Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

898. Chapter 898 Love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly【10】

"Qiao Lun, I wish you happiness, and remember to be gentle to Xuewei!"

Joellen accepted the blessings from his companions with a smile and said loudly: "Thank you! I will enjoy this wonderful night that belongs to the two of us."

After hailing a taxi, Qiao Lun helped the drunk Wu Xuewei get into the car.

A black Land Rover just passed by the door of the bar. Secretary Wu was sitting in the passenger seat, and Feng Churui was sitting in the back with his eyes closed to relax.

"Captain S, I seemed to have seen Miss Xuewei just now." Secretary Wu suddenly said.

Feng Churui didn't open his eyes and said in a calm tone: "What does it mean?"

"Just when I was passing by a bar, I seemed to see a foreign man helping Miss Xuewei into a taxi. I'm not sure if it was Miss Xuewei. She was driving too fast just now." Secretary Wu said, suddenly pointing. Rearview mirror, "Mayor, that's the taxi behind you."

Feng Churui opened his eyes suddenly, looked in the rearview mirror, pondered for a moment, and told the driver: "Follow them."

Soon, the driver slowed down. There were almost no vehicles on the road late at night, and the road was wide. The two cars were soon running neck and neck.

The Land Rover has a square exposure film on it so you can't see inside from the outside, but the taxi is different. You can clearly see all the people in the car at a glance.

In addition to the driver in the driver's seat, Wu Xuewei, who was drunk in the back seat, was leaning on a man's shoulder. Looking from here, she could also see the man's salty hands taking advantage of the opportunity to touch her body.

Secretary Wu has followed Feng Churui for many years, and he can roughly understand his thoughts with just one look, "Stop that taxi!"

Feng Churui frowned, an undercurrent surged in his eyes, and his eyes were fixed on the two people in the taxi.

The driver accelerated violently, then turned the steering wheel and swept forward, intercepting the taxi in front. The taxi wanted to turn but it was too late, so it could only quickly apply the brakes!

Wu Xuewei, who was not wearing a seat belt, hit her head hard on the back of the seat due to inertia. Qiao Lun quickly pulled her back, carefully rubbed her head, and yelled in an accented Chinese: "How do you drive?" Huh? If my girlfriend gets into an accident, can you bear the responsibility?!"

"You want to die! If you don't want your life, I want it too! Are there any of you who drive like you?!" The taxi driver, who was already unhappy after being scolded, immediately stuck his head out of the window and faced the Land Rover in front of him. Just start scolding.

Secretary Wu got out of the car and showed his work permit from the city hall. With just one glance, the taxi driver immediately shut up and said in panic: "Mr. Secretary, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm blind, so don't be as knowledgeable as me!"

Secretary Wu ignored him, walked to the back seat, opened the door, and helped Wu Xuewei out of the car. Qiao Lun was anxious, how could he let a stranger snatch Wu Xuewei away, unfastened his seat belt, rushed out of the car, and grabbed Wu Xuewei's arm. , shouting: "Who are you? Why did you take my girlfriend away?! Do you still have a law in China?"

"Who are you to Miss Xuewei?" Secretary Wu asked without answering.

"Of course I'm her boyfriend!"

At this time, the door of the Land Rover was pushed open, and Feng Churui, who was wearing a strict black suit, stepped out, looking straight at Wu Xuewei with his deep eyes, gradually approaching.

After being hit like that, and being pulled and raised by Secretary Wu and Qiao Lun, Wu Xuewei frowned in discomfort and faintly opened her eyes.

"Xuewei, are you awake?" Qiao Lun supported her in surprise and held her waist possessively, "Who is he to you?"

harmonious:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………

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