Prime Evolver System

Chapter 20 - 20 - 'Your Choice”

With a loud bell-like sound, the entrance to Momma Dana's Diner clung open, and amidst the gazes of the ones already slurping their coffees and munching on their morning pancakes and sausages a woman that clearly didn't belong to such an establishment, and a thin-looking black-haired boy stepped inside, making their way towards the nearest empty box.

As they took their seating, a big, motherly, middle-aged woman approached them. A messy, greasy apron hanging from her neck she reached for the deep pockets of it and pulled out a note and a pen.

Perching a wide, warm, friendly smile on her face, she looked at the newcomers. Focusing her attention first on the blonde lady wearing the business suit.

"Hello my dears, welcome to Dana's little corner of heaven! What'cha need? Want some grub and something to warm your souls?"

"Greetings, Miss. We would like two…" Sera began to respond, stopping halfway her order, and looked at the boy sitting calmly in front of him.

"What would you like? Does a coffee with sugar and milk sounds good?" She asked him, not sure what he preferred.

Without thinking about it, Lucien silently nodded, not uttering anything verbally before he turned his attention towards the window and resumed looking at the cityscape outside.

With an awkward smile on her beautiful milky-white face, Sera returned to the motherly waiter/cook and resumed to place her order.

" yeah, two cups of coffee with sugar and milk, please. Thank you!" The awkward smile transforming into a friendly-looking one, she was polite all the way through.

The motherly lady, scrubbed something on the notebook, before throwing both the pen and it to the depths of her pockets, and spoke with the same warm gentleness as before.

While she did, she also pulled out the diner's menu, a piece of laminated paper holding only a few options to choose from, the first being the 'Daily Special' followed by the 'Momma Donna's Pancakes'. Below that the typical morning diner-breakfast, the sausage+egg combo and finally you could also order scrambled eggs. Just the basics, but it was perfect for such a typical countryside place.

"Alright dears, give me a few minutes and I'll be back with your joes! Meanwhile, take a look at our menu, and just give a holler if you need anything, okay?' She placed the menu in front of the blonde business woman, then turned around, and with an uncharacteristic speed, she vanished through the swinging double doors at the back.

As her wide, apple figured went back to the kitchen to prepare their liquid substances, Sera, heaved a long-winded sigh, returning her attention to the cold-looking boy sitting opposite of her.

"Listen… as I mentioned before, I am Sera De'angelos, and I came specifically to meet with you… Lucien." She began, trying to start up a conversation, hoping to at the very least earn the boy's attention.

Lucien's eyes turned into slits, his hands were instantly clenched into fists as he heard the woman utter his name. Although he was fairly sure that she knew about him, it was still quite worrisome to hear it from the lady. After all, he never said anything about himself so far.

Slowly, his eyes ventured from the window glass and met with Sera's azure blue upturned-shaped gaze.

For the first time since they sat down, he spoke, albeit with a cold, rigid, hostile tone.

"What do you know about me?"

"I…" Sera wasn't sure how to actually continue. Even after practicing what she wanted to say for the last couple of years, now, facing the child that her beloved Master has selected… She didn't know what to say, how to properly or to be more precise, adequately explain a tale that just couldn't be told.

However, before she could continue, the kitchen double doors swung open and the kind-looking middle-aged mature waitress lady returned with a tray in her hand, holding their hot, fresh dark beverage.

"Here ya go dears, enjoy! Just give me a holler if you'll need anything, 'key?" She repeated her earlier offer, and with a bright, gentle smile she retreated back behind the counter serving the regulars already waiting.

Lucien's eyes remained on the wide back of the receding lady, the coldness momentarily vanishing from his expression replaced by a barely perceptible small smile. For a brief moment, he forgot to mask these complex feelings with his usual distant coldness.

"So, you probably want to know more about the reason for me being here…" Sera gave a light cough, trying to regain the boy's attention. Deciding not to wait any longer, she coughed once more, and whilst holding the small cup between her lithe fingers she began her tale.

"Even after practicing for so long… preparing multiple speeches, now, sitting in front of you, Lucien, I am actually not sure how to begin… I guess the best way to start is to point out the fact that, by now, you have also come aware of: Lucien, you are special."

Her words were vague, simple, yet instantly grabbed Lucien's full, undivided attention. His eyes returned to their hostile slit-shaped forms, he grabbed the edges of the table, threatening to tear it to pieces.

He didn't speak a word but just based on his expression it was clear that he wanted the woman to continue on before he would decide what to do with her.

*khm* She coughed, masking her nervousness, then went on explaining. "You are special, Lucien. You carry the mark of the old gods within you. You are their chosen one, the guardian of their ancient and eternal will. You carry a heavy fate with you, that continuously weighs you down."

"Explain." Was the only response that Lucien coldly uttered, laser-focused on the woman in front of him. Unbeknownst to him, his agitated state started to bring forth the monster inside him. The corners of his eyes, the white sclera gradually started turning darker, as the miniature tendrils of the ancient power crept ever-so-forward.

Sera was already expecting this, she slowly raised her arms, and tried to calm the boy.

"Relax, Lucien, I know that my words may paint a dangerous picture but try to listen to everything I need to say. After that, you can decide what to do, I will not try to block your path. Just know that I will forever be here to help you if you happen to need it."

She spoke trying her best to showcase the image of a kind, gentle familial figure to the boy. Seeing how the darkness didn't expand any further, she sighed and continued on.

"I am sure you have many, many questions about your childhood. Why did you suffer, why were you left alone... And ultimately, what happened that caused you to awaken to the powers inside you."

Knowing that her next words will probably just serve as further fuel to the boy's rising anger, she sighed once more, before resuming.

"I have to tell you that it wasn't easy to-"

However, suddenly sensing something, she abruptly halted her speech and turned her attention towards the north. The gentle smile vanished from her face, replaced by a deep frown. She placed the still full cup down, and hurriedly stood up.

Sensing the change in her mood, Lucien looked at her with a questioning gaze. He didn't need to ask anything like the woman's next words, which caused him to almost break the table as he jumped up.

"The pair of elders that took you in are in danger. Those that want your power, have already found your trace. Come we have to go, we can't waste any more time!"

"Hey you two, did you have any issues with the coffee? Lemme know and I can fix another one for you, no charges!" The big woman yelled after them when she saw their hurried departure. However, by that time, they were already out of the diner, rushing towards the car they arrived in.

Sera quickly jumped in the car, and fired up the engine, waiting for the boy to come after her. Once he got in, she pushed the pedal to the metal and rushed out from the parking spot at high speeds. The tires screeching, she was already slithering through the traffic, but not towards the elderly family's direction, but towards the big city.

"What are you doing?! They are in the other direction!" Lucien exclaimed with a nervous look on his face, noticing that they were going further and further away instead of going towards the Lewis' to help them.

Sera sighed, keeping her attention on the road, as she tried to explain.

"They are after you, Lucien. We need to get you to safety. While I am sorry about them, but we first and foremost need to get you out of the threat. Back in the city, I have a place where-"

"NO." Before Sera could finish, a could shout, froze the words within her. Taking a glance to the side, she saw the same hostile look on the boy's dark eyes that he had before. However, this time, unlike before it wasn't faked, forced. It was genuine.

"Either turn back the car or I will just find myself out.. Your choice."

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