Biquge, the fastest update of sky-high new wife: mistakenly committed the latest chapter of dangerous president

In the last sentence of the Tang Dynasty, what she said was unclear. She asked all to come out, not to mention the clever An Xiaoning?

Luo Anning twitched the corner of his lip and raised a pale smile: "I'm fine, I'm just thinking, how can I make the Tang Dynasty not entangle you."

Lu Mo sighed silently, "An Xiaoning, don't think too much, that **** is just talking about it, maybe you want to make you contradict Rong Shao. You also know that Rong Shao is not a cleansing lover. Well, you don’t have to worry about it at all, you can rest assured."

Luo Anning but he didn't laugh, the Tang Dynasty couldn't say such things inexplicably. Since he said so, it can only prove that he knows something.

Thinking about it for a while, maybe he was talking about Rong Yan and his ex-girlfriend, and she would just do it.

Why bother to ask for trouble, Rong Yan will tell her all when she returns.

Thinking this way, my heart was comfortable.

On the weekend, they went to the restaurant for lunch with Lu Momo, and then went into the video game city for an afternoon, and the gophers were soft.

On the dancing machine, the two jumped very high, which attracted many people to watch, and at the end, they were about to collapse.

But the body is particularly comfortable because of sweating during exercise.

Playing crazy for a whole day, Saturday passed like this.


On Sunday, Mo Qingge called and said that the imperial court had developed a mid-to-high-end field CS combat battalion, let her and Lu Momo go to try it first.

Luo Anning didn't think about it and agreed to it. With the landing silently and Mo Qingge, the three came to the wild CS combat camp in the west of the city.

When the time came, it was noon, and the sun was so hot. Lu Mo silently stayed in the car and refused to go down. Luo Anning froze his face: "Student Lu Mo Mo, don't come down, lunch is confiscated!"

Lu Mo silently shook his head like a rattle, "Don't, it's hot below, I'm afraid of it."

Mo Qingge smiled innocently and harmlessly, walked to the door and pulled her down, closing the door neatly and locking it.

Lu Mo was sadly holding a baby face, just like a gas bag, "Qing Ge, An Xiaoning, you bullied me in partnership, I..."

"If you dare to complain to Mrs. Lu, see who will go to the night market with you for a barbecue in the future!" Luo Anning gave her a vaccination in advance.

Really, when Luo Anning's voice fell, Lu Mo silently rubbed his eyes twice, pretending to cry without tears.

The manager of the combat battalion knew that Big.BOSS had brought his friends over to try it out. He had been waiting at the gate early and was shocked to see Luo Ning.

Grandma Rong Young’s name can be described as no one knows, no one knows, first of all, the wedding with Rong Shao’s expensive giants, which caused a sensation in the country, and the deliberate murder of people was charged by the police. Finally, there was **** in childhood.

Grandma Rong once became very hot in China, and even those international stars did not have the news of Grandma Rong to be valuable and gossip.

The manager smiled and made a gesture of invitation: "Mr. Mo, Grandma Rong and Miss Lu, the weather is too hot, please go in and shade it."

Mo Qingge nodded, pulling the reluctant Lu Mo silently and humorously into the house, and I don’t know who was playing the live wild CS. He was so excited that he was like a monkey. Now let’s take a look. By the time the sun was hot, the whole person would be lost.

In the indoor room, I quietly ate enough ice cream, and blew enough air conditioning, and finally changed into the field combat uniform under the threat of Mo Qingge.

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