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“This is the end!”

Although the Small World is just a model, everything in it is so real.

Especially the last black hole expansion, the scene of the destruction of the world, brought great shock to Long Hao and the others.

Profound Yellow Great World is still fairly stable, but between All Heavens Myriad Realms, it may not be a good thing. Maybe when, it will be like the current model world, crash and nothingness.

If you want long life, if you want to control your destiny.

You have to keep getting stronger until you jump out of Five Elements and get away from the world and become the free fairy of Heaven and Earth!

With a sigh, the three walked out of the Dragon Palace.

“East Dragon Palace!”

Staring at the four characters in front of the temple, Long Hao sighed.

This Dragon Palace is also a rare supreme treasure, especially the Universe model and the Divine Dragon body, which can help people feel Immortal.

Unfortunately, the supreme treasure is in front, and their ability cannot be shaken.

“Let’s go, there should be a lot of treasures scattered around the area, so don’t miss it.”

“Right, there is a vein on the other side of the ridge, and the ore is of great use to Siye.”


When the three people also swept the treasure in the Wanlong nest, the outside world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Heaven and Earth are chilling, and the atmosphere is condensed to the extreme.

Suddenly, an ancient chariot came across the sky, bursting out in the Void, like Heaven Flying Immortal, smashing the nine heavens, breaking through the thousands of clouds and turning into an immortal god rainbow.

Hong long long !

The condensed gods, such as the law, came to the ground, where the mountains collapsed, the rivers were broken, the earth was split, and a large crack of severe few li was torn out, which was shocking.

“Where to go!”

There are two black robe silver men on the chariot, the face is majestic, holding the gold wheel gently swaying between them, it seems that there is a heavenly knife, a strong god, shining the ancient and modern future, smashing the sky!

“Don’t want to die, leave Saint Pill!”

The fairy light bursts, Ruixia sprays thin, two old man double-wheeled, and hits at the same time, Heaven and Earth seem to be penetrated, Primal Chaos shot, there is a great force to open the world.

In front of them, a slender silhouette, white robe wrap, black gauze cover, can not see the face, but the body is elegant, holding a sword, such as the heavenly eximed immortal.

At the same time, the sword smashed the scorpion, and the sword fluttered to the 9th Layer!

Sword qi 浩 百 l li or so, such as the big day sinking, triggering the might of extinguishing the world.

The fierce battle between the two sides, like the collision of stars, triggered the devastating strength of terror.

Scorpio was thrown out of each and everyone, and the white divine light shone, making people feel chilly.

On the earth that has been sinking, a horrible crack is intertwined, like being swept away by Heavenly Thunder.


The silver-haired old man on the chariot is cold and cold, with the golden finger pointed finger towards forward, and the stalks of the mountain are all yellow, and all fall into the murderous aura atmosphere, such as the late autumn: “Catch her!”

“Innate Plastic Saint Pill must not be lost!”

Innate plastic Saint Pill is a rare Saint Pill!

Can help people shape the Innate Holy Feather, become the son of Heaven and Earth, air bless body, Heavenly Dao favor, the future Transcendent become Saint is just as simple as eating and drinking, called embebe Immortal is not a dream.

Even a holy medicine is enough to make Saint’s eyes hot, let alone a Saint Pill that condenses many of the best medicines.

What’s more, this Saint Pill has disappeared since ancient times, and is known as the exclusive Sage of ancient times, who is not tempted.

When I first discovered Saint Pill, Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, two silver-haired old men, were almost killed by the white divine thunder. But in the end, they could make a wedding dress for others, so how can they not be angry?

Two old men, silver hair dance, twilight stunned, the golden wheel is far away, the divine light is hundreds of miles long, so that the innocent big lake in front of it evaporates a clean, and dozens of broken mountains appear at the end of the earth.

Turning to 10000 Li, breaking hundreds of mountain peaks, fighting for more than ten days, until now, they all came out with the same result, all of them were empty, and did not catch up with the enemy, anger and incompetence, grief and anger, and smashed, Everywhere things are not saved.

“Where to go!”

A roar, such as Qilin’s swaying, the mountains and rivers shattered, and another invigorating man’s body, Immortal Red Clouds, thundered like a thunder, playing a thunder of a strand of scorpion, and blocking it from the side.

And there is a blue-haired woman next to him, bright and moving, but the energy that is emitted is like a god, one step, Heaven Falls and Earth Rends!

There is also a middle age person of golden robed black hair, holding a black big bell, and at the same time, shot the lock, do not give the other side a chance to run, to trap him.

However, the mysterious powerhouse of the black veil covers the face, and the means are extremely tyrannical.

A sword emptied, the evolution of the Milky Way swept through Heaven and Earth, opened the Vault of Heaven, and drawn a hundred-mile abyss into a black hole to devour all living things.

The heavy curtains fell apart, and the black big bell was also smashed out by the cracks.

“hmph, courting death!”

The two silver-haired old men were in unison, playing the golden wheel in the same way, and evolving a golden sun, and the heavy bombardment hit the back of the mysterious powerhouse.

The two fists are hard to beat, and the heroes can’t stand the wolves.

The mysterious powerhouse of the black gauze cover, a white robe has been stained with blood, but the deep scorpion is still quiet, so that all the way to open a gap, continue to move forward.

“Not good, the front is forbidden land – Zhentiangu!”

Zhentiangu is a forbidden land discovered by many people not long ago.

The terrain there is extremely strange, with the divine glow surging, the surrounding living things are dead, and even the strength of Heaven and Earth is frozen, as if suffering from the weight of the sacred mountain.

There seems to be a magical gravity field with the top divine strength of suppressing Heaven and Earth.

Someone saw it at first, and a Mountain Ghost like a divine gold, just approached, was crushed by horror, detonating the soul of the fleshy body, destroy both body and soul.

“This person wants to use the town Tiangu to get rid of us, and he must not let him succeed.”

The two silver-haired old man expressions changed dramatically, and the eyes were anxious. They immediately rushed the speed of the chariot to the extreme, like the divine light.

Although everyone is imposing manner, it is still a step late.

The mysterious powerhouse that covered the black veils, like a meteor, stepped out in one step, it was the thousand and zhang far, and soon arrived at the town of Tiangu.

“How is it good now?”

Before the town of Tiangu, everyone stopped short and did not dare to step closer.

“Damn!” The faces of the two silver-haired old men were gloomy to the extreme, but they were helpless.

But at this moment, a magical scene happened.

The mysterious powerhouse of the black cover, I did not know where to take out a piece of golden sparkling jade, exudes a circle of divine light to wrap his body, and then stepped into the horrible death without any influence. Absolute place.

At that moment, the gravity between Heaven and Earth seemed to disappear.


Everyone behind them was shocked, each and everyone’s speechless.

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