Just as he was about to pass by the secretary's office, he saw several secretaries running around anxiously, and vaguely heard what they were saying——

"You think, if Mr. Rong finds out, will we all be fired?"

"It's still light after being fried!"

"Exactly! What I'm worried about is that if something happens to the young commander in our hands, Young Master Rong won't let us go!"

"Master Rong wants to kill us as easily as squeezing an ant to death. He's saying that no group will dare to hire us!"

"Just pray that Young Marshal is fine! Otherwise we...Rong, Young Master Rong!" Before the secretary could finish his words, his eyes suddenly widened with a dead look on his face, and he trembled and stepped back.

"Young Master Rong..." The secretaries also saw the gloomy-looking Young Master Rong at the door, and they were all frightened into silence, their faces turned pale.


Kicking open the half-closed door, Rong Shaojun's face was as gloomy as a storm, and his voice was cold to the bone: "Where is the young handsome man?"

"Young Marshal...Young Marshal was splashed with chili pepper in his eyes. Now...he is washing his eyes in the bathroom..."

Young Master Rong laughed angrily and looked around at these people in a conspiratorial manner: "You'd better pray that he's okay, otherwise..."

After saying that, he turned around and ran quickly towards the bathroom.

Xu Zhiyuan picked up the phone and notified the bodyguard to prepare a car, notified the ophthalmology professor at the hospital, and then turned to leave.

The secretaries cried and stopped him: "Assistant Xu, please help us beg for mercy in front of Young Master Rong! Don't block us, please!"

Xu Zhiyuan shook his head and stated the facts, "Instead of begging me, it's better to pray that the young marshal will be okay. As you all know, the young marshal is Young Master Rong's baby. If something goes wrong with the young marshal, no one can run away."

Secretary Fang carried the young marshal who had rinsed his eyes back to the secretary's office, and bumped into Young Master Rong who was about to go to the bathroom. Immediately, she trembled with fright and felt that the sky was about to fall.

"Young Master Rong..."

Mr. Rong didn't say a word. His piercing gaze paused on her face for three seconds like a sharp blade. Then his gaze was replaced by worry. He took the little guy from her arms who was covering his eyes and rushed directly into the elevator and went downstairs. , got into the car, and without waiting for his orders, the bodyguard immediately rushed to the hospital.

"Xiao Shuai, don't rub your eyes. Dad will take you to the hospital! Just hold on!" He held him with one hand and lifted his chin with the other to look at his eyes.

Xiaoshuai wanted to reach out and rub his eyes, but he held him down. Although his eyes were washed with water, they were still too painful to open. Tears slipped out unconsciously, and his eyelashes like cattails were stained with tears.

The little guy's mouth was pursed and he said nothing. The other eye was also red. He must have cried bitterly just now. He stopped crying now, but the red eyes were still painful to see.

Young Master Rong felt so distressed that he asked Xu Zhiyuan to take out ice cubes from the small refrigerator in the RV. He wrapped the ice cubes in a handkerchief, gently applied it to his eyes, and comforted him in a soft voice: "Xiao Shuai , if it really hurts, just cry, dad will not laugh at you. Is this better? Huh? "

Xiaoshuai looked at him with the eye that was not splashed by the pepper, blinked twice, and then nodded slightly.

Young Master Rong breathed a sigh of relief and continued to apply ice to him. The little guy's two short arms softly wrapped around his father's neck, his head resting on his neck and his forehead pressed against his neck, looking pitiful and well-behaved.

"Be patient and go to the hospital. Dad will take you to find mom, okay?"

"...Okay." The little guy's voice was still a little hoarse because he had cried.

Hearing Young Master Rong's heart tightening, he couldn't help hugging him tightly, lowering his head and kissing him again and again on the forehead.

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