Prime Evolver System

Chapter 50 - 50 - Fighting Sera

(AN.: Just a note from me before we dive deeper into the story. There will be concepts that I will utilize in the story that can be similar to traditional, 'cultivation' novels. Anyway, just wanted to give a note, before public outcry could ensue. :) )


"If you are ready, you can come any time you want. There's no need to wait for my words; after all, in a real-life situation, the opponent will not wait for you to get ready."

As soon as Sera walked back to her position and said those words, Lucien immediately ran forward. At the same time, for the first time ever, he concentrated on the [Bestial Rush] skill, activating it with his thought in the next instant.

As the skill activated, he suddenly felt a new sensation. A flow of some sort, activating in his body. Although he wasn't knowledgeable about these spiritual matters as of yet, he could feel it. A path, a channel inside his body activated, similar to his circulatory system, but at the same time, different as well. It wasn't made of flesh, but of this intangible energy, something that he could only compare to a warm breeze. It was as if a soothing, calming euphoric feeling activated inside him, and began to course all around.

This new path, was what he would eventually learn was called his Meridians, his Spiritual Vessel later.

For now, however, he could keep his focus on the blonde woman's figure up ahead as he felt this strange otherworldly channel guide this warm intangible flow of energy towards his legs.

Instantly, as the energy reached its intended destination it began to evaporate, seeping into the surrounding muscle mass, causing them to contort and swell almost instantly.

From the outside Lucien suddenly felt that each of his steps carried vastly more power behind him, each time he kicked off the ground, it increased his already high momentum. He felt the wind against his face, he was certain that he was faster than before.

Still, he had no time to dwell on matters such as these, as with the increased speed and momentum, he was rapidly closing in on the stoically standing Sera. He gripped the hilt of the exotic sword with both of his hands, raising it above his head.

He wasn't aware of it at the time, but even the way he held his blade has changed slightly. It was stable, the previous uncertainty induced by his ineptitude and inexperience have vanished, replaced by firm resolution.

Even the charging pose carried a knowledge now deeply rooted into his subconscious.

Without him knowing, this one single change in his mindset, his willingness to finally use the System, and with it, the 'other one' deepened their connection.

Seeing his altered stance, his increased speed, and the growing darkness in the boy's sclera, the calm disposition Sera radiated gradually changed, replaced by a serious outlook.

Seeing how the boy bent his knee at the same distance as in his previous attempt before he jumped into the air, Sera got ready, immediately reacting like before and raising her sword horizontally, preparing to absorb the blow the very same way she did before.

However, to her great surprise, the jump this time was merely a faint. Instead of jumping up, Lucien merely loped forward, before abruptly twisting his arms to his right side and swinging at a horizontal arc.

Although the attack caught her unprepared, Sera had vastly more experience in combat than the boy. Almost instantly, realizing that she was played, she leaned back whilst taking a step and jumping behind. At the same time, she swiftly struck down with her sword whilst changing the stance of her sword to a 45-degree acute angle.

Being midway through his attack, Lucien could only watch with widened eyes as Sera fixed her previous posture with a lightning-fast speed and even managed to twist her sword to absorb his incoming momentum.


With a loud clinking sound, the metals collided against each other, causing slight vibrations to ripple back to their holder's arms.

Still, the victor of their clash wasn't the young man, despite striking with all the carried momentum of his charge, he was still lacking compared to the vastly higher strength and experience of her opponent.

He sauntered back a couple of steps, before regaining his composure and stabilizing himself.

Still, this setback didn't break his zeal at all. Lucien could be seen madly grinning, as he was already swinging from left this time. Also, his arc wasn't horizontal but had an acute angle in it, he was aiming to make a cut from her left waist all the way towards the right side of her blooming mature chest.

At the same time, the darkness continued to slowly crawl deeper into his sclera, and, increasing the ferocity and viciousness of all his attacks.

Despite that, Sera retained her cool. Although she could feel the gradually increasing power, she did not activate her own powers. Twisting her upper torso, she turned around to face the attack head-on, while taking another step back, and planting her feet in the ground. Her sword, sailing across the air, was swiftly flying to parry the incoming strike.

Just like in the first strike, Lucien's blow wasn't amateurish any more but was carrying the lingering faint traces of some ancient, unknown technique. Their blades clashed once more, the loud clinking sounds of the metals meeting each other rippled into the surrounding forest.

Their duel continued, with Lucien showing a continuous and growing depth of some unknown technique, while Sera expertly blocked, parried, and sometimes evaded each of his attacks, not striking back even once and not relying on her holy energy at all.

Still, she had to admit that while at the beginning of their battle, she could accept each of his blows and swings with relative ease, she had to focus and fully utilize her own body strength to do the same towards the second half.

Also, it seemed that Lucien somehow managed to control his own powers, the darkness in the corner of his eyes didn't creep deeper, it merely created a thin outline over the edges of the visible area of his marble white sclera.

In the end, feeling the pressure Sera smirked at the boy, parrying another one of his directed diagonal attacks, before suddenly her entire body lit up, bathing in the colorless, blinding luster.

An invisible power surged from her body, throwing the body of the boy back several feet in the air. As his body crashed on the ground drawing a dirty trail on the ground, she lowered her guard and stepped towards him.

"Okay Lucien, that is enough. You did good!" She spoke calmly. Despite the long and arduous battle they head, she showed no signs of fatigue, unlike his youthful opponent.

"H-how…" Looking up, Lucien looked at the blonde angelic girl incredulously. Heaving heavily he asked. "H-how are you… not tired at all?"

In response, he only received a chuckle.

"Now now, Lucien, is that something you can ask a lady?" She asked with a mischievous look, as she leaned down and reached out with her right hand. "Come, stand up. You did good!"

Accepting the offered hand, he stood up with Sera's assistance. He looked confused. How did he do good? He didn't manage to land a hit at all!

Understanding the meaning behind his bewildered look, Sera simply smiled, shaking her head.

"No. You did well. Even better than I expected. You made me use my power. That's a victory in my book. You won, Lucien." She explained with a growing smile.

Before Lucien could voice his confusion and argue further, suddenly…

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