Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

939. Chapter 939 Love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly【43】

"I was wrong." This time, she admitted her mistake very simply: "I won't do it next time, Uncle Feng."

"Are you so meek all of a sudden so that I can withdraw the official document restricting my exit from the country?" He pinched her chin with his fingertips and raised it so that she could face him.

Wu Xuewei looked away calmly: "You can think so."

In short, the idea of ​​​​leaving cannot be changed.

After she said this, he released his hand holding her chin, rubbed his forehead tiredly, and changed the topic: "You are tired, go to sleep. I will sleep in the guest room tonight."

Looking at his back, Wu Xuewei bit her lip, "You said I lived in an apartment, but you wouldn't live here!"

"Haha..." Feng Churui chuckled: "Special times, special treatment."

The implication is that he has decided to stay in the apartment tonight!

Wu Xuewei had no other choice but to stomp her feet. If this man became shameless, she would have no way to deal with him.

Returning to the guest room, in order to renovate the master bedroom to look like she liked, all the clothes he had placed in the master bedroom were moved to the guest room. This was convenient.

I took a change of clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower. When I returned to bed and lay down, it was already late at night.

He fell asleep almost as soon as he touched the bed.

This day, I was really sleepy, even a hardened person couldn't bear it.

While he was in a daze, he heard a scream and woke up suddenly. He threw off the quilt and got out of bed and ran to the master bedroom.

There was light coming from the bottom of the door. He guessed that she was already awake, so he raised his hand and knocked politely: "Xuewei, is it okay? I'm coming in."

Wu Xuewei never dared to say that she was in a daze with the light on, until she finally couldn't resist the sleepiness and fell asleep.

Unexpectedly, she dreamed of being beaten by the pervert, which scared her to the point of breaking into a cold sweat.

When she heard the knock on the door, she calmed down and tried to make her voice less panicked: "It's inconvenient, please don't come in."

As soon as the words fell, the door lock was turned, and the man opened the door and strode in.

She straightened up and sat on the bed, with cold sweat still on her forehead that had not yet been wiped off. When she saw him coming in, her slightly pale face immediately became unsightly.

She frowned and said, "Didn't you tell me that it was inconvenient for me and asked you not to come in?"

How about it, is it fun to see her wake up with a fright?

Feng Churui ignored her contradictory words, walked to the bed and sat down, stretched out his long arms to hold her in his arms, gradually tightened his arms, rested his chin on her head, rubbed it gently, sighed, and said to her Feeling helpless and distressed.

He was obviously scared, but he pretended that nothing happened.

He is obviously still a child who has not grown up mentally, but he wants to pretend to be mature, as if his thin little shoulders can bear anything.

Does she know that the more she pretends to be strong, the more... unbearable she becomes?

"When will you stop targeting me like this? You say, huh?" Touching her head, he was really angry and helpless.

The little girl has grown up, has her own opinions, and has a better temper.

However, this temper... is really not very pleasing.

Wu Xuewei curled her lips, her eyes felt inexplicably warm, her arms were stiff, and after struggling and hesitating several times, she slowly raised them and wrapped them around his waist.

Why target him?

That's because he rejected her confession, which broke her heart.

When he rejected her, he not only broke her budding heart, but also broke her self-esteem.

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