Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

870. Chapter 870 The mouth is showing off, but the heart is surrendering【32】

Lu Momo rested his chin on his clasped hands, his eyes bright: "You said this, then I will order it!"

Mr. Tang raised his eyebrows and said, "Yes, you want to buy this tonight, and I can satisfy you."

Lu Mo smiled like a child who got the sweetest candy in the world. He looked at the menu and ordered a lot of his favorite foods. Finally, considering that men don't seem to like desserts that are too sweet, he didn't forget to specially order them for him. He ordered a sweet dessert.

After the waiters had confirmed all the orders, Lu Momo closed the menu with satisfaction. He supported his head with one hand and glanced at him from time to time. After catching up with his eyes, he jumped away. When he looked back, he went again. Aim at him.

After repeating this several times, Tang Chao helplessly raised his forehead and said, "If you want to ask anything, just ask."

Knowing that she couldn't sit still, she glanced at him no less than ten times in just a short time.

Really, the nature of a child!

What he was waiting for was his words. Lu Momo was curious: "Where have you been for the past six days? I called you, but no one answered."

Tang Chao thought about it and decided not to hide it from her, but he didn't know where to start explaining it to her. After thinking for a long time, he hesitated and said: "Do you still remember when Mo Qiange was injured?"

To be honest, this is the first time Mo Qiange has been mentioned since their relationship was established.

In his heart, he wasn't even sure that she would completely let go of Mo Qiange. He knew that it was not easy to give up on someone. He was willing to give her time to adjust until she could completely put Mo Qiange into the position of a friend. .

The smile on Lu Momo's face froze for a few seconds, "Remember..."

Tang Chao looked away, pretending that he didn't see it, and continued in an indifferent tone: "The old man was assassinated by the Japanese Fujiwara group who paid a lot of money to assassinate him. After he was seriously injured, it was Mo Xiyan who rescued him from the gate of hell. For this reason, the old man even said it himself Promise Mo Xiyan that as long as she needs help, the Tang Sect will do everything possible to help her. ...Mo Qiange was the first thing Mo Xiyan asked the old man to ask for help. I didn't know it beforehand... ...If I knew, I would definitely stop it..."

In this way, I won't miss 2 years in vain, and I won't be hated by her for 2 years in vain.

At this time, the waiters were serving dishes one after another. In order to relieve the suffocating atmosphere, Lu Momo moved his steak in front of him and coquettishly asked him to help cut it.

Tang Chao's eyes widened with a hint of joy, and then he laughed and scolded her for working hard for him. While smiling and scolding, he picked up the knife and fork and started cutting without complaint.

After cutting it, he pushed it in front of her. Seeing that she had a good appetite, he picked up the knife and fork again, cut the piece in front of him carelessly, and continued the topic: "The killer of the Blood Evil Empire, Cang Lang, He is the killer who seriously injured the old man. I discovered that he appeared in City I answered your call because the situation was urgent and there was no time for me to be distracted."

"Oh, that's it." Lu Mo nodded in realization, and then said with a smile: "Okay, I forgive you for not answering my call for some reason!"

Tang Chao put down his knife and fork, frowned slightly, and looked at her inquiringly: "Lu Mo Mo, are you really relieved about Mo Qiange?"

Lu Mo was startled. Tang Chao shook his head and smiled, "Forget it, let's ask another question. In your heart, who is more important between me and Mo Qiange?"

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