Prime Evolver System

Chapter 16 - 16 - Prime Evolver System

The pain continued its relentless torment, wreaking havoc inside Lucien's mind. Just like when he lost control, a dark halo of his transforming veins swelled, the milky white sclera in his eye got a tinge of chaotic black mixed into it.

With great willpower and almost bloodied palms due to how tight he clenched his fists, he managed to hold back yelling as he continued to concentrate on the slowly emerged blood-dripping text to appear one after another.

[...::: Greetings Host :::...]

[...::: Congratulations, you have successfully passed the Trial of Awakening! :::...]

[...::: Checking Synchronization rate: … 1%...1.01%...1.02%...]

The number kept rapidly growing passing by 2%, 3%, 5%... gradually starting to slow down at 9% but still reaching 10% before it slowed further to a snail's pace as it eventually stopped.

[...::: Current Synchronization rate: 11.03% - Minimal]

[...::: Checking the state of ђภгєเєฬ... Critical! :::...]

Once again, the cryptic, runic symbols appeared blocking Aiden's attempts to understand the meaning behind the message. However, he couldn't linger on the subject as the messages kept appearing one after another.

As they did, the muscles in his body convulsed, his heartbeat with loud rapid thumps. His whole body was covered in sweat at this point, drenching the couch and the blanket as well.

[...::: Conditions met, Prime Evolver System boot is complete! :::...]

[...::: Character Status ::: System Version: 01 - 0% :::...]

Name: Lucien Shaw

Synchronization: 11.03% - Mutualism

Power Stage: Dredger ::: Rank: 1 ::: 0%

?????: ?????

EP: 0


Health: 10 / 10

Energy: 10 / 10


:ђгɭ ฬﻮєฬгɭรภאɭ๔ ђภคɭ ภเ קฬєן קเ. ๓๓ςɭן รгєเɭן єןɭ

Strength: 2.01

Agility: 1.12

Stamina: 2.25

ฬ๔гɭร: ????

ђ๓รг๓ς: ????


Єเรภא: ภคɭ



The screen expanded, as rows of texts appeared almost instantly, showing that Lucien couldn't even find words for. Unfortunately, due to his childhood, he never had the chance to experience the joy of playing games on any device. In fact, he rarely even seen mobile phones, not to mention computers or consoles.

So, when a screen, similar to a status screen appeared showing strange details, characteristics of himself in strange numerical formats.

Lucien had no idea what to make of what he could see. What did all of these mean?

'What is Synchronization?!' He mumbled reading from top to bottom. This term was mentioned the second time now, first during the initial flow of texts.

His mumbling wasn't meant for anyone, it was mostly to himself, as he was trying his hardest in finding any meaning behind the term.

What did it mean?

Was it related to the 'other one' that took control and allowed his escape?

Due to him being deep in thought he didn't even notice that the pain and changes subsided. The dark veins covering his body faded, only leaving a glistening scrawny body behind. Still, behind the grimy sweat, Lucien was no longer tormented by any physical pain.

However, it seemed the floating window could read his thoughts, as, in the next second, the blood-red letters on the dark transparent screen animatedly moved from their places, gathered together at the center of the screen before formulating an answer.

[...::: Synchronization is the defined metric for the strength of connection, symbiotic relationship between host and …:::ђภгєเєฬ:::...]

''Huh…' Lucien became startled seeing that the seemingly magical image responding to his queries. 'You can listen to my thoughts? What are you?'

In response, the letters began to change locations again, forming an answer in a second.

[...::: To answer host question: We are the Prime Evolver System. We are one with host, we always were, we always will. We are one. :::...]

Once again, this was something that Lucien couldn't fully process at the moment. His mind was tormented with questions, a lot of unknowns that wanted to get some answers to but could ask nobody.

As expected, reading for the turbulent chaos in his mind, the text transformed again, forming a response.

[...::: We were always with the host, the host was just unaware of our existence. For you were the chosen one, the next chosen guardian. We are ђภгєเєฬ , and as you have correctly guessed it, we were the ones that assisted in your escape from that place. Unfortunately, due to the fact that you were malnourished and were low on EP, we had to improvise on the spot. If we caused any discomfort to the host, we apologize. :::...]

The System or whatever the creature was, as whenever 'they' tried to refer to it, the text always came back encrypted, were strangely talkative all of a sudden. There however quite a few new questions that needed answers.

'Why are you keep referring to yourself as 'We'? Also, what is EP?' He asked inwardly.

The system was quick to form a response once again.

[...::: We are we, the host is the host. We are many, host is one. As for EP, it stands for Entropy Points. We need Entropy, the living essence, the DNA of other organisms to strengthen ourselves and the host. Using the appendage, you have been gifted during your escape, the host can absorb mass. The host should be aware, that this process will require a faint, waning mind. Any sort of mental resistance can block the process, only wasting precious energy. :::...]

'I see.' Contrary to what would have been expected he took what was displayed in front of him with relative calm. He quickly understood that the monster, or whatever it lived inside him, only wanted to help. Whilst he wasn't too happy of being controlled, he had to admit that without that, he wasn't sure when -if even it would have been possible by himself-, would he have escaped on his own.

Still, there was something that he had to make clear. Now that he finally regained his freedom, there can never be a repeat of what happened. He will never be someone's toy, subject, or puppet ever again. Nobody will trample on him again.

'Thanks for saving me, but don't ever CONTROL me again. If you do, we are finished. Whatever it would take I would make sure we are separated. Got it?'

[...::: Host should rest assured, that unless it would be critical, we will never repeat that again. :::...]

The system displayed its response, causing Lucien to frown, and shake his head.

With a stronger mental tone, he rephrased his statement. This time it was authoritative.

'No. There is no if. You will NOT do anything similar again.'

This time, there was a bit of delay before the screen formulated a curt answer.

[...::: Understood. :::...]

Seeing the short text, Lucien sighed, turning his attention towards the ceiling, looking through the opaque, dark screen.

His mind wandered back to the last years of his torture. Could what is happening now be a result of some of those cruel experiments? That would have been the obvious conclusion, but something didn't feel right to Lucien.

While it was true that he 'Awakened' during an especially painful experiment, he was weird, strange, ever since he was born. He had this.. Malevolent, cursed air around him, following him everywhere. His entire life was full of cruelty and despair. So much so, that seeing a genuine smile and concern for the first time in his life was alien to him, he couldn't even understand it.

All of the events in his life pointed to the fact what the text has also told him. This… whatever this was, curse, blessing, ability, mutation… system, whatever it was called was with him since he was born.

He was different from the others and because of that, his parents didn't have any interest in him and left him. Because he was different from the others he was subjected to punishments. He never received the love that every child deserved. He never knew what family was like.

Heck, the only time he saw a smile was when the person smiling wanted to cause him pain.

Nobody wanted him, the whole world was against him.

But it was all right.

A smirk appeared on his tired face, as he slowly closed his eyes. It was already late in the night. Luckily neither of the Lewis's checked up on him, for he didn't want to scare them.

'What should I do now…' he sighed, ready to turn to sleep, when suddenly the floating, bloodied text appeared on the very same dark background.

[...:::Host is ready to receive his first task? :::...]

A single question appeared, awaiting Lucien's response. Curious about what it meant by it, he nodded, humming in acquiesce.

The text changed again reacting to his motion. New and new letters appeared, rapidly taking their designated place.

[...::: New Task Received! :::...]

[...::: Take your first steps in the Evolution! :::...]

[...::: Gather your first Entropy Points (0 / 10) :::...]

[...::: Rewards: System Feature Unlocked :::... ]

[...::: Note: Host is advised to be alone for the task. Leaving the two humans is advised. :::...]

Reading through the new task he was given, and the advice at the end, Lucien gave a heavy nod.

'I know. I already planned to. I am still not sure about their intentions, but regardless, if they have any, they helped me, so I shouldn't bring trouble to them. Those at the Facility will be most likely coming after me.'

He sighed again as he turned to his side and closed his eyes. Before giving himself into the drowsiness, he muttered a single thought.

"I will… I will leave in the morning…"

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