Since the arrival of large numbers of aid forces, the bottom breath of the forest and the others is naturally enough.

It may not take much advantage to compare powerhouse to the futile world, but it is not difficult to keep golden light at least.

But Long Hao doesn’t think so.

The wizard, how much he learned from Dragon Four, is definitely a fierce man who can never stop with his purpose.

Immediately calm is just for more large-scale attacks.

However, since Saint Great Emperor was concerned, his duty was only to keep the city of Golden.

“By the way, has Profound Yellow’s success story been updated lately?”

After understanding the recent developments in the golden light community, Long Hao Hao speaks.

At present, his cultivation base has progressed faster and his desire for five Elements Sand has become stronger.

He must set up five Elements treasure body before breakthrough half-holy.

But if Profound Yellow was to be crowded into the top ten, speaking of that is easy, it would be much more expensive to do.

“Yes, this was just brought by the second aid unit.” The forest took the side of the storage bag, Jade slip, and handed over to Long Hao.

After Long Hao took over, he went into a consciousness and looked at a moment, and the eyebrows wrinkled up.

“Profound Yellow Globe, first, Extreme Dao Holy Land Channel, 3.6 million kung fu!”

“Profound Yellow’s success model, second, too early Holy Land sealed, 33.8 million kung fu!”


“Profound Yellow Success Model X, Purple Thunder Holy Land Heavy East Building, 2.97 million kung fu!”


top ten rankings have not changed much, but the kung fu values have changed over the sky.

It’s three times more than Long Hao just arrived.

The war with the vain world has lasted for half a month, and Profound Yellow World powerhouse has grown dramatically.

In particular, those who have been listed above and behind have widened the gap.

After all, during the war, the more powerful power is, the faster it is to build.

In comparison with them, Long Hao had the total number of kung fu at that time, but 250,000, more than 800 rankings, although barely squeezed into the top 1,000, were not worth mentioning at all compared to the top ten.

He wanted to squeeze into the top 10 of Profound Yellow’s victory within a year and could only build on the opportunity of the war and accumulate rapidly.

And trying to accumulate a lot of work, the best way, naturally, is to attack the basepoints of powerhouse in the fraudulent ancestral community.

Destroying a base point worth 100,000 kung fu, and the head of the wizard, powerhouse, within the site, is worth tens of thousands, even if half of it exists.

However, the positions of powerhouse in the fictitious world are extremely hidden.

Don’t talk about the attack. I can’t even find it.

Otherwise, the Profound Yellow World party has not been tortured so far.

“City Lord.”

Suddenly, Lin has no sound, interrupting Long Hao is thinking.

Look at Lin and find out what the other side wants to stop, Long Hao frowned: “Be honest.”

“Well, there are two Junior Brothers in the second aid army who want to see you.” Lin has no idea of these Junior Brother’s sexuality, and is afraid of angering Long Hao, so he has always wanted to stop.

Long Hao had a slight accident.

Free and Unfettered Holy Land’s disciple is not very familiar with him, except for a few of Tang Linfeng and Linfeng.

Curiously, Long Hao nodded agreed.

Shortly, two aura deep, two young men who met wretched, walked in a sizeable way under the helpless of the forest.

“Long Hao, there’s still a bill between us!”

“Where’s Illusion Demon Boy? Hand her over or I’m not finished with you!”

Once they come in, they scream at Long Hao, and they don’t treat themselves as aliens at all.

“Forget Free and Unfettered Holy Land and the two living babies!”

See them both, Long Hao almost laughed.

Many years ago in Heavenly Qi Country, Long Hao and them had a lot to do.

“Two Junior Brother, unproductive.” Lin has no knowledge of Long Hao strength, no temper, no eyes.

But those two people are not in the heart, one of them is gorgeous, with wretched guys, more than one pushing the woods away: “This is a personal grievance between us and Long Hao, Senior Brother Lin, leave you alone.”

Those two are Piao Bucheng and Qian Bugou.

At first, they fought against Long Hao and Heavenly Qi Sect powerhouse, while Long Hao also cured his human being on his own behalf.

Illusion Demon Boy, later Huan Li, has given Long Hao the opportunity to take off with fantastic dà f. to control the Heavenly Qi Sect powerhouse of the two of them.

But the war, Piao Bucheng and Qian Bugou, was rebuilt, almost died in Heavenly Qi Country, and they could always be anxious.

So when they met, they asked Long Hao to hand over Illusion Demon Boy in order to understand that only the heart hates.

“If Illusion Demon Boy doesn’t, if you want revenge, find me.” Long Hao swept two people and showed a mockery smile on his face.

“Long Hao, you don’t think so when we’re scared of you?” Piao Bucheng’s got a chest shouted loudly.

“If it wasn’t Master’s temporary super Saint, we would have suppressed you at the core disciple test.” Qian Bugou’s eyes were full of jealousy.

Their master Bai Piaowang, Transcendent became Saint, and their identity became true disciple, naturally no longer necessary for core disciple examinations.

“hehe, you should be glad you didn’t go, or you’d be dead.” Long Hao’s still sitting there and staring at two people crying.

“Hey, my temper!” Piao Bucheng, emotionally excited, when he hung up his sleeves, ready to fight Long Hao.

Qian Bugou was also on the list of imposing modes, and the strong cultivation base of King Realm was as obvious as possible, and oppressive Void was distorted.

“Two Junior Brother, absolutely impossible.”

At this time, he was also one of the first two big, and he didn’t even think that there was a very deep break between himself and Junior Brother and Long Hao, and that there was a fight when he met.

“Senior Brother Lin, let’s teach him today.” Piao Bucheng Road.

“Long Hao, when we know each other, let the city Lord’s place go and compensate us for the loss of spirit, or our brothers will be upset!” Qian Bugou, too, is the name speaks for itself and temperament greedy, has been staring at the city Lord of Long Hao.

After all, the representative of City Lord is a great deal of credit.

Long Hao remains silent, full of light in his shackles.

This could piss two people off.

“Money, don’t bullshit. Pull him down and beat stopped out.”

tone barely fell, Piao Bucheng operated magical power, evolved a large fish that struck three thousand miles Heaven and Earth, pointing over Long Hao.

Qian Bugou, acting simultaneously, such as Great Roc Spreading Wings, shows the possibility of tearing the heavens and splitting the earth.

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