Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

918. Chapter 918 Love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly【30】

"Don't cry." Feng Churui reached out and gently wiped away the tears rolling out of her eyes. Hearing these words was very sad.

In his impression, Wu Xuewei was an elfin and naughty little girl who could act coquettishly, call him Uncle Feng sweetly, and even be naughty enough to kiss him on the cheek too affectionately. She was fresh, young, and full of vitality. Smart girl, he always thought so.

But now, she has changed.

Since when did you become so tearful?

When did you start hating yourself?

Wu Xuewei looked at him with tears in her eyes. Her face was as big as a palm, and her eyes, nose, and mouth were all red from crying. Against that pale face, there was a bit of color.

However, those pitiful and sad eyes made people feel uneasy.

"Promise me, okay?" Wu Xuewei stubbornly wanted a promise.

"I promise you." Feng Churui thought for a moment and said. As soon as she finished speaking, her eyes lit up instantly. He paused and continued to add: "I promise you to think about it carefully. The premise is that you have to get rid of all these bad habits. Change it.”

Wu Xuewei looked puzzled. He chuckled and reached out to touch her head: "Can you listen to me now?"

As long as she can return to the United States, she will do whatever he asks her to do, not to mention listening to him now.

"you say."

"Until you get rid of these bad habits, I can't let you go back to the United States for the time being. Small mistakes will lead to catastrophe sooner or later if you don't correct them." Feng Churui said, "Just make up for the guilt in my heart. During this period, don’t stay in the hotel, go to my apartment. Don’t worry, I don’t mean to support you, nor do I mean to humiliate you. I just want to take care of you. Wait until you really get rid of these bad habits After everything has been corrected, I will naturally withdraw the official document."

"What if I never change?"

Feng Churui's tone was gentle but revealed an oppression that could not be ignored: "Then change it until it is changed."

Break these habits?

Isn't it just that she dresses well, doesn't wear sexy makeup, doesn't go out in bars, and doesn't take drugs? As long as she changes these things, will he let her go back to the United States?

Wu Xuewei thought for a moment, and even if she couldn't change her ways, she could just pretend to cheat, so she simply agreed.

"I hope you keep your word."

"Of course." She agreed, and Feng Churui breathed a sigh of relief.

After helping her lie down, he spoke again: "Behave well during this period, you know?"

Wu Xuewei closed her eyes and found it difficult to even speak, "For example?"

"Get along well with me. Don't raise any thorns in your body."

Wu Xuewei sneered: "I'm afraid I can't do it."

"Then try your best to do it."

"What if I say no?" She suddenly opened her eyes, with a touch of aloof stubbornness in her eyes.

Like a child who will never compromise, his stubborn eyes are very troublesome.

Feng Churui was still calm and gentle, and his voice was neither fast nor slow, but there was a sense of leisurely nobility: "Then everything we talked about before is invalid."

Wu Xuewei glared at him bitterly, wanting to bite off a piece of his flesh!

"Ha..." Feng Churui laughed softly, reaching out and pinching the tip of her nose out of habit, "She's still so cute."

Wu Xuewei paused, being brought back to the past by this action and the intimate tone, remembering the time she had spent with him for so many years.

Feng Churui also noticed something was wrong with her. He suppressed a smile and coughed, "I still have business to do. I'll leave first. You have a good rest."

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