Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

959. Chapter 959 Love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly【63】

"Yeah." He didn't deny it, but then he said bluntly: "She and I will not get married."

"Liar!" Wu Xuewei didn't believe it: "I clearly heard that you agreed and were already preparing to choose a wedding dress and take wedding photos. Don't try to lie to me."

"I'm not lying to you." She looked like a little beast with explosive hair, and her whole body was on guard. He couldn't bear it, stretched out his hand to rub her head, and his eyes fell on her hair color...

After all, I still can't stand this yellow hair.

"Since you said you wouldn't lie to me, then what I heard last night were all hallucinations?" She was obviously not that easy to deceive, and was very defensive, but still refused to believe it.

She always believed that what she heard was what she believed.

Therefore, she would not believe his words easily, at least now.

Feng Churui found that he was a little inexplicably angry at his distrust of her.

Yes, angry.

Could it be that in her eyes and in her heart, what he said was so untrustworthy?

How had he ever lied to her?

Angry as he was, he would still say what needed to be explained, but he wasn't going to speak out about more detailed matters.

"That's just a temporary measure. In short, what you are worried about will not happen, and Yuqing and I will not get married." You are not a mistress either.

He added this last sentence silently in his mind.

"Are you telling the truth?" She confirmed carefully.

He laughed: "Really."

He really won't marry Wu Yuqing?

Very good!

Does this mean she has a chance?

Wu Xuewei covered her mouth and giggled. Feng Churui took her hand and led her to the bedroom. He took out a dress and a coat from the closet and gave them to her to change into.

After taking the clothes and being pushed into the bathroom, Wu Xuewei reacted, poked her head out of the bathroom, and suddenly said: "That's not right. Whether you marry Wu Yuqing or not, what does it have to do with me? Your wife can't be married to Wu Yuqing." It’s someone else!”

This was the first time Feng Churui doubted her IQ. He had made it so obvious, but she still didn't understand?

Although he was a little bit belated, he admitted that he didn't want to see her hurt, even a little bit.

Two years ago, her confession really scared him, and before that he had never thought of changing the identity of her little niece. He thought that he was good to her because of the friendship between the two families.

But he has never delved into why he was not as caring and indulgent towards Wu Xuewei, the girls from several families who were friends with the Feng family at the same time.

She had decided to study in city S, but suddenly she went abroad without any notice. He was like an outsider. He only learned about her going abroad to study alone from her parents. He admitted that he was angry.

There was also a sense of revenge in it, so he ignored her and never thought of finding out which country she was in and how she was doing.

When she returned home, he met her by chance. He was even more angry when he saw that she was willing to follow a group of friends to engage in prostitution, drinking, and clubbing that most young people do nowadays.

When he was not sure that he could give her any expectations, it was for her own good to cut off all her thoughts and not delay her. However, everything did not develop as he planned, and he lost control.

Yes, he was out of control.

When he saw her cuddling with Qiao Lun at the bar, he lost control.

It's hard to tell whether he was drunk and unconscious and forced her to do so, or whether he had wanted to do it and was just using his drunkenness as a high-sounding excuse.

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