Prime Evolver System
Chapter 32 - 32 - The Unexpected Target
As Lucien released the bowstring only then did he realize that his target was no longer the little ball of fur, but something else. He focused his sight, trying to make out what it actually was that suddenly decided to steal away his prize.
He listened to the whistling sound as the released arrow flew with great speeds towards the unknown assailant. By the time his vision began to clear, and he saw the dark gray, almost black predator the arrow already made its way towards it rapidly closing in towards its hound-like head.
However, the creature was unlike the previous two targets. As soon as it spotted the threat to its life, it jumped forward, causing the arrow to miss its original target, and instead drill into its side.
A low-toned growl was released as the creature landed on its feet and turned towards its attacker's direction. Its pair of yellow eyes ominously glowered towards the stunned boy. Seemingly not minding the wound it received, it planted its feet steadily on the ground, leaned its hind legs before pushing himself off from the ground, and flew into a charge.
It swiftly accelerated, entering into a frenzied rush, whilst its growls echoed around the duo. A second later, its figure appeared in the far distance, rapidly closing the remaining distance.
His momentary shock was broken once again by Sera, who jumped in front of him. The hollow, translucent image of a pair of bird-like feathery wings was glowing on her back. Her entire body had a faint aura of colorless light, acting as a coat of shield made out of pure energy.
As she got into a battle-ready poise, a sword appeared in her right hand. The blade had a bright silvery shine, whilst the hilt which she tightly gripped on, were black as the night.
In a moment she got ready for the incoming battle.
"Stay behind me, Lucien. I will deal with this beast and keep you safe!" She exclaimed, with a stern tone. The previous calm and kind tone were now replaced with a stern, serious one.
Still, Lucien didn't mind it. From the initial look they shared with this monster, he immediately understood that his shot only irked the creature, he was ill-suited to deal with such a devilish predator.
His thoughts were a chaotic mess, as although he wasn't scared, he wasn't entirely calm either. His heart was beating at a heightened pace, his right arm was continuously convulsing. He felt the strange energy coursing through his body, he felt his senses heightening.
His sight kicked into overdrive, it almost instantly honed in on the charging wolf-like animal. His hearing sharpened, he could even hear a rhythmic thump coming from it; his agitated, beating heart.
Even now, as the distance was still relatively large between them, he could already smell it. The dog-like taste of its fur was already causing a slight frown to appear over his expression.
"For now, try to stay behind me, and do not attack this one. This is no simple wolf, it's a warg!" Sera exclaimed, swirling the blade in her right hand, ready to jump at the approaching creature.
The seconds stretched out, Lucien felt as if the time itself had slowed down to a crawl as he was looking at the black-furred, wolf which Sera referred to as a 'Warg'. It did seem bigger and bulkier than what he would expect from what he remembered. Its eerie, dark yellow eyes were also not something that he has ever seen in any of the books he read.
Also, it seemed to be sturdier, much more resistant against damage. The arrow he fired clearly hit the creature and drilled itself deeply into its back. Yet, seemingly it didn't even phase the animal, it only served as fuel to its fiery, burning rage.
Lucien watched with bated breath standing behind and protected by the blonde woman as the warg got closer and closer. Its maddened, crazed gaze was still focused on him, ignoring the bright, glowing woman standing in front of him.
Still, he felt no fear. He didn't feel the trepidation, the dread one would most likely experience in a similar situation. His pathetic and short life didn't play out in front of him, he wasn't feeling the threat at all.
On the contrary, he felt his entire body trembling with excitement. He felt the aching in his right arm, in the viral appendage, as it was already looking forward to the upcoming battle. He was thirsty for its blood. He needed to overcome such a dominant foe. He needed its essence and make it his own.
He could barely hold himself back, and not lounge against the creature himself. He understood the warning Sera gave and that he was no match for it in his current state, but regardless… He wanted to experience such a challenge.
Focused on the rapidly approaching enemy, he didn't notice the subtle change on his right arm. A set of dark claws appeared at the tip of each of his fingers, whilst the entire arm became swollen, growing a couple of sizes thicker as well as the skin turning several shades darker.
At the same time, black tendrils began to creep up at the corners of his eyes…
It was quite a while since she had to wield Galdrine, Sera was feeling excitement rising in her heart. This feeling, facing off against a fearsome foe was something she realized just now that she was missing so much.
Living on the edge, the constant threat against their lives… The dangers of the apocalyptic future she is working hard to prevent… She had to admit to herself that there were some aspects of it that she did enjoy.
Facing off against all the monstrous entities of the end of times, back to back, shoulder by shoulder with her beloved Master… She could only hope that she would reach a similar point with the young Lucien.
Although wishing for something was not something she should be thinking about, not now when she was about to clash with this warg, and not ever. Wishing for the destruction of civilization as they now know it… She would have to work on herself it seems.
Seconds continued to pass, the charging animal got closer and closer. The distance between them now was only a couple dozen feet, she could now feel its thick bloody aura, its presence, the thick killing intent that he was aiming towards the boy behind her.
"Oh no, you don't! If you want to get to him, you have to get through me first!" She yelled, flaring up at the same time. Her aura expanded, the holy light surrounding her body intensified, blocking the pressure the beast was emitting.
She pulled her stretched-out sword-wielding right arm slightly behind her, increasing her grip on the hilt.
A faint smirk appeared on Sera's usually gentle expression, she readied her stance and leaned against her knees as the beast got dangerously closer.
As it finally arrived, the beast lounged itself into the air, whilst snapping its strong jaws ajar, and tilting its head to the side. At the same time, Sera also made its introductory attack, she swung her blade in a wide right-winded attack. The sword drew a beautiful arc in the air, creating a silver dome as it struck against the jaws of the warg, blocking its snapping attack with a loud blustering explosion and sending the beast rocketing towards the ground.
What was simply a fraction of a second, felt like several long seconds to Lucien as he watched intently as the single attack seemingly dislocated the beast's lower jaw, and subsequently sent the beast towards the ground, kicking off a sizable amount of dust in the process.
The sheer power that was carried with that opening attack from the slender-looking Sera caused quite a surprise to the boy. He didn't expect such strength within that thin-framed body of hers.
Also, he had to admit that she looked like an otherworldly being, a bona fide angel with all this shining luster and glory surrounding her. Just what was she? What were her power, her role, and true purpose with the old man?
Were they really just Master and Servant, or perhaps there was something else behind the scenes?
There were several thoughts that Lucien desperately wanted answers to… many mysteries that needed solving of their own.
However, on the other hand, he felt strangely comfortable with all the inexplicable events that kept surrounding him. Enhanced, empowered human soldiers, magical pocket worlds, hidden from the outside… fantastical powers… and now, these monstrously powerful supernatural creatures… After seeing what the 'other one' was capable of when she was given free reigns, such things couldn't phase him anymore.
Lucien focused his attention looking into the cloud of dust that slowly started to dissipate. He could still feel a waning presence, the creature's now irregular heartbeat. The damage it received was brutal, even though it seemed to have survived their initial clash, it wasn't looking too good for it.
Sera also seemed to be aware of this, she suddenly stepped aside, turning to look at Lucien with the previous vigor she had before this sudden clash.
"Go ahead Lucien and take the prey as your own. Conquer it and take its flesh for yourself!"
He listened to the whistling sound as the released arrow flew with great speeds towards the unknown assailant. By the time his vision began to clear, and he saw the dark gray, almost black predator the arrow already made its way towards it rapidly closing in towards its hound-like head.
However, the creature was unlike the previous two targets. As soon as it spotted the threat to its life, it jumped forward, causing the arrow to miss its original target, and instead drill into its side.
A low-toned growl was released as the creature landed on its feet and turned towards its attacker's direction. Its pair of yellow eyes ominously glowered towards the stunned boy. Seemingly not minding the wound it received, it planted its feet steadily on the ground, leaned its hind legs before pushing himself off from the ground, and flew into a charge.
It swiftly accelerated, entering into a frenzied rush, whilst its growls echoed around the duo. A second later, its figure appeared in the far distance, rapidly closing the remaining distance.
His momentary shock was broken once again by Sera, who jumped in front of him. The hollow, translucent image of a pair of bird-like feathery wings was glowing on her back. Her entire body had a faint aura of colorless light, acting as a coat of shield made out of pure energy.
As she got into a battle-ready poise, a sword appeared in her right hand. The blade had a bright silvery shine, whilst the hilt which she tightly gripped on, were black as the night.
In a moment she got ready for the incoming battle.
"Stay behind me, Lucien. I will deal with this beast and keep you safe!" She exclaimed, with a stern tone. The previous calm and kind tone were now replaced with a stern, serious one.
Still, Lucien didn't mind it. From the initial look they shared with this monster, he immediately understood that his shot only irked the creature, he was ill-suited to deal with such a devilish predator.
His thoughts were a chaotic mess, as although he wasn't scared, he wasn't entirely calm either. His heart was beating at a heightened pace, his right arm was continuously convulsing. He felt the strange energy coursing through his body, he felt his senses heightening.
His sight kicked into overdrive, it almost instantly honed in on the charging wolf-like animal. His hearing sharpened, he could even hear a rhythmic thump coming from it; his agitated, beating heart.
Even now, as the distance was still relatively large between them, he could already smell it. The dog-like taste of its fur was already causing a slight frown to appear over his expression.
"For now, try to stay behind me, and do not attack this one. This is no simple wolf, it's a warg!" Sera exclaimed, swirling the blade in her right hand, ready to jump at the approaching creature.
The seconds stretched out, Lucien felt as if the time itself had slowed down to a crawl as he was looking at the black-furred, wolf which Sera referred to as a 'Warg'. It did seem bigger and bulkier than what he would expect from what he remembered. Its eerie, dark yellow eyes were also not something that he has ever seen in any of the books he read.
Also, it seemed to be sturdier, much more resistant against damage. The arrow he fired clearly hit the creature and drilled itself deeply into its back. Yet, seemingly it didn't even phase the animal, it only served as fuel to its fiery, burning rage.
Lucien watched with bated breath standing behind and protected by the blonde woman as the warg got closer and closer. Its maddened, crazed gaze was still focused on him, ignoring the bright, glowing woman standing in front of him.
Still, he felt no fear. He didn't feel the trepidation, the dread one would most likely experience in a similar situation. His pathetic and short life didn't play out in front of him, he wasn't feeling the threat at all.
On the contrary, he felt his entire body trembling with excitement. He felt the aching in his right arm, in the viral appendage, as it was already looking forward to the upcoming battle. He was thirsty for its blood. He needed to overcome such a dominant foe. He needed its essence and make it his own.
He could barely hold himself back, and not lounge against the creature himself. He understood the warning Sera gave and that he was no match for it in his current state, but regardless… He wanted to experience such a challenge.
Focused on the rapidly approaching enemy, he didn't notice the subtle change on his right arm. A set of dark claws appeared at the tip of each of his fingers, whilst the entire arm became swollen, growing a couple of sizes thicker as well as the skin turning several shades darker.
At the same time, black tendrils began to creep up at the corners of his eyes…
It was quite a while since she had to wield Galdrine, Sera was feeling excitement rising in her heart. This feeling, facing off against a fearsome foe was something she realized just now that she was missing so much.
Living on the edge, the constant threat against their lives… The dangers of the apocalyptic future she is working hard to prevent… She had to admit to herself that there were some aspects of it that she did enjoy.
Facing off against all the monstrous entities of the end of times, back to back, shoulder by shoulder with her beloved Master… She could only hope that she would reach a similar point with the young Lucien.
Although wishing for something was not something she should be thinking about, not now when she was about to clash with this warg, and not ever. Wishing for the destruction of civilization as they now know it… She would have to work on herself it seems.
Seconds continued to pass, the charging animal got closer and closer. The distance between them now was only a couple dozen feet, she could now feel its thick bloody aura, its presence, the thick killing intent that he was aiming towards the boy behind her.
"Oh no, you don't! If you want to get to him, you have to get through me first!" She yelled, flaring up at the same time. Her aura expanded, the holy light surrounding her body intensified, blocking the pressure the beast was emitting.
She pulled her stretched-out sword-wielding right arm slightly behind her, increasing her grip on the hilt.
A faint smirk appeared on Sera's usually gentle expression, she readied her stance and leaned against her knees as the beast got dangerously closer.
As it finally arrived, the beast lounged itself into the air, whilst snapping its strong jaws ajar, and tilting its head to the side. At the same time, Sera also made its introductory attack, she swung her blade in a wide right-winded attack. The sword drew a beautiful arc in the air, creating a silver dome as it struck against the jaws of the warg, blocking its snapping attack with a loud blustering explosion and sending the beast rocketing towards the ground.
What was simply a fraction of a second, felt like several long seconds to Lucien as he watched intently as the single attack seemingly dislocated the beast's lower jaw, and subsequently sent the beast towards the ground, kicking off a sizable amount of dust in the process.
The sheer power that was carried with that opening attack from the slender-looking Sera caused quite a surprise to the boy. He didn't expect such strength within that thin-framed body of hers.
Also, he had to admit that she looked like an otherworldly being, a bona fide angel with all this shining luster and glory surrounding her. Just what was she? What were her power, her role, and true purpose with the old man?
Were they really just Master and Servant, or perhaps there was something else behind the scenes?
There were several thoughts that Lucien desperately wanted answers to… many mysteries that needed solving of their own.
However, on the other hand, he felt strangely comfortable with all the inexplicable events that kept surrounding him. Enhanced, empowered human soldiers, magical pocket worlds, hidden from the outside… fantastical powers… and now, these monstrously powerful supernatural creatures… After seeing what the 'other one' was capable of when she was given free reigns, such things couldn't phase him anymore.
Lucien focused his attention looking into the cloud of dust that slowly started to dissipate. He could still feel a waning presence, the creature's now irregular heartbeat. The damage it received was brutal, even though it seemed to have survived their initial clash, it wasn't looking too good for it.
Sera also seemed to be aware of this, she suddenly stepped aside, turning to look at Lucien with the previous vigor she had before this sudden clash.
"Go ahead Lucien and take the prey as your own. Conquer it and take its flesh for yourself!"
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