So terrifying’s power exploded, and the space inside Void giant beast’s belly collapsed completely.

golden light, the powerhouse, which has been carefully constructed for many years, has vanished, together with golden light powerhouse in Venerable Level.

After all, not everyone has strong absolute grade magical treasure.


The white robe old man wolf fell out of the turbulence, and the King area had collapsed long ago, leaving only half of the body.


other six golden light light world King, and he’s almost there.

It is a miracle to be able to survive in such a terrible devastation.

“No way! How could that puppet have such terrifying powers?”

The space in the belly of Void giant beast is empty, life is extinct, and the shjiè tōng channel, which was built out of a mysterious power, has collapsed, and the white robe old man and the others each and everyone have been terrorized at a very extreme point.

There’s nothing to lose, but there’s no way to keep the shjiè tōng lane, and there’s no ransom for them.

Even if Long Hao does not kill them, that strength’s horrible ancestral will kill them with no mercy.

Unfortunately, there is no need to wait for false ancestors, and Long Hao intends now to put an end to their suffering.

“Except for a white robe, old man, all the rest of us killed!”

Long Hao was filled with the cold sound of murderous aura, particularly in the silent Void.

next moment, the puppet Long Er exploded a bit of a vibration, like a dragon.


A pride golden light, King, has not yet reacted, and the iron claws coming from splitting voiid have snatched his head and died.


Everything just happened between the lightning stones.


“Fight with them and die and pull them back!”

The rest of golden light world King, under the shadow of death, became insane, all of which erupted Secret Technique, some of which even appeared to want self detonate.

Unfortunately, the power of Long Er’s battlefield has erupted with the strength of Peak King.

And those golden light world King, all of them are seriously wounded at this moment, with a sharp reduction in fighting power.

The results are not self-evident.

the aura brutally abused puppet Long Er, who directly displayed three heads and six arms, held bone warfare knives, struck the crowd with crazy killing, like a moving meat grinder.

His speed is like lightning, power lanes like True Dragon.

Those golden light world King, who were retarded, were not at all the opponents and were killed by one after another a moment.

“Over!” The old man in the white robe witnessed each and everyone’s companions’ fall, and the feeling of despair flourished in his heart.

“Answer my question, or die!”

Long Hao, however, stood on Void, such as Paragon, a young man who repressed the eight ridiculous, who had just flown into power fluctuations and couldn’t lift his head on the clown of repression.

Now this position is completely over.

But the reason for the death of the cloud sword, Long Hao, is still not clear.

And by investing in the powerhouse of the fraudulent golden light community, it is far from enough to want zào fn to do so alone.

There must be more secrets behind the white robe old man and the others.


The white robe old man suddenly made a cold smile, and the laugh was full of crazy colors: “You too look too small to see us golden light.”

“We plan for a thousand years, no matter what life, or even becoming a vain nephew and slave, to kill your invaded demon for revenge!”

Turning to the end, the old man in the white robe was crazy, the roar in the hysteria, “The great fiction is coming, and you all have to die!”

At the same time, a terrorist energy fluctuation flows from him in the body, such as 100,000 volcanoes and eruption, to subvert the world.

“Want self detonate?”

Long Hao is staring, breaking shouted: “Long Er.”

However, just now there is no disadvantage, but life is from Long Er, and there is no movement at this moment.

The strength glow on him has been dispersed, and even the cave is bleak, apparently energy is depleted.

Long Er, a battery recovered by Qin Wuji, constructed in the body a muscle array that would automatically absorb strength of Heaven and Earth’s accumulation of energy.

From the results just observed by Long Hao, once energy was saved, and under normal circumstances Long Er was able to insist on half a hour, and if extreme strength erupted, only about five minutes.

Not long, not short, but in the King’s class puppet, it is already the top.


“Big brother, get back!”

Long Xiaomiao and the others, anxious shouting, were intimidated by that terrible energy wave.

One pride King in the body’s energy is enormous, and once self detonate comes, 10,000 Li Heaven and Earth will have to be destroyed, even if the same class King is unable to resist, it will be crushed by terror’s wave of energy.

However, Long Hao was not panicked, and he took a big shot at the front, and overbearing power of space went out and completely frozen the space in which old man was located.

“Divine Ability – Space Blockade!”

refining further increased the space of Long Hao, Divine Ability, after Golden Core, a Sardendà fr, who had not yet been promoted to the Supreme Divine Ability level, was able to block a moment against a King, who had exhausted the lights.

And between this moment, with Long Hao’s method, it was enough to kill each other ten times.

“Unfortunately, I have not been able to hold Soul Searching Divine Ability.”

Sighs, Long Hao has a bit of anarchy and can only be killed in a crazy white robe, old man.

“Soul Searching Divine Ability?

All of a sudden laughed heartily moved over, and his long sleeve, he had a pole array and banner flying out.

next moment, Yellow Springs, since the dragon, four giant dragon came out of it and the body of old man in the white robe was completely fixed.

“Divine Ability – Soul Searching!”

And he put his hand on the old man’s head, and his head’s top of the Dragon Fairy leaf came up with a mysterious glory.

Time, white robe old man’s memory mirror, is in front of Long Hao now.

It’s also curious to see the feathers come up, and after a moment, the little face goes dark, and the last compassion for golden light people goes away, and the rest is anger.

“These golden light people are so unpleasant that, after joining our Profound Yellow World, they can at least reproduce inheritance and surrender to false ancestors, they can only be slaves and puppets.”

Shortly after that, the shadow disappeared, Long Hao shot a Burning Heaven True Flame and burned the body of old man in the white robe.

“Looks like a grandfather’s already planned.”

Dragon 4 smashed his mouth and said, “This is a big problem, something that is being stared at by some ancestors, and it will be destroyed if not.”

In the light of Dragon IV, the golden light community cannot be kept in any way.

“They have contacted the golden light community and have placed one hundred and eight shè jiè Tōng lanes, which can only come into an attack until the majesty army assembles.” Long Hao anticipates well that the spot is just one of them.

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