One second, remember the 69 Chinese Web, the perfect windows are free to read!

“Corpses, lots of corpses!” Downs yell, little faces whisper.

It was the bodies that were too terrifying to cause great trauma to her young heart.

The rest of the day is also bad, and every respectful silver armored corpse has the strength of King Realm, and those copper armoured corpses, although only the foundations of the Niño border, are equally Unbreakable Hard Metal.

Under the control of the piano demon curve, it’s like a solid iron flood that can destroy everything.

Huang Chong Guo and the others, while forcibly repressed mad Qian Bugou and Liu, were themselves attacked by a large number of war bodies.

Soon, they were defeated by the festival, gathered together, and only those who had been defended.

“It is not surprising that the King of Defense knew that we would come, but did not mobilize the regroupment, that he had such a method!” Piao Bucheng surprised and angry surrendered, and some regret followed.

Obviously, LoLin City is a trap.

All creatures of flexibilities, as long as they are available, are unable to evade the search of the tray.

But these bodies are dead, and the energy of the body has been dispersed long ago, only temporarily being refined as war corpses by the great array of corpses of the witch, and there is nothing to do with the detective plates.

“It is estimated that they are also afraid to conquer the army to come back to us, and that is why this magic corpse is great array.” sword clenching one’s teeth said.

Indeed, the corpses of war are strong and numerous, even if they are consumed, they can all be killed.

This is more useful than sending larger clan armies.

“Divine Ability – Heavenly Tribulation Dragon Claw Hand!”


Long Hao, like the outrageous Immemorial Thunder Dragon, struck a claw and released the violent strength of thunderbolt and finally broke the support of a copper armoured corpse.

“It worked.” Long Hao’s mouth showed a smile.

power of thunderbolt would have been extremely firm and fierce, with Innate restraint for such an obscene thing as a war body.

And Lord Long Hao is more of thunderbolt’s King, Heavenly Star Divine Thunder, overbearing, and even the ravages of death can be destroyed.

oh la la…

One stock of magical power fluctuates from the body’s diarrhoea in Long Hao, with countless mysterious engraving mark exploded, colliding with Heaven and Earth, moving around Long Hao, and soon forming a missing sea.

“This is City Lord’s area of heavenly punishment!”

The strikes and defences have been drastically curtailed and Huang Chong Gung and the others have shown surprise when they are seen to fall into the sea.

“I wonder how the city Lord’s heavenly punishing field can restrain these warriors?”

Under the crowd attack, many copper armored corpses were quickly destroyed, and the attacks on the silver armored bodies of King Realm expert had also been significantly weakened and could not pose too much threat to them.


After finding the weakness of the corpse, Long Hao did not crap, stretching his hand with a light sword built by golden divine thunder.

On top of the light sword, engraving mark shines, and the law shows that it contains the most overbearing power in the world.

Pu chi!

Long Hao was stabbed directly in the face of a gloomy silver armored corpse.

A sword of ordinary circulation exploded with a flash of indifference, a war body sheet silver armored, as if beans corrupted were generally fragile and directly stabbed.


Long Hao’s eyes were bright, swords turned around, thunderbolt sword qi was ravaged at the end of the day, tearing the memory of Silver armored war bodies completely apart.

“Celestial Emperor!”

Focus on the light sword in hand, Long Hao heart vibration: “It is a shame that Ancient Celestial Emperor Divine Armament, with the Great Dao rule, is the strength of the Supreme in this world!”

The sword of God is in Long Hao’s hands, perhaps less powerful than Saint Saint.

But the strength of this strength, which is far above magical power, saint strength, demon power, and so forth, is the strength of Great Dao’s arrival.

Under this sword, all living things corrupt cannot be blocked.

sou sou sou sou!

Together, sword qi, like long dragon unhindered, was vanished by countless battlefield ashes.

Just a few breathing skills, coming around the long Hao mass of war bodies, were killed, and a bloody dance fever between Heaven and Earth, as was the case with Senro Ghost Domain.

again, the King of the Resistance of aloof and remote was shocked.

The corpses of the war, which were opened to their own priests, were cut off by Long Hao like melon, swept a lot of pieces, and there was an incredible expression in the cave of the King of Defense.

“What strength is this?”

In particular, the strength released by the Lightsword made her feel cold in the back of the spine, and the mind of the main body was threatened with death, as was the case with a * Heavenly Tribulation on the top of her head, and she was to be bombed at any time.

“Celestial Emperor’s power to punish!”


Speaking of, Long Hao, a sword of heavy Heaven and Earth, wiped out more than ten dignitaries, like Great Dao rules, no stronghold one cannot overcome, nothing breaks.

Heaven and Earth all living things, all under that light sword, seem bleak.


King of Defense does not understand this great and Supreme Force.

But one thing, she knows very well.

This strength can restrain the boundaries, control her piano demon songs, control the corpses of war.

And Long Hao, who controls this strength, is exactly the stars of their fictitious ancestors powerhouse.

“must be eradicated!”

After determined determination, the King of Defense sat high in the sky, quickly dialed the chorus, playing a strange demon sound, a cassette Heaven and Earth.

roar roar roar!

In time, the bodies of war, like chicken blood, erupted the potential for more terrifying, thereby freeing the heavenly punishing domain and triggering more intense attacks on floods.

“The King wants to see how long you can hold on!”

The King of Defense, who is half-holy powerhouse, quickly restored calm.

In her view, Long Hao’s strength was strong, but cultivation base was only King Realm 8th Layer after all.


power of Celestial Emperor is so strong that it will inevitably cost a great deal of magical power and physical strength to carry out it, and Long Hao, with poor cultivation base, will never be sustainable.

Unfortunately she was wrong.

Long Hao has already concluded 10,000 Marks Golden Core, magical power pounds.

in the body’s more than 80,000 Flying Dragon artery, it would be better to provide him with a source of constant strength and exhaustion.

Even if it was 10 and a half days in the successive war, he would not be exhausted in any way.

But this trap is not that easy to deal with.

Every time a bunch of war bodies were wiped out by Long Hao, another batch of war bodies would immediately come out of the ground, and again the siege seemed endless.

Time 1 point in the past, Long Hao and the others have killed more than 3,000 war bodies.

However, under the eyes of the Quartet, the number of corpses around it has not decreased in any way, and there have been continued demolitions of war bodies and joining the warring groups.

“Damn it!”

“How many bodies did they bury here?”

Gradually, Huang Chong Gung and the others began to do their best to become surprised and angry.

As you know, these war bodies were at least powerhouse in Niño, which also covered a large number of King Realm powerhouse bodies and wanted to get so many and it was not easy to find 7.

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