Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

951. Chapter 951 Love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly【55】

"You are not a mistress." Feng Churui stroked her face gently, Wu Xuewei turned her face away, buried her head deeply in the pillow, and refused his touch. He was not annoyed, put down the towel, picked her up and carried her into his arms. Inside, he hugged her tightly with his arms, placed his chin on the top of her hair and rubbed it gently.

"Xuewei, you are not a mistress. Yuqing and I...are not what you think."

"You don't need to explain to me, there's no need." Wu Xuewei said dullly.

When he tried to speak out, she refused to listen. In addition to being helpless, Feng Churui felt helpless. "Anyway, don't think so wildly. You don't have to worry about anything except taking good care of your injuries."

What he didn't dare to say was that she was half-clothed and covered in whip marks and bloodstains. He still couldn't forget it. He felt really bad when he thought that she, who had been pampered since she was a child, was subjected to such inhuman treatment.

If it weren't for his inconvenient status, he really wanted to kill that man with his own hands. How dare he insult and abuse someone he usually couldn't even bear to say in a loud voice!

He thought that he didn't want to see her hurt again in his lifetime.

In the end, Wu Xuewei silently let him wipe her body clean, and applied medicine all over her body again. She closed her eyes and remained silent. He knew that she was not asleep, but was in a bad mood, and she didn't even have the strength to speak. Sorry.

After so many years, he could tell what she was thinking about with every movement and expression she made.

Habits are so wonderful.


While Wu Xuewei was enjoying the tenderness given by Feng Churui, Wu Yuqing, Feng Churui's fiancée, was not very good.

It was no longer the first or second time that she was urged to get married by her elders. However, Feng Churui's attitude was unclear. She tried countless times to find opportunities to talk to him and put the marriage on the agenda, but in the end she never said anything.

When I had dinner with him, there was never a time when I was either absent-minded or had to leave beforehand.

Recently, the elders in the family have been urging again. This time it is different from the past. It is just a simple verbal urging. The two elders of the Wu family have decided to meet with the elders of the Feng family to finalize the marriage of the two children and choose a good day to get married. .

"Old Liu, go and call the Feng family and make an appointment for our two elders to have a meal together." Mr. Wu spoke.

"Yes, Yuqing and Ah Rui have been engaged for so long, it's time to get married." Mrs. Wu agreed.

The housekeeper Old Liu responded and went to the phone to call Mr. Feng's secretary. Wu Yuqing saw it and hurriedly stepped forward to hang up the phone. Mr. Wu got angry: "Yuqing, what are you doing?"

"Dad, Mom, can you let me talk to A Rui first?" Wu Yuqing looked at her parents in embarrassment, "After all, A Rui is the mayor of a city, so he will inevitably be arrogant. If you let him know that you didn't follow him If I propose marriage to Uncle Feng and Aunt Feng without permission after discussing it, he will be angry."

"My parents ordered the matchmaker, and the elders decide the marriage of the younger ones. Why should he be angry?"

Mrs. Wu also agreed with her husband, and said to her daughter in a serious voice: "Yuqing, just listen to your parents and leave this matter alone. Your father and I will arrange your marriage properly, so you can rest assured." Be a beautiful bride."

"Mom." Wu Yuqing shouted helplessly, then turned to her father: "Dad, can you please stay out of this matter and let me discuss it with A Rui first, okay?"

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