Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

998. Chapter 998 Love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly【102】

Zhuang Han had just handed the meal to the waiter when an angry Wu Youlin came in from the outside and saw her at a glance: "Zhuang Han, you have the courage to come on a blind date!"

Compared with Wu Youlin's anger, Zhuang Han looked like a completely fine person and said lukewarmly: "Wu Ju, please respect yourself. The man is unmarried and the woman is unmarried. What's wrong with me coming on a blind date? Is it a violation of discipline or a violation of the law?" ?”

Feng Churui looked at the dramatic scene in front of him, and suddenly had the idea of ​​​​getting out of the way while others were not paying attention. How could he know that the person he casually pointed at this time actually knew Wu Youlin!

Moreover, it seems that the relationship is not shallow!

After Zhuang Han fought back, Wu Youlin's handsome face was bruised and red. If he couldn't operate on her, then he could operate on her blind date, right?

Her eyes turned viciously to the man opposite her. When she saw this, she was dumbfounded: "Arui, why is it you?!"

Feng Churui also hoped that the blind date with Zhuang Han would not be him, "Well, I broke off the engagement, so my mother arranged the blind date."

I originally planned that if a man dared to go on a blind date with Zhuang Han, he would find a way to break his legs. When he saw that he was an acquaintance, he immediately relaxed and pulled up a chair to sit down. He looked at Zhuang Han who was confused. , then looked at Feng Churui and said: "Arui, this woman is my ex, and she has a very hot temper. I advise you to choose another good wife, she is not suitable for you."


Zhuang Han was so anxious that he slapped his palm on the table, "Hey, Wu Youlin, what do you mean?"

"Doesn't Officer Zhuang understand the literal meaning?" Wu Youlin directly picked up the water in front of her and took a sip, "If you admit that your Chinese language was taught by a math teacher, because of the relationship between us, I I can be kind and explain it to you.”

"Wu Youlin, you owe it, right? When did I say that my Chinese language was taught by the math teacher? It was clearly taught by the physical education teacher!"

Feng Churui suddenly felt a headache and rubbed his forehead. He apologized and interrupted the two people who were arguing and had attracted the attention of the restaurant guests: "You Lin, Miss Zhuang, since you two know each other, I won't disturb you. You guys chat slowly, I still have something to do, so I’ll take the first step.”

"Good brother!" Wu Youlin patted him on the shoulder, "Let's drink together next time!"

"No problem." After saying that, Feng Churui stood up and left.

Zhuang Han watched Feng Churui leave like this, and called him unwillingly from behind. As soon as he called him a few times, Wu Youlin covered his mouth and lectured him, saying that you shouldn't shout loudly in public, etc...

In the evening, Feng Churui took time out of his busy schedule to call him and asked him how the blind date went and whether it was a good match.

Feng Churui could only say that that girl was good at everything, but she was too overt and not suitable for him.

Mrs. Feng didn't say anything, she just said there were a few girls left and let him choose from them.

After hanging up the phone, Feng Churui looked at the information sent by Secretary Wu and found out that Zhuang Han had been with Wu Youlin when he was studying in the police academy.

It’s just that she was assigned to the Imperial Capital as soon as she graduated, while Wu Youlin was assigned to City She can also make her own way without relying on her family.

Long-distance relationships are painful and test each other. Wu Youlin couldn't stand being in a long-distance relationship with her, so he asked her to report and apply for deployment to City X. Zhuang Han refused.

She believed that she was obeying the arrangements of her superiors in the imperial capital, and since her superiors did not ask her to be assigned, she would naturally not leave on her own.

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