Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO

Chapter 235: No, let you go to hell! 【twenty one】

Biquge, the fastest update of sky-high new wife: mistakenly committed the latest chapter of dangerous president!

The incident escalated, so Roland’s detention was imperative.

That night, Roland was detained in a detention center, and in the middle of the night, there was a riot in the detention center, and Roland was unfortunately accidentally injured in the riot.

When Roland was detained in a detention facility, news came from the police guards that Baina International has officially filed a lawsuit against MK Bank.

MK had no place for her. The Marquis of York had a heart attack and was discharged from the hospital. MK is now headless.

Just when she was anxious and wanted to break through the iron fence and return to MK to sit in the town, the guard again heard a shocking news that MK Bank declared bankruptcy and was responsible for $3.7 billion.

Among them, because of breach of contract, it is necessary to compensate Bai Na International's loss of up to 2.1 billion US dollars!

Roland thundered and fell suddenly to the ground. She didn't believe it, MK didn't believe it was over!

When faceless, the guard opened the iron door and said that the victim had dropped the lawsuit and did not hold her accountable, so she was released in advance.


In the office, Luo Anning stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and Hebrew was brought in by the secretary. Some of them were irritated and asked: "Grandma Rong, when did you promise me that my second condition will be fulfilled? Now everyone is being held by you Get in the police. You don’t want to fulfill this second condition?"

Luo Anning turned around, motioned for the secretary to make tea, and looked at the desire in a hurry. The disgruntled Heber said: "Relax, I will naturally do what I promised you. Roland has been released this morning. Before this condition is fulfilled, I want you to do one more thing."

Hebrew was annoyed and stood up with a pat on the coffee table: "Do one more thing? Have you ever finished? The second condition is that I haven't tasted the sweetness yet. Are you surprised that I will be so stupid and still do things for you? Tranquility, you are too small to see me Hebrew!"

"Mr. Hebrew, please be restless, please listen to me and decide whether or not to do it late."

Hebrew sat back on the sofa, impatiently said: "You say!"

"I want you to go to Yoroland..."

Hebrew looked at her suspiciously, not knowing why she did it. Roan saw his doubts and chuckled: "This is the best way to make her lose her reputation. You just do what I said, restaurant It’s already set. By then, you can just do what you want, and leave everything else to me."


Roland had just left the detention center and immediately went to the hospital. MK went bankrupt. It was undoubtedly a devastating disaster for her father. In addition, her father's heart disease was not good. She was afraid that this matter would bring more serious problems to his father. Blow.

When I went to the hospital, as she had thought, when Marquis York heard of MK's bankruptcy and had a debt of up to US$3.7 billion, she couldn't faint on the spot and was sent to the rescue room.

The Marquise was crying heartbreak outside the door of the rescue room, the bank went bankrupt, and she saw that everything she had would disappear, and her blood pressure soared.

Roland saw her mother crying like a tearful man, and her heart began to pick up, "Mother, don't worry, my father will be fine. I will think about MK's things, don't think too much, everything is mine."

The Marquise wept bitterly, "Roland, you're suffering my child. If MK is finished like this, what should you do in the future..."

Roland comforted her mother and looked at the red light in the rescue room. Her heart sank. Everything was a ghost of An Ning!

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