Prime Evolver System

Chapter 57 - 57 - *Spoilers, Title At The End*

Although rage was clouding his judgment, and the dormant monster was awakened and unleashed, Lucien wasn't pushed to the 'back seat' of his mind this time.

No, their shared symbiotic relationship allowed, for the first time, to have both consciousnesses be equally present and make their decisions together. If he so wished, Lucien could forcefully regain the wheel himself, and push the monstrous side of him back, but, when he saw the second person that ever showed him kindness fall down the ground in such a disheveled state… he just lost it.

Sadness, sorrow, and anger rose to a new peak inside him, he wished for nothing more than to tore the beast that harmed Sera to pieces. He wanted nothing more than to taste the blood of the enemy, to engorge himself in a bloodbath…

Amidst his seething rage, the dark-tinted, translucent system screen popped up, revealing a new message. Causing his madness to cease for a single moment.

[…::: ฬгɭรภאɭ๔? ๓ςɭן ร אɭ๔! :::…]

The message that appeared was undecipherable, consisting of the same cryptic symbols that haunted Lucien's entire childhood. Still, there was an uneasiness growing inside him. A second entity that forcefully came into the discussion. It began to convey its thought to Lucien, the same way it guided him during his cultivation.

Next, something inexplicable happened. Time seemed to come to a halt, stretching that single moment out to last for several minutes. As he wondrously looked over, he could see the still, huge body of the light purple furred feline.

Lucien wasn't sure what kind of beast it was, but he was certain it was a terrifyingly strong creature.

To be able to cause this much damage to Sera, it had to be strong. He wanted to explore, but shockingly he found that he was unable to move. Just like the space around him, his body as well was stuck in this standstill, only his consciousness was spared, causing him growing nausea due to the contradicting nature of the situation.

As his consciousness began to fade, it was suddenly pulled to attention once more as the same cryptic text appeared in front of his mind.

[…::: ฬгɭรภאɭ๔? ๓ςɭן ร אɭ๔! :::…]

'I don't understand! What are you trying to tell me?!' He wanted to exclaim in his helpless confusion but was unable to. He could only cry in his mind, mentally cursing the System. He couldn't understand, process these cryptic symbols, no matter how many times he tried, or how much effort he spent researching, he never found any meaning to them!

Why are they back again, what did they want from him?

He was on the verge of tears, his anger, and rage, and concern for the woman tormented his heart and soul. Glancing over the still image of the scene with the beast, he didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, the whispers of his other side entered his mind. Just like previously it was guiding him to focus on the message, whilst concentrating on his internal energies, his incomplete meridians, and the continuously flowing energy inside it.

He didn't understand what it wanted, but as he could do nothing, he followed its guidance. As per the instructions, he concentrated on his strange spiritual circulatory system, his mind slowly diving into the shallow pool of intangible, fluctuating energy.

Almost instantly, as his mind was enriched, engulfed with this incomprehensible power, the cryptic text felt increasingly familiar.

He could feel a new connection, a new merger, his mind and the other one slowly turned into one, a slew of new information, knowledge started appearing one after another.

The text was no longer alien, undecipherable, there was a growing familiarity to it.

Just as his mind started to familiarize with the information Lucien was receiving, the text itself changed, the symbols flipped over one by one, turning into known characters. The message was now visible, and readable for him. The enigma of its meaning was resolved just like that.

[…::: Do you wish for the power to save her? If so, call my name! :::…]

Suddenly, a single word came to Lucien's mind. What was even stranger was that, unlike with the cryptic text, this name, this term felt like it was always with him, living at the back of her mind, stored away just for this very moment.

As the need has finally arisen, as the fated moment has arrived, the lock was seemingly removed, bringing forward this moment.

Without hesitating, Lucien exclaimed, bellowing the word, the name into his mind space with firm resolve and determination.


A deep, ancient growl quaked the mental space around Lucien at the next moment. Hard to comprehend, he felt as if the walls that split the two consciousness crumbled, releasing the locked away entity, the monster, the being now known as Pravitas.

"Finally…." The ancient, otherworldly voice sighed.

Lucien could feel the second presence as it slowly came forward. Whilst it had no spiritual body, there was a newfound pressure descending to his mind. Lucien could feel its eternal hunger, its thirst as it engulfed his being.

Still, he wasn't scared, he wasn't afraid. Their fates were tied together, one could not exist without the other.

With a fierce gaze, he called for the creature once more.


Once again, only a long, stretched-out growl could be heard rumbling all around Lucien as a response.

Still, a smirk stretched over his face. He understood what this response meant. He gave a nod, as his consciousness vanished from the dark void, returning to his body.

However, this time, he wasn't alone. Unlike the first time back in the lab, both drivers were present, truly living the mutualist state of their shared connection, neither side pushed the other away.

Although the events seemed to be taking a longer period of time, in reality, not even a moment has passed. The complete darkness in his eyes changed once more. A bright glowing pupil appeared over his left, whilst a dark red colored one glowered menacingly over his right.

As his lips parted, he spoke with a synchronous dual tone. It was as if two figures spoke at the same time.

"Well… This is interesting…" He or they muttered, turning their attention towards the beast that seemed to also finally sense the new presence, the new emerging threat behind itself, and was now looking at it with matching ferocity and viciousness.

There was no need for words, both sides were clear of the other's intent.

At the same time as the large purple tiger-like cat charged forward, Lucien also rushed towards it. His [Bestial Rush] enhancing his speed, they met in the next moment midway.

Following their collision, a huge shockwave of energy was released, throwing both sides back, forcing them to back off several steps.

The large majestic-looking cat, looked with bewilderment at the mysterious human as it regained its stand. It could feel a numb pain at its side.

Shockingly this fragile-looking creature managed to hurt him!

At the same time, Lucien was smiling, as he felt a growing excitement. This was it! This was the battle he so badly wished for! The challenge, the true threat to his life, the chance to grow stronger has finally come!


Title: Pravitas!

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