Although Xing Hun was blowing in the air, when Long Hao heard the words of Xuanyin Mountain, he felt a sense of coldness and anger. Think – free – fee – see – end – whole – version please Baidu search –

In the Law Enforcement Palace, Gou Shengjun carried the Saintess decree, what a strong overbearing, almost killed his life.

Now break into the Dao Temple of Big Dipper Saintess. Once it is discovered, it is not a self-seeking dead end.

Long Hao, after being dialed by Sword Saint Tian Jue, is no longer arrogant, but it is not arrogant, and can avenify the existence of the sacred priest. It is not the current he can compete.

“You don’t always want to know why Saint Louis is so good to you. If you go, you will know, and you have seen the show of heaven and earth. It is a top heavenly paradise. After you go, don’t say that you are indifferent. Keep your eyes open and see the red dust…”

Xing Hun, regardless of the actual situation, took Long Hao and went to the mountains.

But what Long Hao thinks, I don’t think it’s very reliable, not like Xing Hun said for himself.

On the contrary, it is more like Xing Hun wants to come by himself, but also some fear, so pull the back.

Anyway, on the thief boat of Xing Hun, it is not easy to go down again.

The two men walked silently to the top of the mountain. It seems to be the place where Heaven and Earth meet at the intersection of the yin and the cold. The air is colder and can freeze the soul.

In the snow on the top of the mountain, there is a rather luxurious manor house, where the legendary beautiful and alluring is the home of the big heaven defying Big Dipper Saintess.

Xing Hun took Long Hao and walked on a boulder near the manor. Standing here, you can see everything in the manor.

“hehe, rest assured, the fourth, this Senior Brother, I am prepared and will never be discovered.”

With a smug smile, Xing Hun took a form of disk from his arms and laid it around. Aura fluctuations were hidden.

learn from mistakes.

Unfortunately, this talented Immortal descendant has put his mind in this area, making Long Hao quite speechless.

However, when he turned his head, he found a strange scene. The manor came and went in the beautiful beauty, all the dresses were beautiful, the temperament was refined, and the cultivation base was not weak. The shuttle was like the Heavenly Palace. fairy.

The only strange thing is that there is no male animal in the vast manor, including the Spirit Beast of the gatekeeper.

“It’s no wonder that this place is so yin and yang.”

Having said that, this place is the dream of every man. It is no wonder that Xing Hun has not been taught, and even if he is interrupted, he has to run here.

“Special, this place is heavy, but it is very hot, which can clear the heart?” Long Hao found that he was cheated.

A little bit past, late at night, Xing Hun finally came to the spirit.

“You see, the fourth in the middle is the Saintess boudoir.”

Looking at Xing Hun’s voice, Long Hao easily saw the tallest building in the manor, decorated with gorgeous features, with feminine unique features, adding a ambiguous atmosphere under the dim light.

They come, the security.

Long Hao calm down and want to see, the Legendary Saintess, who has been crowned by the numerous Big Dipper disciple, what does it look like?

After a while, the large bedroom was opened, and two beautiful and alluring maids came in. A temperament was cold and a temperament was mild, but the aura of the body was extremely strong. It seemed to be in harmony with Heaven and Earth. It was Nirvana. Realm’s cultivation base.

“The maids are all Nirvana Realm, and the audience of His Highness Saintess is not small.”

Long Hao is talking to himself, and he walks in and out of the door.

The black gauze wraps the proud body, with a bit of whiteness in the daytime, and a hint of aura, with a mysterious fairy charm.

She is like the goddess of aloof and remote. When it first appeared, this Heaven and Earth lost color.

“hehe, it’s a good show.”

Xing Hun lowly laughed and both eyes were furious.

Long Hao can even feel that his breathing has become so fast and heavy.

And when he turned around and looked around, he almost didn’t pick up the eyes.

They are entangled together, one after the other, one up, the body is very rhythmic, and is doing something unspeakable.


The 10,000 words are omitted here.

“How about the fourth, the brain is licking.” Xing Hun climbed in the snow and hehe smirked, while still not forgetting.

“This is a big show of the year. Even if you go through Profound Yellow, you may not be able to see such a wonderful scene. If this Demon Race is invaded, all the Big Dipper disciple will come back. You may have to wait a long time to see it.”

“How about, open your eyes, hehe.”

Long Hao’s eyes lingered for a long time before he returned to his senses.

“The big drama is really a big show.”

Long Hao never dreamed that the scenes of Xing Hun’s description of the sky would be like this.

It is no wonder that the three Senior Brothers have been repeatedly shackled, or they are still dead.

It’s no wonder that Big Dipper Saintess is famous all over the world, but there is never any of the found’s chosen people from Profound Yellow World to get her favor.

Now Long Hao finally understands.

“How about the fourth, seeing this scene, do you think that Heaven and Earth are instantly clear, there is a kind of impulse to see the price of the Buddhist Monk?”

“What else can be more incisive than this, clear-minded?”

Looking at the smug Xing Hun, Long Hao Yin-Yang said with a strange voice, “Yeah, it’s really refreshing.”

Seeing Long Hao’s disapproval, Xing Hun said strangely, “What’s wrong, isn’t it enough? Isn’t you the last time you saw this scene?”

“cough cough ……”

Long Hao hearing this was almost caught by the cold wind. He said that this kind of thing abounds in his world, and then he laughed at Xing Hun who had never seen the world, but eventually he stopped him.

Just kidding, in his hard drive, he stored dozens of types of islands, 360 poses.

Good young people in the new century, have you seen anything?

The only difference is that the protagonist of this scene is even more amazing and fresh.

But what still makes Long Hao can’t figure out is how it relates to the glass Saint King.

“There have been some rumors about Saintess in these years. The glass Saint Saint as the mother of Saintess naturally noticed, so she was elderly anxious to recruit a son-in-law and save the daughter on the edge of the gap. Isn’t that normal?”

Xing Hun said carelessly.

But this, it scared Long Hao.

According to Xing Hun, the glass Saint King seems to have picked him.

Recalling the weird moves of Saint King’s day, and some of the margins, Long Hao suddenly woke up.

“hehe, fourth, this is a great creation, if you can…”

Xing Hun hadn’t finished, Long Hao couldn’t help but shudder.

At first thought, he felt chilling when he changed scenes with those of the maids.

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