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When I walked cautiously to Void, I looked down and suddenly fell on the spot.

The swaying pristine ridge, like a revived Azure Dragon, unleashes horrible strength fluctuations that ravage Heaven and Earth.

Many of the Great Saints in the ridge have been activated, some have split the heavens and earths apart, some have evolved divine swords through All Heavens, others have spurted water, evolved Five Elements Heaven and Earth…

All kinds of magical natural phenomena, emerging in Heaven and Earth, make people come to the world of Immortal God.

It was not only him who was deeply shocked, but also a few purple robe people and silver robe people, they all heard the sound.

After the refolding space was completely shattered, they seemed to be instantly transferred to 10000 Li.



I don’t know how long it has been. In the looming, it seems that there is a high-pitched dragon humming sound that is directly transmitted to people in the depth of one’s soul.

In an instant, everyone was like a thunder, and the pale vomiting blood flew back, and it had to slam to the far end, and gradually stabilized the body.

When people woke up from the shock, Heaven and Earth gradually stabilized.

There is no place in the ground where the collapse of the foot is intact. There are cracks in the bottom of the ground. The turbulent sea water is constantly erupting from it, turning into a water column…

The big dragon island seems to have been cut across. Only the lush and green, the vigorous ridge, is alone in the hustle and bustle of the hustle and bustle.

Under the shackles, the naked eye can’t see through, but people can still scan all directions through a powerful spiritual sense.

“What is this place?”

Suddenly, I was shocked by the silence. In the middle of the mountain, the image of the ridge suddenly changed greatly. There were ruins everywhere, and there were many palace ruins.

“God, is it the remains of the ancient powerhouse Dao Temple?”

The architectural style of the ruins, the materials used, and even the lines of the array are very different from those of people’s consciousness, full of quaint and mysterious meanings.

Silently, the air was close to some, and the powerful is the spiritual sense. Through a lot of shackles, I suddenly found a huge thing, which made him feel shocked.

There was a huge golden temple in front of it, which was so magnificent that it was almost as good as a small town.

The whole body is made of gold streaked boulder, imposing manner, and I don’t know how many winds and rains have gone through, and it has not collapsed. The preservation is complete, but the green rust is mottled and looks quaint and atmospheric. , giving people a very desolate feeling.

The surrounding ruins are all built around this golden temple and are quite large.

Although the bustling is not there, people can still imagine that it may have been like the Immortal Palace in Heaven, and it is full of mystery everywhere.

But at this moment, a bleak blood light suddenly screamed out of the misty shackles, like a bloody skeleton drawn with countless rules.

“saint might!”

Under the horror, people only felt the scalp numb, thinking that something horrible was born.

“No, not Saint, but the aura of Saint Talisman.”


The bloody blasted suddenly, and the two wolverine silhouettes fell from it, bloody, like the evil spirits returned from hell.

“It’s two of them.”

A silver robe old man recognized the two and quickly came up. Frans asked: “What is happening here?”

The two blood robes recognized the silver robe old man, the Xueping Elder of Heavenly Thunder Sect, his eyes suddenly alert.

“We didn’t know what happened, and suddenly it was swept in by a horrible strength, followed by Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, and one of my arms was also broken.”

“Yeah, if you don’t have Saint Talisman with you, this time it’s dangerous.”

The two blood robes are also extremely depressed.

They just accidentally spurred the broken Great Saint to kill, but did not expect to cause a series of huge mutations, so that the folding space around the ridge was completely destroyed.

It is conceivable how fragile this piece of Heaven and Earth is.

The broken Great Saint was like a spark that ignited a gunpowder barrel, and changed the ground in a blink of an eye.

Although they avoid heavy weight, there is no rumor that this is the place where dragon veins are gathered. There is a great treasure to suppress air transport, but anyone can see that the golden temple is like a huge cornucopia, attracting all the time. Their hearts.

It is impossible to want to swallow the treasure store.


In the secluded valley, a bloody brilliance continued to spread.

Among them, sitting on a silhouette of a blood and qi sky, like a bloody day, shining Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Angnan –

A loud dragon humming sound constantly circulates from within the body.

Immediately, among the crystal’s treasure body, a brilliance of light, like the manifestation of the Great Dao rule, contains incomparably pure strength fluctuations.

For a long time, when the blood light was exhausted, the man opened his bright eyes and a smile on his lips.

“King Realm Flying Dragon is a blood and qi essence of precious medicine, full of three blood crystal Flying Dragon fruit, let me evolve a hundred Flying Dragon veins!”

“This Dragon Dragon of the Flying Dragon is too bad, otherwise the effect will be even more amazing.” Long Hao snorted.

If the Dragon Dragon of this Flying Dragon is pure enough, a Blood Dragon Flying Dragon can evolve a hundred Flying Dragon veins.

In that case, he can go straight to the Law Manifestation Realm 9th Layer, which is the god show master who is blessed by the power of the Buddha.

Hong long long !

Suddenly, the Heaven and Earth earthquake.

The originally secluded valley collapsed with a wide range of lightning speeds and instantly buried Long Hao.

But soon, a violent strength volatility revival, smashing countless huge rocks.

Long Hao skyrocketed, looking into the sky, passing a glimmer of light.

“What happened?” Shen Xiu’s master was also alarmed and stepped forward to curiously asked.

“I don’t know.” Long Hao shook his head, his eyes fixed, and the light was even more: “But True Dragon’s aura is obviously much stronger, and there must be a major event there.”

Shenxiu’s teacher closed his eyes and felt for a while, suddenly raised his head and said with amazement: “The aura of Mountain Ghost has appeared, many, many…”

Long Hao didn’t know what the relationship was between the two, but the shock just now was obviously the outbreak of saint might.

He is far beyond 10000 Li and is still affected.


When Long Hao thought about it, the message lights up again.

“Isn’t it a trouble for this kid who is in the air?”

After entering Longdao, the communication between him and his has become very frequent, but this time the communication seems to be extremely urgent.

“There are a large number of ancient ruins on the island. It is suspected that the Emperor Level True Dragon Dao Temple is coming!”

The tone of silence is 10 points.

But Long Hao is more excited than him.

“Big Emperor Level True Dragon?”

“Well, what do you really want?”

Just now he still has the effect of the blood dragon Flying Dragon fruit, and now the Dao Temple ruins of the Big Emperor Level True Dragon appear.

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