Once again, this door-god passage was rehabilitated around Heaven and Earth, but not at all wandering out, but on King Zhuanlun.

Heaven and Earth wheels have shifted dramatically, generating strong distortions in power.

heavenly Star Divine Thunder, densely packed, broke down, spreading a tremendous noise, but failed to break it.

This door-god can be offended.

Hit Heaven and Earth, wipe everything out.

The code is Sunday, nothing is broken!

“Saint Level cultivation technique – life and death switching lún gōng!”

This door, a powerful cultivation technique from the secretary of Purple Thunder Holy Land, was used by Long Hao in the forbidden land of Myriad Layers Mountain.

It is said that this effort has reached a very high level, subversive Gon, reversing Heaven and Earth, controlling life and death, with a strong difference.

The fact that it took hundreds of years to repair the powerhouse in twin Niño has caused great trouble both to Long Hao and to Lu Yao.

And now King Zhuanlun, alone convenience brought to the Point of Perfection, its innate talent, available on many monstrous talent.

“Saint Level cultivation technique is shit!”

“Four grandfather’s little Celestial God, even in the face of Saint’s death!”

Dragon Four said that it wasn’t bullshit.

Little Chow Celestial God’s Resistance Front, a powerful great array from the ancient world, used to slaughter fairies.

Regrettably, the RUF has limited resources, and now he can only force it out, King Level.

“Just the appetite.”

Dragon’s cold, with no panic in the heart, shouted: “Next, feel Celestial Emperor divine might!”

And then, once again, he waved the flag of war, and the ravaged Heavenly Star Divine Thunder was not crushing down, but colluded strength of Heaven and Earth, bringing together a golden light flash giant dragon in the Great Ray Sea!


The giant dragon in the golden divine thunder came to the fore by issuing a roar, such as Celestial Emperor Lei Yin’s ordinance, which killed Heaven and Earth directly.

hong long long…

the mountain peak collapsed and filled the canyon hills, killing several dozen dozen litres of the surroundings of the curtain, and was instantly destroyed into square ground.



giant dragon in the bath divine thunder suddenly popped down, accompanied by an acute shock, and a dragon tailed King Zhuanlun’s defense, Divine Ability.


Heaven and Earth, gathered around King Zhuanlun, erupted directly, and the destructive power of terror almost destroyed his location.

Although he himself moved out immediately, his hair was wiped out, his robes broke, and his body was a little wolf.

This time King Zhuanlun finally changed, giving rise to a great sense of panic.

There is no doubt that the giant dragon in the current shower divine thunder could threaten his life.


giant dragon is pointing down again, not giving King Zhuanlun the opportunity to breathe.

Draon claw, which was brought together by pure Heavenly Star Divine Thunder, was constantly torn off Void and triggered a massive void collapse.


dragon tail that divine gold builds is sweeping out, especially Heavenly Blade Descend, which is a powerful blow to the world.

King Zhuanlun dared to have a slight idea of pushing his strength to a very high degree and launching a violent confrontation with it.

bang bang bang bang

Both sides are at a very rapid pace, and the offensive is even more intense.

Looks like the two great desolate ferocious beast, together, were struggling, beating Void down, landing, all living things were covered by dust.

draon claw, dragon tail was continuously hanged by Heaven and Earth wheels overbearing, but there was a pound of energy injected and restored as initially.

On the contrary, King Zhuanlun, who has been repeatedly injured by dragon claw, displayed a crack of golden on the channel and a black blood meat.

“We cannot afford power to fight again, we must break the line as soon as possible!”

After the fierce war, King Zhuanlun saw it.

With his current Divine Ability method alone, it was impossible to completely erase giant dragon and break great array.

And if the war goes on, his magical power always has a time to stop.

After all, this is golden light, and he was unable to absorb directly Metal Attribute Heaven and Earth energy here in refining to supplement his consumption.

life and death translating lún gōng, though strong, is far worse than Primal Chaos Ancestral Dragon Secret Art.

“That’s what it is.”

Look at the giant dragon, King Zhuanlun, who was brutally overbearing, and shine through the crazy color: “Heaven and Earth, come out!”

“Can’t you finally stop using magical treasure?” Long Hao stood by and watched King Zhuanlun’s actions, pointing out a cold smile.

But he seems that you’re not all ready to do it.


Heaven and Earth were shocked, together with golden light and a silver light, stabbing the sky.

Golden wheels and silver wheels, like the sun and the moon, are above the sky, spreading great spirits.

softly trembled, the two rounds were marked by cold glow, and there was a terrorist knife that broke around Void instantly.

“Double grade magical treasure!” The woods and the others are all surprised.

“Two top grade magical treasure homogeneous sources, aura blend as one, with the potential to sustain each other, even less than absolute grade magical treasure!”

“It is not only surprising that King Zhuanlun was so strong not only at the base of cultivation, but also at magical treasure.”

Everyone is the color of fear.

King Zhuanlun, who runs a two-wheel, stood in Void, swept the Long Hao and the others, spreading a gloomy color in his chest.

“Show this move, although it’s going to be extremely backlash, it’s definitely possible to break the line, and the rest of the power to deal with Long Hao’s waste should be nicknamed!”

After the calculation, King Zhuanlun ceased to silence.


He grows up and starts to have depressed opportunity to live and terrifying death influx, incorporating Heaven and Earth into it.

Time, surrounded by Heaven and Earth, opportunity to live disappears, and death is so romantic.

And instead, on King Zhuanlun, aura was crazy again and again, as if his natural energy was plundered this week.

“Very terrifying power!”

Everyone showed an amazing expression.

In particular, the twins are filled with mysterious feathers, and she can see clearly at this moment in the body of King Zhuanlun, as if there was another silhouette, in conjunction with Yin-Yang, and in the same way, the eruption of an unbiased strength!

The strength of the strength made her feel like hair and weed, and the threat of death, as if blade de glow, could crush her and even absolute grade magical treasure could not be blocked.


“Are you afraid to suffer backlash by imposing Saint Method?”

Long Hao saw King Zhuanlun’s intentions.

“hmph hmph, it’s too small to look at me.”

Just in the instant of Long Hao’s cold smile, the power of the unidentified strength erupted.

life and death, combined with gold and silver turnaround, have also been triggered by the energy of Heaven and Earth, which lasts over time and erupts in endless light.

“Can you trigger Heaven and Earth energy in golden light?”

“Those two top grade magical treasure, definitely made by golden light powerhouse, can absorb Heaven and Earth energy here in a self-contained way with Supreme’s power!”

It is clear that King Zhuanlun has committed more than two murders of clouds and Long Hao.

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