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There is no impenetrable powerhouse in the world, and Long Hao is very clear.

However, the secrets in Myriad Layers Mountain are not the same, so he has neither refuted nor admitted, indifferent expression.

The only thing that surprised him was the attitude of the glass Saint King. The moment before, he was still whispering, and in a flash, he became more and more powerful, releasing a powerful saint might and pressing down.

“It’s a newborn calf that is not afraid of tigers.”

Sneered, glazed Saint King said with a sigh: “The young age dare to provoke Saint, unscrupulous and a Holy Land slogan, you think it is a teenager, but in reality it isn’t know how high the Heavens are nor how deep the Earth is , I don’t know, just now, the two Saint Kings of the Purple Thunder Holy Land and the digital Great Saint are not far away. If you don’t jealous of my Big Dipper All Saints, you are already dead!”

At the end of the day, the glass Saint King suddenly aggravated the tone and stared at Long Hao with a majestic look: “You, are you afraid now?”

At this moment, Saint King’s Wei did not converge and was released, such as the hundred thousand sacred mountain pressed over Long Hao’s head, letting his treat body tremble.

In particular, the majestic eyes of Saint Saint in the glass contain the power of Heavenly Dao’s law, which seems to penetrate psychological protection and reach the depth of one’s soul, giving people great pressure and panic.

“Saint King is angry!”

Overbearing Saint King’s power, quickly alerted everyone.

“That is Long Hao? Is he angering Saint King?”

“Long Hao isn’t just making a big achievement, how can Glady Saint King be like this to him?”

Near the Big Dipper powerhouse Some people are worried that someone is surprised…but under the overbearing saint might of Saint King, but no one dares to approach, no one can stop it.

“Sure enough, is it troublesome?”

Underbearing’s saint might, Long Hao’s bones are all crisp, it seems to be falling apart, but he not only does not recognize it, but also straightens his waist, looking directly at the glass Saint King, a heart emerges The stock is angry.

He did not admit that she had provoked her, but her daughter Big Dipper Saintess had lowered her will to protect herself.

This mother and daughter are too overbearing, really when he is too long to bully?


Hard and huge pressure, Long Hao stood up in his arrogance and looked cold. “Why should I be afraid, I should be afraid of them!”

“Kid, very crazy.” Glass Saint Saint eyes, said with a sneer.

“hmph, the so-called Purple Heaven All Saints, their potential is almost exhausted, and I am in full swing, at the time of the dragon’s ascension, when I am Transcendent become Saint, I can suppress them by turning my hands, so they are afraid, so they I will repeatedly want to put me to death!”

When Long Hao spoke, his face was not red and he didn’t breathe, his voice was powerful, and he was filled with a kind of arrogance.

Through the ages, how many heaven’s chosen people, amazing, but no one dares to say an accredible Saint, can suppress Saint King.

Long Hao dare, not blowing, but self-confidence, invincible confidence!

Just rely on his Primal Chaos Ancestral Dragon Secret Art!

“Not only mad, but also conceited.”

The glass Saint Saint eyes condensed and his face became more severe, but Long Hao was cold and his eyes were firm and resolute.

The two eyes look at each other, like a needle tip to the awning, making the surrounding air suddenly become chilly, cold terrifying.

“hehe, this distance is not to fight, just to kiss, Junior Brother Long to cheer.” Wei Liu stood aside, watching the excitement is not too big, the face is a smirk.

“Yes, how do I feel like my wife is watching a son-in-law?” Lei Yin touch the chin teased.

Until Lu Yao’s cold scorpion projected, the two men smirked and closed their mouths.

Ling Shu, who has been holding his little hand, can’t hide his anxiety and worry: “Senior Brother Xing Hun, why did Saint Louis do this, Long Hao has provoked her?”

However, Xing Hun did not care about laughed, and there was a hint of envy in the depths of the pupil. The secret of the use Spirit said: “Don’t worry, the fourth is to go for the great luck, of course, it may be extremely unlucky. “”

“What does it mean?”

Everyone feels inexplicable.

But soon, the pressure of Saint King between Heaven and Earth suddenly dissipated.

The seriousness and coldness of the glass Saint John’s face were all replaced by warm smiles. The contrast between the front and back, the rapid change, made everyone very surprised.

“hehe, a young age, not only daring, but also very arrogant, Tian Jue’s four discipline, I am a knowledge.”

“Work hard, kid, my aunt, I am optimistic about you.”

The glass Saint King suddenly gave a silver bell-like smile, and looked at Long Hao deeply, then dropped a sentence and floated away.

Long Hao: “…”

The strange behavior of the glazed Saint King has eclipsed him, waiting for everyone to ask him to ask the West, he has not reacted.


A purple clothed, glamorous Saint King Zi Yan saw the return of the glass Saint King, only curl one’s lip said: “With such a big noise, the Senior Sister can find the bottom of Long Hao?”

“It’s more daring than the rumors. It’s him.”

Glazed Saint King looked at Long Hao below and had a satisfied smile on his face.


“Yes Senior Brother, they are back.”

“Hmph, 胥family valve of these smashed still want to escape, I did not expect to be Senior Brother very easy.”

“Come and come to the brothers, let’s take a knife and avenge the dead Senior Brothers.”

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the far air.

Everyone followed the sound and found that Ye Guyun, Ji Hanshuang and Yan Lin were three people, and they were rushing back with a fish that escaped the net.

“Reporting to Master, the Patriarch of the 胥family valve and the three Elders were brought, and the rest were waiting.”

Ye Guyun three people, put Patriarch and the others in front of the Great Saint Jiu Jie, everyone suddenly surrounded.

Both Ye Guyun and Ji Hanshuang are from Big Dipper Law Enforcement Palace. They hate revenge. They have also helped Long Hao to punish Ouyang and the others. Yan Lin is more revengeful, so he has been chasing the powerhouse of the family valve.

Although the strength of Ye Guyun is not as good as that of Xing Hun, it is far from the waste of the Patriarch, which relies on the demon qi filling, to suppress it and turn it back.

At this time, the Patriarch and the three Elders, and the prestige and ambition of the past, each and everyone, like a dead dog, lie on the ground, I do not know how many knife-and-sword marks, almost no human shaped.

These are the masterpieces of the Big Dipper disciple who vent their hatred, but they are also well-balanced. Every sword and every sword is extremely embarrassing, but it does not hurt his life. The executioners who specialize in the execution of Lingzhi are more brilliant.

Although the four people of Yu’s family were miserable, no one pity them.

The betrayers are the most abominable whenever and wherever.

If it weren’t for their betrayal, Abyss Demon Race couldn’t sneak a lot of powerhouses, and it’s hard to come to the Great Flame Country quietly, open the seal of time and space, and there would be no such fierce battle. , and the death of countless souls.

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