Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

937. Chapter 937 Love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly【41】

"Ha..." Wu Xuewei opened her eyes, a cold light flashed across her eyes: "I have nothing to say, you can go out."

The psychiatrist frowned invisibly, as if he didn't expect her to be so determined, and then said: "Miss Xuewei, don't try to resist me. Psychiatrists are actually very normal and common psychological consultations. Seeing a psychiatrist , does not mean that you are mentally ill. On the contrary,..."

Before the psychiatrist finished speaking, Wu Xuewei closed her eyes impatiently, and the next second she did something that surprised the psychiatrist——


Outside the ward, when Feng Churui, who was talking to Secretary Wu, heard the scream, his subconscious reaction was to push the door open and rush in. He helped her up worriedly, anxiously and nervously, "Xuewei, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere? Or are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?" You don’t want to talk to a psychiatrist? Well, if you don’t want to talk, we won’t talk, we won’t talk, eh?”

Wu Xuewei opened her eyes lightly and looked at his handsome face full of worry. She looked at it for a long time before nodding.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across the psychiatrist's face, but he still got up in a professional manner, said goodbye, and left.

Outside the ward door, the psychiatrist told Secretary Wu that if the patient's inner strength is not solid, then he is challenging his mental endurance. He will not see any abnormalities in the short term, but in the long run, sooner or later he will collapse or explode.

After sending away the psychiatrist, Secretary Wu couldn't help but worry, hoping that Wu Xuewei was the former. If it was the latter, the mayor would be mentally and physically exhausted.


In fact, Wu Xuewei was not ungrateful. On the contrary, she just knew that he was doing it for her own good, so she was so repulsive and rejected.

What she was afraid of was that all the good things he was giving now were all out of sympathy and pity.

She didn't want such humble words as sympathy and pity to be used on her head.

Even if she fails, she must fail with dignity.

Feng Churui stayed by the hospital bed and held her hand. Although he didn't speak, silence was better than sound at this time. His company was enough to give her the sense of security in the world.

He was worried, fearing that she would have a shadow over this matter and would hold it back in her heart, refusing to let it out, and would end up suffocating herself.

She was relaxing, looking at the ceiling, absent-minded, her eyes unfocused, looking dull and lifeless.

At this time, the operations of the citizens injured in the stampede incident were completed and all are now out of danger.

It happened to be in this hospital, and there were reporters waiting outside the hospital, waiting for first-hand news.

Feng Churui coaxed her to sleep and watched her close her eyes and breathe evenly before quietly leaving the ward and facing the reporters outside the door with Secretary Wu.

The door of the ward closed softly, and the footsteps gradually faded away. In the darkness, Wu Xuewei opened her eyes, her eyes were clear and not sleepy.

She laughed silently, opened the quilt, got up and got out of bed...

Feng Churui appeased reporters and made reasonable and effective solutions and remedial measures to the stampede incident, which won unanimous praise from the media. His personal actions also won a good reputation for his official career.

It had been a whole day, busy with official documents, comforting the families of the victims, Xuewei being kidnapped, and all kinds of things happening one after another. He was so busy that he didn't even have time to take a breath.

Now that everything has settled, his tense nerves have relaxed, and sleepiness has begun to hit him.

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