Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

954. Chapter 954 Love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly【58】

"Hahaha, look at how good the relationship between these young couple is. They are talking in private." Mrs. Wu teased the two of them, making the other three elders laugh.

At this time, Feng Churui's cell phone rang. He glanced at it, hung up, and continued to eat as if nothing had happened.

Then, the phone rang again, and this time, he hung up again. The phone rang several times in a row, and he hung up all the time.

Mr. Feng looked at him: "Whose call is it? Why didn't you answer it?"

"Secretary Wu's." He made no secret of it.

Mr. Feng was displeased: "Since it's Secretary Wu's call, how can you not answer the call? What if there are political matters that delay the call?"

Feng Churui said unhurriedly: "Nothing is more important than eating with my family."

This sentence makes Mr. Feng very satisfied. The belief of putting family first is the family motto of the Feng family.

Having expressed their filial piety, Mr. Feng and Mrs. Feng were very reasonable and asked him to answer the phone. They put political affairs first and spent a long time with his family in Japan.

Feng Churui turned his attention to Mr. Wu and Mrs. Wu and asked with his eyes. Since Mr. Feng and Mrs. Feng had spoken, the two elders of the Wu family were naturally embarrassed to let him stay. After all, their purpose tonight had been achieved.

Whether Feng Churui stays or leaves has little impact on them.

"Mom, Dad, Uncle Wu, Aunt Wu, Yuqing, please be patient, I'm leaving first." After saying goodbye elegantly, Feng Churui picked up the phone unhurriedly and walked out.

After leaving the private room, I immediately hung up on Secretary Wu and called Wu Xuewei. The phone kept ringing but no one answered.

This also made him more and more certain that the person who was hit by the waiter at the door of the private room was her. After leaving the hotel, he went straight to the apartment.

In another VIP room, Wu Xuewei was in a bad mood after going to the bathroom. Qiao Lun and her friends noticed this and asked her what happened, but she just shook her head and said it was nothing.

How does this look like nothing happened?

He had a look of loss and gloom on his face. No matter how much they teased him, he couldn't laugh. But he finally managed to smile. It was uglier than crying. It was better not to laugh at all!

"Xuewei, are you worried? Can you tell me?" Qiao Lun snatched the wine glass that Wu Xuewei filled again and put it in front of him.

She had already drank a lot tonight. People who are in a bad mood tend to get drunk easily. He was afraid that she would feel uncomfortable if she was bored.

"It's okay, what can I do?" Wu Xuewei smiled naively, stretched out her hand to snatch the wine back, drank it all, then patted him on the shoulder with one hand, her drunken eyes blurred: "Are you friends?"

"Of course!" Qiao Lun nodded affirmatively, with an attitude of 'anyone who dares to say otherwise will be beaten'.

"Okay!" Wu Xuewei smiled with satisfaction, took a bottle of wine and put it into his hand: "If you are a friend, drink with me, don't talk so much nonsense."

"Drink." Knowing that nothing could come out of her mouth, Qiao Lun boldly took the bottle and blew on it.

When everyone saw that the two of them were so heroic and drinking so generously, they were all eager to give it a try. They abandoned their glasses and picked up the bottle to serve.

This meal lasted for five hours and almost all of my friends fell asleep.

Several boys ran to the bathroom and vomited. They washed their faces and sobered up a lot before sending the girls back to the hotel.

Qiao Lun took the drunk Wu Xuewei into a taxi and asked her where she lived. She leaned on the back seat in a daze and reported the hotel address. Then she shook her hand and said no, no, she covered her head with one hand and thought for a long time. , and then he stumbled out the address of the apartment.

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