Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

961. Chapter 961 Love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly【65】

Feng Churui took the card and led her out: "You also said that it is an American and you are Chinese. Black is your main color."

After getting in the car, Wu Xuewei was still pouting in confusion. Seeing him turn the car around, she couldn't help but be curious: "Where are we going? Have afternoon tea?"

"Go have dinner with your Uncle Rong and the others."

"Uncle Rong, Uncle Tang, Uncle Feng..." She sighed heavily: "I thought I didn't want to call you uncle anymore, and the relationship was all messed up. You see, I always call you Sister An Ning, but I call you Uncle Rong." Uncle Rong, our relationship is in chaos."

Feng Churui remembered the first time she met An Ning, and she refused to call An Ning, but insisted on calling her sister. Now that she thought about it, it turned out that this was the intention of An Ning. She must have had some thoughts about him at that time, right?

"It's up to you to call him whatever you like. I don't mind if you call Achao and Yan by their first names." He was handsome and elegant, but his words betrayed his friends easily.

There is a suspicion of favoring sex over friends...

"That's what you said!" Wu Xuewei immediately answered with a smile, fearing that he would regret it, and then she wrung her fingers and muttered: "Then my names are Uncle Tang, Achao, Uncle Rong, Yan? Yeah, yeah, and sister Momo. Sister An Ning...yes, that's it!"

Seeing her muttering alone, she looked cunning and a little confused, and she always had a smile on her lips.

It was still early before dinner time, so Feng Churui asked her if she was hungry. Wu Xuewei shook her head and said she didn't feel hungry. He asked again: "Going to the mall for a walk, will you come there when it's lunch time?"

He thought, girls should all like to go to shopping malls and shop, right?

"It's up to me, it's up to you." Wu Xuewei felt that as long as she was with him, she would be fine even if she was his little follower.

Feng Churui smiled again, not knowing whether to praise her or to hurt her: "You are really easy to take care of."

When he arrived at the mall, Wu Xuewei followed Feng Churui in a hurry and walked up from the first floor with him. Gradually, he found that her eyes were not on the dazzling array of products, but on his face.

Turning his head, he frowned slightly: "What, there is something on my face?"

"No." She shook her head and rolled her eyes secretly: "I have already helped you get something. How can I still make you embarrassed all the way up here?"

After hearing her defensive words, Feng Churui laughed lightly and joked: "Since there is no dirt on my face, why are you still staring at me? Is my face more attractive to you than those clothes and bags?" ?”

She didn't expect that the great mayor could be so beautiful. Wu Xuewei wrinkled her little nose and hummed: "Of course not."

Instead of dwelling on whether he was attractive or whether his clothes and bags were attractive, he changed the subject and asked, "Are you thirsty? What do you want to drink?"

Not very hungry, but thirsty. Wu Xuewei thought for a while and said with a smile: "Uncle Feng, do you want a cappuccino?"

"Do you want grapefruit juice?" Feng Churui knew her little Jiujiu well.

Usually when she asks this, it means that she wants to drink cappuccino but is reluctant to part with grapefruit juice. She can't finish two glasses and it's a waste, so she usually gives him the cappuccino with a smile and drinks the grapefruit herself. After drinking half of the juice, he came over pitifully and asked if he could give her some cappuccino. He also generously gave him her grapefruit juice.

Unexpectedly, she still hasn't changed this habit after 2 years, and he is happy to indulge her.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" Miss Xuewei nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, with a super sweet smile.

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