Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

982. Chapter 982 Love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly【86】

If you don't give up and disagree, the result will be endless discussions and discussions. The Wu family even relaxed their requirements and agreed to postpone the wedding, but the only thing they couldn't do was to terminate the engagement.

Feng Churui was very tired. He didn't even know whether he was right or wrong in agreeing to the marriage.

It is true that his parents were very satisfied with this marriage and wanted him to settle down and start a family as soon as possible. He once thought that he would marry Wu Yuqing and have children, just like many ordinary people.

Develop feelings in getting along.

But before he could develop feelings, Wu Xuewei broke into his emotional world without warning.

Until she appeared, he discovered that marriage really cannot be wronged.

If you don't marry the person you love, there will be no happiness in the future.

He couldn't do the most suitable love thing in the world with Wu Yuqing, the person sleeping on the other side of the bed was Wu Yuqing...


Feng Churui's noon flight arrived in the evening, and Wu Xuewei had been busy in the kitchen since noon.

Although it's still a bit rough, it's not too difficult since my aunt is always there to give guidance and help.

Putting all the prepared dishes on the dining table, Wu Xuewei looked at the table full of dishes and smiled with satisfaction.

"Ms. Xuewei, I'm going to get off work if I don't have anything to do. Just put the bowl in the sink and I'll clean it up tomorrow morning." Knowing that Feng Churui was coming back, Auntie left wisely.

As soon as her aunt left, Wu Xuewei checked the time and found that there was still time, so she hurried into the bathroom to take a shower to wash away the smell of oily smoke from her body.

When Feng Churui came back, he found that there was no one in the living room. When he walked into the dining room, the dishes on the table were still steaming. Apparently they had just been cooked. Looking around, he called out: "Xue Wei?"

No one answered, where did she go?

Pushing open the bedroom door and looking at the closed bathroom door, there was the sound of shower running inside. Feng Churui couldn't help but laugh. He simply loosened his tie, took off his suit jacket and threw it on the sofa. He lay on the bed and closed his eyes to relax. .

Wu Xuewei finished taking a bath and came out wrapped in a bath towel. She was about to go to the closet to find clothes to change into. Unexpectedly, she saw a man lying on the bed as soon as she came out.

"Oh my God! When did you come back?" Wu Xuewei was startled, and after realizing it, she subconsciously covered her bath towel to block the spring light.

"Just arrived." Feng Churui sat up and looked at the pink color on her skin after bathing. His eyes were a little more understanding. When he saw her uneasy eyes, he turned away and coughed. : "You should change your clothes first."

Such a conversation really tests one's self-control.

"Oh, okay, just wait for me!" As if she was pardoned, Wu Xuewei protected her chest with one hand, quickly ran to the closet, grabbed a skirt and rushed into the bathroom.

That speed can definitely be called a 100-meter sprint!

Feng Churui touched his face, "Am I so scared? I'm so scared."

In fact, it's not that Mayor Feng is so scary, but that the memory of the first night is really not very good, which is why Miss Xuewei was so frightened.

She was deeply afraid that if she accidentally lit a fire and offended this man, she wouldn't be the one who would suffer?

After changing clothes, Wu Xuewei instantly felt very safe. She came out of the bathroom and stood reservedly by the door, looking at him with watery eyes. Feng Churui smiled, stood up slowly, and opened his arms to her. , "Xuewei, come here."

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