Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

963. Chapter 963 Love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly【67】

Wu Xuewei had a sudden idea and wanted to buy clothes for him. How much sense of accomplishment would it be if the man she loved wore the clothes she bought?

With this in mind, Wu Xuewei pulled him towards the luxury store not far ahead.

"Where to go?" He asked casually, following her footsteps.

"Buying clothes for you."

"Haha..." The purpose of coming to the mall was not for her to shop and he to pay for it, so why did she buy clothes for him instead?

"Hey! Isn't that Mayor Feng? The mayor will also come to visit the mall. Apart from the news, this is the first time I have seen the mayor!"

"No, why do I remember that the mayor has a fiancée? Who is the female college student next to him?"

"Holding arms? Oh my god, this relationship must not be innocent!"

"Should I take a photo of this..."

"Okay, can the mayor take the photo?"

"Why not? The mayor of a city is to set an example for the citizens. If the mayor's private life is inappropriate, the citizens can also supervise it! Besides, it is not easy to see the relationship between the mayor and the woman. At first glance, she is a mistress. Maybe the mayor My fiancée is still kept in the dark!”

The two people quickly attracted everyone's attention, and soon many citizens recognized Feng Churui and whispered. The discussion became louder and louder, and Wu Xuewei's heart gradually fell to the bottom of the ice.

Many people had already taken out their mobile phones to take pictures. Feng Churui frowned and glanced at them with displeasure. Wu Xuewei suddenly pulled him away like crazy.

He was displeased: "Xuewei, why are you running?"

"Why don't you run and wait for others to take pictures? When it comes to the news, you can't explain it even if you have a hundred mouths." Moreover, their relationship is indeed not simple. Once exposed by the media, his political career will inevitably be affected. Influence.

How could she have forgotten that as a civil servant, he must be careful in his private life? Now that he has a fiancée, and now he behaves intimately with her in public, this will inevitably have a negative impact on him.

After dragging him all the way to the parking lot and getting into the car, she leaned back on the chair and gasped for breath.

There was mineral water in the car. Feng Churui unscrewed the lid and handed it to her. Wu Xuewei shook her head, turned to look out the window and said, "Let's go, don't let those people chase us out and see it."

"What are you afraid of?" Feng Churui frowned, dissatisfied with her escape.

"I'm afraid that others will point at me and scold me. I'm afraid that the photos I took will be posted on the Internet. I'm afraid that your political career will be affected!" After saying "I'm afraid" three times in a row, Wu Xuewei became a little angry and covered her face with her hands. Finally His tone became weaker: "Although you say I am not a mistress, in my heart, I am a mistress. Morally, I am a mistress."

I never thought that one day when I was with him, I would need to avoid everyone's eyes and become sneaky.

Feng Churui turned her head, pulled down her hand, made sure she wasn't crying, then took her into his arms, patted her back comfortingly, and sighed softly: "Don't worry, even if you are photographed, those The photos cannot be circulated. By running away like this, you have further confirmed other people's suspicions that you have a guilty conscience. It's because I didn't think well and didn't think about your situation. Don't worry, I will give you an explanation. Also Yes, you are not a mistress, don’t look down on yourself so much, do you understand?”

As she said, perhaps morally, she is a mistress, but emotionally, she has never been one.

"I believe you." Wu Xuewei's voice was muffled in his arms.

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