At a time when the hope that has just erupted in Long Hao’s heart is about to vanish, Dragon IV suddenly shows a mysterious face that “wants to cross Universe, perhaps there is another way.”

“What way?” Long Hao came to spirit.

“In addition to its own cultivation to the limit, it may be possible to use foreign object to break the Universe limit by Great Dao divine strength.”

“Foreign object?” Long Hao knows that he should refer to special magical treasure, such as Great Dao Precious Bead.

But Great Dao Precious Bead seems to have only taken his soul and crossed Universe’s time, so there’s nothing to do with the resurrection of life.

“You know, before the ancient era, there was an era that had been sealed by history?” Dragon Four’s back shouldered his hands, one thing amazing.

Long Hao shake his head.

“That’s too ancient Mythical Era!”

“In that era, Universe began, Ancestral Dragon 9 children died, Primal Chaos God and Demon were born, and in contrast, countless treasure, born of Primal Chaos.”

“rare treasure derived from Primal Chaos, each containing Great Dao divine strength, has the authority to break through Heaven and Earth.”

“One of them, rare treasure, called the Quentin mirror, is the ancient God and Demon Queen, who took a miracle on the mountain of Kungo, which has been tortured by thousands of hijackings, with unprecedented divine strength across time.”

Speaking of this, Dragon IV’s still down the sound, as if someone else heard it.

“It is said that the Quentin was one of the most powerful powers of the ancient era, when it suddenly disappeared after the Kongo mirror was formed, and then invincible divine might came back.”

Hear here, Long Hao, and seriously, “You mean, that Kung Guo traveled through the mirror to the rest of Universe cultivation for a while, and finally King returned?”

“It’s just too ancient God and Demon speculation, but * * no more than 10.” Dragon IV nodded.

“I have also heard that Kungo got a very special formula, which is completely different from our Universe, so he strength has risen dramatically.”

Long Hao hearing this big joy, as if it was in the shadow, saw the way home.

“So where is this Quentin mirror now?”

But Dragon IV shaken his head decisively “not knowing.”

“Kungo has always seen the head of the divine dragon but not its tail, even though it has passed from a few times, and when the ancient world has broken down, even Kungo Mountain has disappeared, and I’m afraid no one will know his presence in this day except four of me.”

“That’s useless.” Long Hao left a chimney in his head.

Aren’t you taking him away?

“But with my unique Dragon Race instincts, Kungo should be alive. The missing Mount Quingo should be his Dao Temple, isolated from the world, but he should be found as long as Kongo Mountains are found.”

“Mount Quingo, should we be in heaven?”

At this point, Long Hao’s eyes have a strong light. “Then set a little target. We have to get ascend to Immortal!”

The way home, even if the peak turns back, can’t block the heart of a parade.

Even with a glimmer of hope, Long Hao wants to try.

“Please note that the front arrived in Sector XVIII of the Nineteenth Area.”

“Attention, the front arrived.”

Suddenly, in the sky battleship, a loud signal was remembered.

“Big brother, we’re here.”

Douglas dragged Long Hao’s clothes, full of excitement and expectations.

Profound Yellow World has divided the whole world into 10 areas and hundreds of districts since its occupation of golden light.

Each region has one respect for Saint Saint sitting in town, and each district has a respect for King and a number of Nepalese respecters.

golden light is a middle level world, not as small as Profound Yellow World, but not as small as half Eastern Land.

It was good that those who threatened the great Saint Great Emperor, who had already been killed and survived, had already fled the field, and Profound Yellow World had to send only a small number of elite powerhouse, which could be kept under control.

Saint’s presence is just to cope with the need from time to time.

For example, the new breakthrough Saint in the golden light world, or the golden light community, where revenge is sought, is hidden.

“Finally arrived.”

Long Hao’s thoughts resumed, jumped off with a feather, heading towards the capital city in the eighteenth district.

Golden City, sitting in a huge mine before, on a small scale.

But unlike Profound Yellow World’s big, ambitious city.

golden light is rare and houses are very tight, and the top high-altitude tallini is alive like a rock forest is brought together, forming a castle.

“Hey, this house is weird.” Down there.


is a huge difference between civilization and Profound Yellow World, which makes her wonder.

In Void before the castle, Profound Yellow World powerhouse in a robe, a high-depth cultivation base of 9th Layer in the interior, was also very visible in densely populated castles.

“Two Fellow Daoist, downstairs and Unfettered Holy Land Forest, paid off.”

Long Hao and the others have also returned.

“Big Dipper Long Hao, meet Fellow Daoist.”

“Extreme Dao Road Feathers.”

After having verified the identity of the two, Token, Lin has been enthusiastic in bringing the two into the city.

“hehe, I’ve heard that Eastern Land has recently made a remarkable genius to cross the war on King. See you today, Junior Brother Long, dignified by the temperature clouds, even if name is not in vain.”

Lin has always had a warm smile on his face, such as the sunlight of spring, which makes it easy for people to be intimidated.

“Where, Senior Brother Lin is honored.” Long Hao lightly said.

“Hey, Junior Brother Long don’t have to be too modest, Tang Linfeng, but he’s been using you as a target for chasing.”

“Tang Linfeng?”

At the time of the core disciple test, that famous young master was a leader of the Free and Unfettered Holy Land Youth generation, and the innate talent battles were extremely high and challenged to him, and Long Hao certainly remembered.

“Why, he’s here too?”

Lin has no fictitious say with a smile. “Come here a year ago, but not in nine, you have the opportunity to see each other again.”

After entering the city, the picture changed dramatically.

There is no broad street, there’s only a dark alley, there’s mosquito dancing everywhere, and there’s no dead body on the road.

Anyway, it’s a feeling, dirty.

“Yo,” Down the street with noses, little faces almost squeeze into red apples, full of suspicions. “What are people doing here?”

Not only are the streets dirty, but the people here are dirty, and the clothes on them are just a few beast seals together, and there is no beauty.

“The ruined exile of the country, most of them.” Long Hao sighs.

“hehe, Junior Brother Long was misunderstood.”

At this point, the woods shake their heads, “They do.”

“We are not Abyss Demon Race, whose territory is expanded only for resource treasure, compared to the powerhouse of the rest of the world, we are already kind.”

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