Biquge, the fastest update of the sky-high price of the new wife: mistakenly committed a dangerous affair with the president!

In line with the height of the little guy, Young Master Rong squatted down, frowned slightly, and poked his tender face with his index finger, "Tell me, what do you want? Besides wanting a mother."

The young marshal's rosy little mouth was pouted, and he was very stubborn, "I want to be numb!"

"Wouldn't it be better for dad to accompany you?" Mr. Rong's tone began to sound bad.

"...want it!"

"Yeah, you little white-eyed wolf." Young Master Rong had an arrow in his heart.

Picking him up and placing him next to the door farthest from the desk, he pointed at the desk, "See? You walk from here to there by yourself, and dad will take you to mom at noon."

The young marshal chuckled, pushed him away, and stretched out his two short arms towards the nanny, meaning to come here, come here, come here and help me walk over!

Mr. Rong held his forehead with a headache, "Is it true that opposite sexes attract and same sexes repel?"

After thinking about it, he said angrily: "You have Oedipus, it's a disease! It must be cured!"

In order to meet Mama, the young marshal learned so much that he was very happy. With the help of the nanny, his little short legs moved happily. In less than ten minutes, he walked all the way and rested before reaching his desk. In front of him, he patted the desk with his little hands: "Baba! Ma Ma..."

The nanny placed him on the carpet and automatically stepped away to stand on the edge, never daring to get too close to Young Master Rong.

Young Master Rong ignored him. The Young Marshal crawled on the carpet by himself, skipping the desk, and climbed to his feet. He grabbed hold of his suit trouser legs and climbed up his calves like a monkey climbing a tree, aiming for Baba's thighs.

Unexpectedly, after crawling and crawling, he lost all his strength and sat down on Ba Ba's feet. He hugged his calves with both hands and gasped with his little mouth slightly open.

Mr. Rong took the time to glance down at him, turned the executive chair to the side, stretched out his long legs, and put him on the ground, "Let's play on the side."

"I want mommy!" The young marshal climbed over with persistence, hugged his legs, and sat with his little butt on Baba's Italian leather shoes, calling affectionately: "Baba, give me mommy..."

Young Master Rong simply crossed his legs, and the leg he was holding tightly swayed gently to tease him, "Don't worry, it's not noon yet."

The young marshal was depressed. It was noon, as long as he could see Mommy. So the little guy was very depressed and hugged Baba's calf. He was rocking him and playing with it. After shaking it, he felt it was fun. He grinned. Open, giggling non-stop.

There was a knock on the office door, and Xu Zhiyuan walked in, holding some documents in his hand. He pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose habitually: "Young Master Rong, it's time to go to the meeting."

Mr. Rong groaned, put down the pen and closed the document in his hand. The executive chair slid back. He looked down at the little guy in his arms. After pondering for a moment, he decided that it would be safer not to bring him into the conference room, otherwise the kid would make a scene. He was definitely distracted.

The young marshal's delicate little head was raised high, and he looked into his deep eyes. Young Master Rong picked him up and said, "Dad is going to a meeting. I will take you to find your mother after the meeting, okay?"

The young marshal nodded.

"Good son!" Mr. Rong smiled, kissed him on the cheek, put him in the arms of the nanny, and then told him that if he got bored, he could take him out for a walk, but only on the president's office floor. .

The nanny responded repeatedly, and Young Master Rong went to the conference room for a meeting.

This meeting lasted for almost three hours, and it was already past lunch time.

Young Master Rong specially asked Xu Zhiyuan to come out and ask the nanny to feed the Young Marshal. He should not be left hungry. Xu Zhiyuan returned to the conference room after explaining.

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