Prime Evolver System

Chapter 30 - 30 - A Lesson In Archery (Part 1)

With the newly acquired knowledge in mind, Lucien finally turned to look at the direction Sera was pointing at.

At first, he saw nothing special: his vision was once again thwarted by the increasingly denser undergrowth in the distance. He couldn't pierce through them, he couldn't see what the woman was pointing at.

However, before frustration could kick in, and he could voice a complaint, suddenly he felt a change. The edges of his sight began to blur out and fade away. In its place, the central point began to slowly expand whilst not losing any of its initial clarity.

On the contrary, as it stretched out, it became gradually clearer, sharper. Now, he could make out the small razor-sharp leaves in the thorny bush that previously he could only see as a dark green, blurry mess.

He found this change quite shocking, and at the same time empowering. Lucien kept focusing his gaze on a singular point, now understanding a bit more of how this newly acquired of his work. He wanted to see just how far it could take him.

A moment passed again, and just like before the edges of his vision began to blur and fade away once more, whilst the central scope expanded again, all the while it retained its sharp, clear quality.

Now, another wonder enfolded before Lucien's eyes: The bush was now so close, so clear that he could see 'through it'. As its leaves were relatively sparse, they did leave several areas where one could see the world behind its leafy umbrella.

He could see the continuation of the emerald grass, he could see the trunks of some distant trees and, which was the most surprising revelation to him: a light gray hazy ball of fur. He couldn't exactly make out what it was, but his guess was that it had to be what Sera wanted him to see.

Another second passed as Lucien retained his high concentration, this time focusing on the gray furry ball hiding amidst the tall blades of grass that blanketed the ground.

His vision zoomed in once again, making the scene just another grade clearer. The previously hazy ball of fur now had a definite outline and a contour; he could make out what would seem to be some sort of forest rabbit, a hare.

All this, that to him seemed like hours, barely took 3 ticks in reality. From the outside, the only visible difference that could be seen was her previously pearl-white sclera turning several shades darker, ending with a lighter shade of grey, whilst the edges once again had a rough, dark, blackened edge that had similar qualities to his viral appendage's nightmare-inducing tendrils.

"Can you see it now?" Breaking the ensuing silence, Sera whispered a question, careful enough not to break the boy's concentration completely.

"Yes. I can see it… but I can still hardly understand what is going on… H-how am I doing this?!"

Although he asked the question aloud, he wasn't expecting any answer from the girl. After all, whilst she seemed to be aware of most of the things going on, Lucien wasn't sure that the existence of the system itself was revealed to her at any point by his predecessor. Opting for the side of safety, he himself decided to keep it a secret for the time being.

"I believe Master called this skill Far Sight. It works roughly similar to how one would use the scope of a rifle, but this one is automatic… passive I think was the term." Sera began to explain after thinking about it for a bit.

"The more you focus on the same object, the clearer and sharper it becomes. It is such a useful ability to have, you will see." She smiled, picking up her bow from her back once again.

"Now, whilst keeping your attention on the prize, slowly get ready. Pick up your bow and place an arrow in it."

Without hesitation, Lucien picked up the weapon from his back, grabbing it by its grip with his left hand and raising it in front of him. Due to his vision being laser-focused on the distance, he couldn't exactly see what or how he was holding the weapon, as he ended up holding it not right, but slightly at an inverted angle.

He then tried reaching for the quiver in his back, only to miss it a couple of times before his fingers finally found something feathery. Reaching a bit lower, he grabbed one by its shaft and slowly pulled it out, trying to blindly place it in its attended rest, the shelf of the bow, albeit without much success.

As his frustration began to rise and was about to lose his enhanced honed-in sight, Sera came to the rescue. Gently grabbing the boy's shoulders, she walked behind him and leaned closer.

"Let me help, Lucien. Stay focused on your target, don't let your concentration break, I will help you."

Still, despite her words, it wasn't that easy for Lucien to keep his calm. As the woman leaned against his back, he felt the puffy pressure of her two generous mounds pressing against his shoulder blades. It was a wondrous sensation, but also quite disturbing at the same time.

Not wanting to lose himself in the rising chaos of not-so-welcome thoughts, Lucien heaved a long sigh, clearing his head slightly in the process. He felt the woman's warm embrace, she felt her arms stretch out along his own. She felt her slender fingers as her left hand slowly wrapped itself around his own, and slowly tilted the weapon, correcting his erroneous hold. He also felt her right hand wrap itself around his right hand, helping him learn the correct movement and motion on how to arm his bow. Then she guided his hand to reach for the bowstring and slowly stretch it back whilst placing his index finger above its end and the rest of his fingers below.

"This is how you arm the bow. Learn how it feels, learn this posture. Now, whilst keeping your eye on the prize, let me help you with the aiming this time. For the rest, try to do it on your own. You need to learn to see where the arrowhead is pointing at as well. You can't just keep focusing on your target, you need to see where you are aiming at the same time." She explained through whispers, still being careful to keep the boy's concentration at its peak.

"Okay…" Lucien responded, keeping most of his attention on the still calm and unmoving little furball in the distance. "What is the next step?" He asked, eager to get his prize now. Seeing the notification and gains from that small critter, he was eager to receive yet another benefit. More so, that this one would be hunted by himself this time. Well, mostly.

Sera smiled at his question, very happy and satisfied that subconsciously she gained yet another step towards earning the boy's trust.

"Now, we have to stretch the string and get ready to fire. Here, let me show you how to do it."

She answered with a smile, as he slowly began to pull his hand back towards his face. The string kept stretching further and further, becoming gradually harder to keep pulling it back. Once they reached roughly next to his face level, she suddenly stopped pulling it back and removed both of her hands.

He felt the pressed-up mounds from his back slowly back away, as Sera took a few steps back.

"Now you are ready. Once you feel it. Release the string and the arrow will be fired at the target. Keep your focus on the hare this time. For the next shoot, you will be doing everything yourself so try your best memorizing everything I have just shown you, okay?"

She instructed, keeping her voice down.

Lucien kept this stretched-out posture for a brief moment longer, trying to burn it into his memory. A moment later, his fingers stretched out, leaving the bowstring.


The string snapped back, firing the placed arrow in the process. Lucien could hear the whistling sound as the little wooden projectile flew through the air. He only saw a blurry dark beam as it entered his vision from the lower end and saw as it easily pierced into the hare that he kept focusing on.

A single wince was the only sound the little animal managed to utter before the life left it and tumbled a couple of feet backward due to the sheer force of the impact.

Lucien didn't react at all initially, he was stunned at this sight. He was shocked. After all, this was the first time, he took life by himself.

Even though he already murdered dozens of humans, that wasn't him at all, that was the 'other one' he wasn't in control. Those felt similar as if someone was watching a scene in a movie.

Still, the shock was only blocking his mind briefly. A second later, he was pulled back to reality by the cheering sounds of the blonde woman.

"Great shot Lucien! Beautifully done!"

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