Luo Anning asked accusingly, caressing her son's little face, her beautiful eyebrows slightly raised, although the handsome boy was smiling at her, she still felt distressed.

Young Master Rong told what happened, and suddenly he took the initiative to admit his mistake: "I was negligent in this matter, and it won't happen again."

Rong Shao thought, next time, let's be distracted. This son must always be by his side to keep him at ease.

Xiaoshuai is in Mom's arms, being held by Mom, and is happy. Although he doesn't speak many words, there is absolutely no problem in making Mom happy!

No, he grabbed Mommy's hand and kissed her, making An Ning laugh again and again. She couldn't help but kiss him back. The mother and son looked so happy, which made Young Master Rong feel very uncomfortable.

What a little white-eyed wolf! He spends more time with him than his mother, okay? !

It’s so shocking!

Young Master Rong was depressed on the side, with an obviously unhappy mood on his handsome face. Xu Zhiyuan looked on and decided to help his young master. After coughing, he pretended to ask casually: "By the way, Young Master Rong, Lunch time is almost over, don’t you want something to eat?”

Young Master Rong didn't even hum. Luo Anning asked in surprise, "You haven't had lunch yet?"

Xu Zhiyuan answered for the arrogant Young Master Rong: "Young Madam, Young Master Rong took the young commander to the hospital for treatment right after he came out of the meeting. He came directly after the treatment. He is so busy that he hasn't even taken a sip of water."

"You!" Luo Anning shook her head helplessly: "What can I tell you? How many times have I told you that no matter how busy you are, you must eat three meals on time. You also promised me, and look at you now How did you do it? You dare to do it to me even though you are doing it in a positive and negative way!"

Seeing Ba Ba being scolded, the young marshal happily clapped his little hands aside. Luo An Ning looked down at him and tapped his forehead with her index finger: "You're such a little kid, you've only been watching theater since you were old, huh? ?”

After being read by Luo An Ning, Young Master Rong was stunned without saying a word. When he heard his son's booing, Young Master Rong glanced at him resentfully and gritted his teeth: "White-eyed wolf."

"Xu Zhiyuan, you go have lunch first, and leave him to me."

"Okay! Then, young lady, I'll leave first!" Xu Zhiyuan retired with success.

Luo An Ning stuffed the soft little guy into Young Master Rong's arms, held his handsome face awkwardly turned aside, and said at a loss of whether to laugh or cry: "Okay, I don't blame you for what happened to the young handsome man. You are so busy with official duties, and you still have to take care of him He is indeed choking. Otherwise, Xiaoshuai will follow me from now on. Anyway, I have already mastered my work, so it should be no problem to take care of Xiaoshuai. On the other hand, you, don’t you know what is going on with your stomach? How can you do that? Why don’t you eat on time?"

"No appetite." For a long time, these three words popped out of Rong Shao's sexy thin lips.

Still feeling awkward!

An Ning had no choice but to lean over and kiss his thin lips, "What do you want to eat? Can I order a meal for you?"

After being proactively kissed, Young Master Rong was like a cat that had been groomed, and his demands were lowered: "Whatever."


Young Master Rong had eaten and Xiao Shuai had drank milk. He was drowsy. Luo Anning carried him to the bed in the lounge and went to sleep. When he came out, he saw Young Master Rong sitting in front of her desk.

"Come here." He held out his hand to her.

Luo Anning walked over and sat down on his lap automatically. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned lazily on his shoulder. Her voice was soft and sleepy: "Husband, from now on you have to stop smoking and drinking. .”

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