In the instant of refining Liu’s branch, Long Hao felt three energies in the body’s water and fire gold, starting to be intense and even a sign of atrocities.

power of five Elements, which would have been mutually restrain, is the most sophisticated force of time.

Usually, strength of five Elements will swallow each other and cannot coexist.

And what Long Hao did the day after 2005 Elements treasure body, was to use the principle of five Elements to coexist and impose control to achieve a relative balance between them.

This process speaks of that simple, it’s not that easy to do it.

Always, water and fire are incompatible.

Besides, now Long Hao’s in the body, there are water and fire gold plus wood, four attribute energies, one crazy, all trying to swallow each other.

– [Laughs]

For a while, Long Hao’s in the body showed four colors of rays of light, intertwined and tremendously shaken.

A powerful force of destruction has ravaged, thus crushing the mountains around.

It’s like four superpowerhouse, in each other’s fight, and it’s about to break Heaven and Earth restrictions.


In just a moment, Long Hao’s watch began to be mass turtles and presented metal tornadoes.

At the same time, Profound Yellow Dao Seed, which has been in seal, has also begun to play its strength.

At the same time as integrating four energies, spiritual consciousness of Long Hao seems to be trying to control him.

“Primal Chaos Ancestral Dragon Secret Art, suppress for me!”


When Long Hao moved Primal Chaos Ancestral Dragon Secret Art to the extreme, a huge dragon roar erupted.

There was an illusion of Primal Chaos Ancestral Dragon phantom, which had more than 50,000 flashing links, such as the chain of order, which was generally enriched by powerful power.

Primal Chaos Ancestral Dragon, contain all living activities, suppress everything!

Both the inclusion of power of five Elements and the repression of Profound Yellow Dao Seed have a tremendous role to play.

Under the repression of the Holy Draon might, the four energies of water and fire wood have decreased considerably, Profound Yellow Dao Seed has been weakened, Long Hao’s awareness has been restored and a large amount of immortal qi has begun to be absorbed to repair fleshy body.

At such a level of pressure, a special balance was created in the body at Long Hao.

“My God, Junior Brother Long, what kind of cultivation technique does there have to be an inviolable Great Dao divine might?” Wakening Wei Liu, no surprise.

Everyone else shook the head.

“speaking of that, since Junior Brother Long’s sudden rise, his cultivation technique seems to have been a mystery, even though each palace Palace Lord is far Supreme Saint Saint.” Ling Shu, for that reason, has also asked Hong Kong Shengdan, who has Transcendent became Saint Saint, but ultimately has no results.

“Long Hao, he may not be human, but a Divine Dragon, a Divine Dragon, who has not yet become a god!” This is Fang Tianhua, where he feels the deepest.

Of the people, only he and Long Hao had hands and had deep relatives.

It’s the feeling that others are watching the war, completely different.

Fang Tianhua has always wondered whether Long Hao is not a completely formalized Divine Dragon Young Child.


Suddenly, like Long Hao in Mount Tai, a massive outbreak of antiretroviral blood began to decline sharply.

“What’s the matter? Isn’t that all right?”

“Is this the side effect of cultivation 5 Elements treasure body?”

Ling Shu 10 points of concern came up, and even Immortal Spirit’s energy could not be absorbed.

“Don’t come near him.” Suddenly, the feathers stopped her.

Ling Shu was wrinking again on Long Hao.

Huhu hu!

A group of black fumes came out, as if the fog was generally surrounded, and even Immortal Spirit’s strength was blocked.

At the same time, Long Hao’s body began to pump, twin blood red, internal organs sharpened, with constant and weird noises in his mouth, as was the case with the ghost.

“Is this cultivation deviation?”

Wei Liu and Fang Tianhua and the others were also alarmed.


following day, the risk of planting five Elements treasure body, it is clear to everyone that the whole age group is almost impossible to do, that 90 per cent of all nine people are dead, even if they are fortunate to survive, they are the eradication of cultivation base, you idiot.

Now, Long Hao’s performance is such a sign.

“Not cultivation deviation.”

Downshook the head, the mysterious mystery in big eye, seems to have seen some kind of weird and negative scene, and took a deep breath course: “It’s Heart Demon who walked!”

Heart Demon?

Ling Shu and the others all wrinkled their eyebrows.

Heart Demon, illusory, in their view, is just a sense of their own fragmentation, and the elders harass themselves at the time of cultivation.

In the eyes of the regular people, there is no emotion of greed, sèyjam or lazy, acting weird about that’s all.


long as cultivation base is deep, it can be easily repressed.

“Long Hao is a determined man who, in theory, should not be heard by Heart Demon?” Wei Liu is somewhat inconceivable.

“Heart Demon of Big Brother is different, terrifying!”

Long Hao, the feathers are filled with blasphemy.

She has seen the terrifying scene of Long Hao on the occasion of Heart Demon’s outbreak, and there is still room for thought.

She won’t let Ling Shu up or let her get hurt.

Now Long Hao, like Demon who lost his mind, will tear all those close.

hong long!

At the same time, a strong wave of chaos, such as tides, is raging.

Long Hao has flown, internal organs distort, surrounded by demon tattoos, aura has become perverted, and there is no sense of human Race’s feelings, just like the hell demon God terrifying.

Homicide, brutal aura is spreading crazy.


People are all cold, as in the face of a peerless big demon.

“How can we help Long Hao?”

Ling Shu was too handless in the face of Heart Demon.

“Heart Demon can only be self-neutralized, and no one else can help.”

“Well, if Yun Rong elder sister is here, her Supreme Pure Spirit Spell, while unable to dissolve Heart Demon, can also have a little control.”

Ling Shu’s hands are ten, the heart is tense to the pole, and the dark prayer is, “Junior Brother Long, you must come over!”

“Is this my spirit space?”

Long Hao’s consciousness came together, sweeping a pointless Heaven and Earth of Primal Chaos, dark from frowned.

Great Dao Precious Bead was once again confused with Primal Chaos, full of fog in order to absorb Celestial Dragon Dragon Bead’s energy.

“Get out of here!”

Suddenly, Long Hao felt a fuzzy outbreak around, face turned cold, scolded.


Spinning, a path of sharp laughing, coming from around, nothing like tattooing.

“This is my body. You’ve been in possession for 20 years. You should go!”

With a noise of resentment, Long Hao turned around and found a very pulling silhouette out of Primal Chaos’s fog.

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