Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO

Chapter 1066: Loved thoroughly and hurt thoroughly【169】

Biquge, the fastest update of sky-high new wife: mistakenly committed the latest chapter of dangerous president!

"You should be angry, but don't let me wait too long. I don't know how long I can wait for you, maybe one year or two years, maybe three years... A person's feelings will change over time It is getting deeper and deeper, but it will also be washed away by time. I hope I am the former, and I hope you will not let me wait too long."

Feng Churui went away, Wu Xuewei lowered her head, and looked at the temperature still pressing in his palm, she turned her head gently to look out the window, her lips slightly pursed.


After the banquet, Wu Xuewei did not see He Jingyan. At the charity auction, she paid her oil painting and paid back to the hotel. She did not pay attention to what he took and when she left.

Back to school, it is the two points and one line every day, A big, Wu Zhai.

There are many people coming to the philosophy open class. Wu Xuewei went late and glanced roughly, as if she had no place.

Her helpless flat mouth was about to leave, and someone suddenly shouted her name.

"Wu Xuewei."

She looked, it was He Jingyan!

He Jingyan beckoned her coolly, "Come and sit."

Wu Xuewei only discovered that there was a seat around him where no one was sitting, so he walked over and sat down, "I didn't expect you to like to listen to philosophy lessons."

"Is it strange?" He Jingyan frowned.

"It's not strange, it just surprised me." She didn't dare to say that the grumpy boys came to listen to philosophy. It was really eye-popping. Isn't it in line with him?

He Jingyan snorted from the nose, then ignored her and concentrated on the class.

Wu Xuewei glanced at him secretly, if he didn't lose his temper, from the appearance alone, it was really a good card!

The appearance, hair style, and clean and graceful temperament make it a clean big boy.

"Look what to see," He Jingyan suddenly turned her head and glared at her: "Listen!"

Wu Xuewei's head was backed by his bluff, and He Jingyan smiled, showing two rows of neat white teeth, and his smile was very clean.

Wu Xuewei muttered: "Scared to death."

"It's your own guilty conscience."

"Who made you turn your head suddenly!"

"You still have reason? (╯^╰)"

The professor stopped suddenly, "The last two students in the back row want to chat, please go out and chat! Don't affect everyone's class!"

In the end, the two were kicked out of the classroom in disgrace.

Wu Xuewei complained: "I blame you, now I'm okay, I was kicked out of the classroom. What a shame..."

He Jingyan rubbed her hands in the pocket of the down jacket. Hearing her complaint, she stopped and looked back at her: "blame me? You're so sorry! Who stared at me and affected me first?" Otherwise he would turn his head to glare at her ?

"What's wrong with staring at you? You should be honored. It's an honor to have a pleasant skin bag."

He Jingyan: "(╯^╰)"

"Come on, please have dinner, and pay back your last breakfast."

It was almost noon. It was appropriate to eat lunch at this time. Wu Xuewei agreed without thinking.


As she stretched chopsticks to grab dishes, He Jingyan saw the pink diamond clover bracelet exposed from her wrist.

"This bracelet..."

Wu Xuewei put the dish into his mouth, "Well? What's wrong?"

He Jingyan took a sip of water. "It's nothing. It's just a surprise to see this sky-high price bracelet in your hand."

Wu Xuewei swallowed the vegetables in two or three, staring at him closely: "How do you know?"

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