish? Isn't it difficult? Let me show you my skills!"

"Really?" Lu Momo clasped his hands on his chin and looked at him with admiration.

Being worshiped by his own woman is something that every man is proud of. It especially satisfies the dignity of men. At that moment, Mr. Tang turned over her lovely head and kissed her heavily on the lips. He walked to the kitchen coolly and said, "Just wait, I will prepare a sumptuous dinner for you."

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