“Great tribulation will come, all living things are as angry as the waves, and what would be the second?”

Sighs, black clothed men disappear.

“hehe…” The fairy Great Emperor freshly shook the head, staring at the sky dome, revealing different gods: “The world is brilliant, and at this time it may be my Profound Yellow World count!”

“Long Hao, I look very well at you, just like Great Emperor Jiu Hua was watching me. And I can’t do anything. I hope you can do it!”

Time tower 3 layer in.


of a sudden, engraving mark slipped out of Long Hao’s body, flying towards the Quartet, bringing together pound of energy, evolution of Heaven and Earth, affecting 100,000 Li Gon.


Divine Dragon growling, all Heavens.

Immemorial Thunder Dragon rolled out of it, hung 100 million Li Ray Sea, walking out of the shadow of dignity, suppress everything.

Celestial Emperor and Divine Dragon Law Manifestation were perfect, and there was an exaggeration in Long Hao to suppress the immense power of Gong.

In the case of King’s forces alone, Long Hao gives people terrifying feelings, no less than a King Realm 10th Layer Great Perfection powerhouse.

This, of course, does not mean that Long Hao’s current strength will serve as a powerhouse for King Realm 10th Layer Great Perfection, only to demonstrate his strong potential, magical power, and greater awareness of Heaven and Earth, and it will be easier to break through Saint Realm in the future.


forces of cultivator are reflected in the Divine Ability at their disposal and in the magical treasure warfare, among others.

However, the greater the strength of the strength of Heaven and Earth, the stronger the field, and the more the power of warfare naturally rises.

Nonetheless, with Long Hao’s current battle, the repression of King Han’s flows is also very random, and there is no wind for King Zhuanlun, who has spent his entire period.


After a long time, Heaven and Earth Energy vortex were completely dispersed, and Long Hao’s body, like divine gold corn company, appeared in Void, was surrounded by the gloomy, solemn appearance and sacred.

“That’s the sense of control, of repression!”

Take a good look at the joy of breakthrough, and Long Hao’s lips wrapped up a smile.

The food, the beauty, the clouds, the rich and the rich — there are lots of good things in the world that are exciting and exciting.

But nothing is ever more pleasant than it is when it comes to mind.

Apart from pursuing long life, this is also the driving force of countless cultivator.

at the time of breakthrough King Realm, that blend as one, took control of the feeling in the heavens, so that Long Hao had a deep feeling.

“It’s just a human being, all alone on Sunday.”

“What kind of experience should it be if you really get ascend to Immortal, flying in daylight?”

Long Hao can’t help but look forward to it.

And during his steady cultivation base, a large number of Profound Yellow World powerhouse came.


Profound Yellow World powerhouse in the guard golden light world, with a large number of people expanding, has been working hard to locate the shjiè Tōng channel, which is hidden everywhere.

Unfortunately, these golden light communities, powerhouse operations are extremely hidden, so Profound Yellow World powerhouse, under a one-time carpet arrangement, has almost overlooked the bottom and found and destroyed more than a dozen positions.

根据Long Hao 得到的情报,golden light 界powerhouse 布置出的据点足有一百零八座,现在被发现的只有10 points 之一。

The only thing to be pleased is that the Ultimate Army, not at all, has been carrying out an attack during this period, giving people the opportunity to breathe, continuously laying a fortress throughout the golden light community.

“The situation seems somewhat incorrect.”

Profound Yellow’s monarchs are all very surprised.

generally speaking, once the plan fails, normal people will have only two reactions.

The first is to abandon it and the second is to act immediately.

On the one hand, there are three reactions, neither abandonment nor action, to make Profound Yellow World powerhouse somewhat inaccessible.

“Things are always demons.”

“Great Emperor, can you play something?”

At the General Fono of Heavenly Palace, Sky Monarch asked Great Emperor, a spacecraft derived from Holy Land.

“Oldman used to play with a gossip drive, but found it hidden, and this was unusual.” Great Emperor was an old man who had to be white, senile, with divine pone and ise sagelike features, and it was a protracted fossil presence.

hearthis, Heavenly Palace’s old face is slight.

The Great Emperor is the best player in the sky. Look at his seal.

And the gossip plate is the ancient Immortal Artifact of Holy Land’s repression of the air.

He can’t even assume, the seriousness of the matter, but he knows it.

“Scared of what?”

“My Profound Yellow World Army has taken a collective move, and the Guardian community’s points, even if they were to wait for Great World’s fictitious ancestral community, will never be better.”

“Well, I Profound Yellow, who’s over a million loads of Myriad Realms, what winds and waves haven’t seen, even the demon community of superior level Great World, fails to take care of us, and why are we afraid of the ancestral world?”

A few hard-working Heavenly Palace elders are very confident.

“It must never be surprising that in recent years the fraudulent ancestral community has swallowed up the Great World around Myriad Realms, whose strength cannot be small.”

“Well, the Great World, when the year was strong, was much worse than the Great World, and ultimately because of the idea that it had been broken by the false ancestral community, that was a living example.”


conservative Heavenly Palace, the old man, was worried.

hmph, Huang Great World is capable of breaking it with my Profound Yellow World, and if it is not a heavy time, my Profound Yellow World 100 years. “

Heavenly Palace’s many elders, arguing into a group, discussed most of the day without results.


Sky Monarch, the tight question of the eyebrows, rejected one voice and ended the meeting.

Soon, the Heavenly Palace elders went away, and asked Sky Monarch was sitting in the land, not moving, while the colors were calm and composed, but there was a glimmer of concern.

Not long ago, silhouette, a shaded silhouette, came.

“What’s more important than the Yuan Yuan meeting?”

Look at the fairy Great Emperor, who came before the end of the meeting, and ask Sky Monarch about it.

“In the world, a specialist was taught.” The fairy Great Emperor’s blatant voice rings, with a lot of weight in his tongue.

“expert?” Ask Sky Monarch for a slight difference.

zfénCelestial Demon Diyed, who was recognized as Profound Yellow World First powerhouse.

Is there a better expert in the world than him?

“hehe, expert does not mean strength is weak or may be ambitious.”

The Great Emperor is not close to waiting for a waitress, 38186;

Always seduced Sky Monarch, without having to do it, delicate and pretty’s face distorted, full of anger and horror.

“The goal is not just golden light, but also our Profound Yellow Myriad Realms?”

Flamed to ask Sky Monarch to see Sky Great Emperor Road with a serious eye: “Do you think we Profound Yellow World is a soft tomato?”

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