Long Hao and the others, while continuously attacking false ancestral positions, are not paranoid.

Each of the false ancestors’ positions is the exact choice they choose.

First of all, we have to get away from where Saint Saint’s presence is.

And they don’t usually go to war with King Level and other powerhouse.

At the same time, their actions were extremely rapid and, after the extermination of the positions, did not unduly pursue the fugitive, powerhouse, which would quickly pack spoils of war and then leave.

Generally speaking, tomato is a soft squeeze, a switch to a place, a ghost, and it’s not easy to block them even if it’s all the way out of the world, Saint Francis.

It is also for that reason that even if the furious ancestral powerhouse is shaken, they are still able to escape.

“Report to Holy Child, three more wizards have been attacked for three days, or…”

A powerhouse of Purple Thunder Holy Land, kneeling on the ground, looking at Purple Heaven Holy Child, above the top, and saying, “The other side also took the name of His Highness Holy Child.”

oh, la!

If you don’t tell each other, the harbour throws the tea bowl fiercely on the ground.

The powerhouse of Purple Thunder Holy Land has been waiting for only to quit, and the face of the harbour continues to be ironic and smoking in the nose.

“Shit, shit!”

“Better not let this Holy Child find you, or let you not have that to live unable to ask for death!”


harbour is holding a fist, and it seems that Heaven and Earth are going to burst this side.

He had to be angry.

Just on his way back from Profound Yellow Al-Quds, two wizard warriors led more than 10 Peak King to assassinate him in a dark way, and the opponent was invisible and beaten up with little effort.

Though he was fortunate to have escaped, he would not have been beaten up in his face.

dignified Holy Child’s face is lost.

More importantly, as the false ancestral positions are continuously broken, there are more and more people who want to kill him, and it may be blackmailed someday.

After all, the fugitive world powerhouse was best placed to bury ambushes.

Does he dignified Purple Heaven Holy Child, and he’s gonna have to be very concise later, so he can’t be a street mouse?

Such a day, as long as he thinks about it, is furious.

However, as he fears, there are others.

Soon, Gou Shengjun visited Du Tiancheng.

Du Tiancheng, although he has been extremely hidden, has a purple print on his face that naturally does not hide the eyes of the harsh East Building.

Obviously, he’s not as good as a wolf these days, and the wonderful thing is to be hit by sneak attack in the back.

Gou Shengjun was not targeted by the false ancestral powerhouse, but was still buried in his cave with intense cruelty and fear.

Ever since he was informed of King Han’s death, and Du Tiancheng and the Huang Cold and the others were surrounded by the false ancestral powerhouse, he felt something wrong.

Because all of these people, together with him, killed Long Hao in the Moon Mountain.

However, for a few days, he was waiting for him, without any attack.

However, this situation makes him more convinced that this matter is irrelevant to Long Hao.

If the other party is not Big Dipper Holy Land, then he will never be distracted from his identity and Big Dipper Holy Land powerhouse under him.

Think about it, and there’s only one possibility.

It’s Long Hao!

Gou Shengjun, the man is really sober and thoughtful.

“Big Dipper Long Hao?” The Great East Building was cold and challenged, “Trifling, a guy who just breakthrough King Realm, has so much energy to kill the King?”


harsh East building is reluctant to believe in it, but Gou Shengjun and Du Tiancheng are very eloquent.

“Why do you take the name of this Holy Child?” The harder East Building is the more aggressive.

trifling Long Hao, in his eyes, was nothing like an ant, and the harbour did not stand up against Long Hao, and there was no exchange between the two.

Du Tiancheng and the others are going to ambush Long Hao. Is there anything to do with him?

“The relationship between Big Dipper and my Purple Thunder Holy Land is becoming increasingly tense, and His Highness Holy Child is naturally targeted and predominantly affected.” Du Tiancheng said solemnly.

Between two Great Holy Land, Ben was the head of death.

Long Hao, like a Catalyst, leads the fire, has a tendency to detonate two Great Holy Land.

Take the name of Purple Heaven Holy Child, a mur P. der per = son with a bor P. rowed knife, in order to follow the chapter.

As for Gou Shengjun, although also Big Dipper disciple, the thief ship of Du Tiancheng has been boarded and now wants to go, even if it’s impossible.

Moreover, the situation between him and Long Hao is already irreconcilable until death.

Long Hao’s rise is even more a threat to his life.

It’s impossible for him to solve Long Hao easily now.

He also asked for help from his backyard, His Highness Saintess, who was mysterious, but unfortunately not at all.

Needless to think and understand, the present Long Hao is Big Dipper Holy Land’s hottest, not only by teachers Sword Saint, but also by Holy Land and Supreme Elder.

Never again was the one that could be pressured by a man.

Even in the capacity of Big Dipper Saintess, it is impossible to kill directly.

Without hindrance, Gou Shengjun can only choose to continue to cooperate with Purple Thunder Holy Land.

At this juncture, Gou Shengjun added a fire in order to draw attention to the strengths of the East Building and bring Long Hao to death.

“I heard that Purple Heaven Holy Lord used to go to Big Dipper Holy Land and ask for a kiss for His Highness Holy Child to ease the relationship between the two families…”

Purple Heaven Holy Child was highly qualified and his marriage was naturally the subject of Big Dipper Saintess, who had been honored to be Eastern Land Number one beauty.

Although the marriage has not been completed, the Great East Building still has a crush on Big Dipper Saintess, a fact that Gou Shengjun knows.

Gou Shengjun looked at the east building, and found that the face of each other, although the game was dark, had not been angry, and said, “But I recently heard that Long Hao seems to have had an idea of His Highness Saintess Dao Temple, who had been in the dark mountains all night.”

After that, Gou Shengjun doesn’t have to say anything.

With the wisdom of the harsh East building, just a little bit of a brain will be enough to make his face green.

“Do you want not only the life of this Holy Child, but also the woman of this Holy Child?”

The anger in the heart of the harbour building is no longer repeated.

hmph! Good Long Hao, bully intolerably! “

The Great East Building is screaming in the heart.

Although efforts were made to maintain calm in the face, the killing plan in his hole was remarkable, and the heart of Long Hao had been created to kill.

“Holy Child, according to Brother Wing Hao, it is likely that the current Long Hao has moved to the fifth area, where the dragon Great Saint is in charge, and we are now on our way, saying that he may still be blocked.”

Du Tiancheng, although not at all, has tried.

Moreover, it should be hard to find Long Hao and the others, as long as Saint is experiencing the power of sacred souls and continuously supervising the entire area of five.

“You don’t have to go.”

“This time, Holy Child has to do it himself!”

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