Seeing that Long Hao was unmoved, Xing Hun quickly said: “Master makes you cultivate your heart, not to let you shut down cultivation, but to sharpen the red dust, increase your eyesight and insight, and thus tempering your mood.”

“Jackbreaking from Dark Thunder Prison, it’s all fierce and fierce, and Divine has a lot of strength, strength is strong, this is a rare opportunity to experience.”

Speaking, Xing Hun came up and whispered: “And I heard that Li Xueru also took the opportunity to escape. She is because you are locked in, and it must be hateful. According to Senior Brother, it is better to smash the roots now.”

“This Li Xueru, how can I have her?”

For this person, Long Hao has long been bored, and she is locked into Dark Thunder Prison. She also wants to give her a profound lesson. She did not expect to escape.

However, in terms of her past behavior, she has always hated Long Hao and repeatedly wanted to conspiring to harm him.

This time, Long Hao was also completely impatient. According to Xing Hun, it is better to slash the roots directly.

“this Miao is going, this Miao is going…”

Long Xiaomiao, the uninhibited master, has long been impatient with Long Hao, and now he jumped out of his eyes and his face was full of excitement.

“If you don’t have to wait, start immediately.”

Deciding, Long Hao became more and more popular.


After more than a month, the South Vietnamese country capital city.

“With this Miao’s unique sixth sense of animality, the executioner Xu Hong, definitely here, hehe.”

In the Void outside the capital city, Long Xiaomiao sniffs his nose and says affirmatively.

Over the past month or so, Long Hao has killed several jailbreakers, not to mention finding their hiding place, thanks to Long Xiaomiao’s amazing insight.

But this time it is different.

“Don’t blow it, Xu Hongben is a Nanyue national, and he has a deep hatred with the South Vietnamese royal family. When he escapes from prison, he must revenge.”

As he said, Long Hao smelled a heavy bloody suffocation.

There are nearly a hundred miles from the capital city, but this bloody suffocating is still strong, with a sense of fierceness.

“The blood is very fresh, he must have not gone yet, meow meow.”

Long Xiaomiao was quite excited, and when he had a slap in the legs, he quickly rushed over.


Just entering the city, Long Hao found that the blood flowing into a river, floating all over the ground, the sky is reflected in the blood, it looks shocking.

The most terrifying thing is that everyone here has the same death method. They are all cut off their heads and the blood is splashed in five steps.

Looking at it, the black pressure, everyone experienced a great startle before death, internal organs violent, very fierce.

“Hey, disgusting, hehe.” Long Xiaomiao curl one’s lip, and then sensed something, and quickly ran towards the inner city.

On the square in front of the Imperial Palace in the inner city, the blood was streaked. One after another, the head of the skull was piled up into a hill, and the bloody look was particularly infiltrating.

On the upper floor of the Imperial Palace, a row of luxurious men and women, with great fear and pressure, lost their former pride and prestige, all face pale and panic.

Pu chi!

The hand fell and the head fell and fell.

A gray-haired long-aged man, ragged, holding a bloody long knife, constantly making a horrible laugh.

“The dog thief, who killed my family that year, let the entire South Vietnamese country be buried today, haha…”


“On the tower, is the executioner Xu Hong?”

Suddenly, a voice of milky milk came from the Void, breaking the horrible atmosphere of this piece.

“Where is it small, get out!”

Xu Hong Loudly roared, the fierce eyes glanced for a long time, only to find a small fat cat suddenly appeared in the air in front of the Imperial Palace, staring at himself, with a signature smile on his face.

“Look at his murderous tricks and you know that you are right.”

At the rear, a white robe youth strides forward, it is Long Hao.

“Xu Hong, six hundred years ago, killed the South Vietnamese country Prince and its more than a hundred people, fled outside, killing people, and then being suppressed by Big Dipper disciple, locked into Dark Thunder Prison…”

After reading the briefing, Long Hao looked up and glanced at each other: “Let’s put down the butcher knife and roll back to Dark Thunder Prison, you can take your life.”

“Going back to being punished? It’s nice to say.”

Xu Hong blinked and yelled: “Do you think that your Big Dipper is in enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven, or is it a penalty on behalf of the day?”

“In the past, this dog thief copied my whole family. I killed him. Prince is Karmic Retribution. God can’t control it. Why did Big Dipper Holy Land suppress me to Dark Thunder Prison for sixty years?”

Said, Xu Hong’s emotions excited, licking the bloody pupils, like a crazy demo, a knife and hacked several people of the South Vietnamese royal family.

“He killed your family. You kill them as revenge. It is cause and effect, but you are wrong. You should not be innocent.”

Although the South Vietnam National Capital is not as grand as the Great Flame Country, it also has a population of hundreds of thousands of people, and it has almost been killed.

If everyone like Xu Hong, hate one person, then destroy a city and destroy a country, then Profound Yellow World may have no one.

Neither Patrol Envoy Heavenly Palace, Ten Great Holy Lands, or even Six Great Demon Cults will tolerate such behavior.

“Big Dipper, save us.”

“Save us, my son is also Big Dipper true disciple, and the top is the same side.”

The rest of the people of the South Vietnamese royal family, as if they saw the savior, called out loud.

“What are you waiting for, he escaped from your Big Dipper Holy Land, you should kill him, otherwise the Tianxiong big brother will not let you go.”

Perhaps it is arrogant, a Jinpao youth actually used the tone of the order to blame Long Hao.

What is more and more, as a true disciple of the Big Dipper Holy Land, there is indeed some energy, otherwise how could the Big Dipper powerhouse mobilize to capture a murderer in the secular world?

However, it is far from qualified to play in the face of Long Hao.

“As you said, it is my duty to suppress Xu Hong, but it is not to save you.”

As soon as this was said, the people of the South Vietnamese royal family were dumbfounded.

Xu Hong also showed a bloodthirsty smile, could not help but say that the knife was cut, and soon a few people would be killed.

“Hey, mother… your hatred, child reported!”

After the kill, Xu Hong screamed and cried.

After a while, he calmed down his emotions and turned to Long Hao. His eyes flashed with crazy colors: “The big hatred is reported, I have no regrets when Xu Hong is dead, now I will come to teach the strength of Big Dipper.” ”

After that, he slammed and leaped from the tower, killing intent to lock Long Hao, and slashed his knife.


With a slash of the sword, 10000 Li’s strength of Heaven and Earth is boiling, with a tendency to cut off the river, brave and difficult.

I have to say that Xu Hong is really qualified. He experienced sixty days of night and night torture in Dark Thunder Prison. The cultivation base has even been upgraded to the realm of Nirvana Realm 10th Layer Great Perfection, which is only one step away from King. 24

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