Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

856. Chapter 856 The mouth is showing off, but the heart is surrendering【18】

Lu Mo shook his head, biting his lips until they turned white: "Mom, I don't care about this, I like him! I don't want to have nothing to do with him, I can't do it, Mom, don't be like this, okay? Don't force me Okay?"

"Do you like him? What do you like about him? He just broke off his engagement with a fiancée who is about to get married a few days ago. Do you know? He is a man who has just broken off his engagement, and you stick to him. What do you want people to say about you? What do you say about our Lu family? Huh? What do you like about a man who can even play marriage as a housewife? Not to mention this, the women he has played with before can form a company, such a playboy You said you like it? I will make you cry in the future!" Madam Lu roared at the top of her lungs, her eyes were red, and her eyes were filled with disappointment for her.

How could this be her daughter who had always been well-behaved and never let her worry about her in the past twenty years except for Qiange's accident? How could she become like this?

Lu Momo was really panicking now. No matter how tense the argument was with her parents before, her mother never blushed or flushed her eyes. Now seeing Mrs. Lu like this, she felt very unsure.

Seeing that she wanted to cry, Lu Momo couldn't help but cry. He hugged Mrs. Lu's arm and sobbed: "Mom, I know what kind of person Tang Chao is. What you said is all in the past. In the past Let it go. Now I really like him very much. The days when he and Lanna didn't cancel their engagement and the wedding was approaching were the most painful days for me. I can't imagine what would happen if he If I really get married, what should I do in the future...Mom, I believe in my own judgment, he really loves me, I believe in him."

Mrs. Lu pushed her away cruelly again: "Do you believe him? You actually believe a playboy? You were still playing house while he was playing with women!"

"Mom..." Lu Momo went up and hugged her arm again, and didn't let go: "Mom, people will change, and it's time for him now. He will keep clean, and he won't play with women anymore..."

"Nature is easy to change but hard to change. Do you understand this sentence?! To put it bluntly, a dog cannot change a ****. Even if he temporarily changes and becomes a good person, there is no guarantee that he will relapse in the future! No, No matter what you say, you must cut off the relationship with him! I will never allow you to have anything to do with him!" Pressing her temples with a headache, Mrs. Lu didn't want to talk nonsense to her anymore, because no matter how much she tried, she couldn't. Change Lu Momo's mind that was obsessed with ghosts!

"Xiao Li, come here and send the young lady to the bedroom. She is not allowed to leave the bedroom without my permission!" After that, Mrs. Lu pushed Lu Momo towards Xiao Li.

"I understand, madam." Xiaoli supported Lu Momo, who refused to leave, crying and continuing to fight: "Mom, you can't do this, I really like him..."

"you shut up!"

Mrs. Lu interrupted her impatiently, walked up to her, took out the mobile phone from her body, and held it in her hand. With a wave of her hand, Xiaoli immediately dragged Lu Momo back to the bedroom, took the key and locked it from the outside. .

After being pushed into the bedroom, Lu Momo turned around and was about to turn the doorknob, but the door was locked from the outside. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't open it.

Frustrated, she banged the door and shouted relentlessly: "Mom, please let me out! Mom, you can't do this to me... I hate you..."

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