Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

977. Chapter 977 Love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly【81】

"I thought I made it obvious enough. You should know your importance." Feng Churui sighed, touched her head, and said extremely seriously: "Don't hide when you see Wu Yuqing in the future, and there is no need to hide. You are mine." My girlfriend, there is no need to avoid her. Our engagement with her was agreed from the very beginning. We would only get married for the sake of getting married, and neither of us would interfere after the marriage."

When the words "girlfriend" came out, Wu Xuewei couldn't bear it anymore. She cried and laughed, happy and sad at the same time. She had finally waited for this day.

Hearing him admit that she was his girlfriend, she was even more satisfied than receiving a limited edition luxury jewelry gift!

His chest was swollen with his words, and his heart was pounding like a deer, pounding and beating wildly.

Impulsively, she hugged his neck and dared to kiss his thin lips.

harmonious:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………

Feng Churui was startled, lowered his eyes, and watched her thick long eyelashes trembling, her lips pressed tightly against his, motionless.

If he hadn't been unable to move after being kissed by her, he would have really wanted to laugh out loud. Her kissing skills were really bad. It seemed like he had to teach her a lesson...

Wu Xuewei was breathless from his kiss, until the back of her tongue was numb, then she whimpered in protest and lightly beat his chest with her pink fist.

Feng Churui let her go without hesitation, stretched out his hand to wipe away the silver strands escaping from the corner of her lips, and said in an incredibly low voice: "This is what kissing is, do you understand?"

Wu Xuewei blushed with embarrassment. Just now she was too hot-headed to kiss him regardless, but now her senses came back and she was extremely ashamed.

Especially when he saw Secretary Wu deliberately turning his head to look out the window, he wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

"Are you still going to find your little boyfriend?" He asked her with a faint smile.

Wu Xuewei blinked her watery eyes and hesitated, "I haven't seen them for a few's weird..."

Feng Churui pondered for a moment, "Then I'll ask Yuqing to come over for lunch at noon."

"How dare you!" Wu Xuewei jumped in anger.

"Then you mean, will you accompany me?" The smile on Mayor Feng's lips was as elegant as a diplomat!

"Stay with me, of course!" Otherwise, what else could you do, just watch him and Wu Yuqing have sex again?

"Be good." Chief Feng patted her head again appreciatively.

I originally wanted to mention to him about showing my face back to the United States, but now that I think about it, I'd better wait.

It would make her feel more at ease to mention it after he came back from the imperial capital.

Otherwise, even if she returns to the United States, her heart will not be stable.

In the end, Wu Xuewei did not go to the city hall. Instead, after Feng Churui got off the bus, the driver took her back to the apartment.


At noon, she came to City Hall Z. Secretary Wu told her that Director S was in a meeting and asked her to wait in the office.

The furnishings of his office are very simple, with various books neatly placed in the bookcases, and documents on the desk arranged in categories and priorities. It is clean and tidy, and he is capable.

Wu Xuewei was sitting on the sofa, playing with her mobile phone boredly. Suddenly, Secretary Wu rushed into the office in a gloomy manner.

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