Prime Evolver System

Chapter 72 - 72 - Friends?

Jack stared at the offered hand and the just as troubled and equally as an embarrassed-looking boy for a few brief moments longer before he exploded into a burst of laughter. He chuckled at the young teen's awkwardness, as he struggled to do something so simple as to offer his friendship.

The huge change as he went from this strong, dominant, reassured person to this awkward, and embarrassed boy was so funny to look at that he just couldn't help himself and chuckle wholeheartedly.

The tense atmosphere instantly shattered, Lucien kept standing there, feeling like an idiot, still, he didn't pull his arm back. Gathering all his courage, he looked back at the delighted Jack and muttered the unfamiliar words for the first time in his life.

"Ehrm… So… Would you… want to be…." Still, he found it strangely hard to voice out the word. It got stuck in his throat. 

With a pleading look, he looked at the boy for help. Unfortunately for him, Jack was enjoying the moment way too much. Seeing this rich noble boy struggling with such an easy matter was the best healing to his battered and weary soul. He looked at Lucien with delight, his lips curving higher and higher, looking forward to the moment.

Seeing that there would be no mercy for him, Lucien sighed bitterly, before taking another large gasp of air. As he slowly exhaled all of it back into the world and slowly collected his thoughts, he took another second attempt at it. 

It shouldn't be this hard after all. Still, as his past 17 years of life were spent with an overflow of disdain, contempt, and hatred, this was the hardest, biggest hurdle Lucien felt he had to face.

"Would you… want to be… my… f-f-f-friend?"

Jack took a couple more seconds to take in the sight that he never felt would enjoy anytime soon. His laughter soon seized, as he was now looking at the awkwardly smiling young master with a contemplating look.

A few seconds later, however, he lightly shrugged his shoulders and returned his smile as he accepted the offered hand and shook it. 

Offering his friendship didn't require too much from him after all. Being a loner even before his grandfather had passed away, and more so after, he didn't put too much weight in such matters. 

He was the one usually left out from the discussions back in school, sitting alone in the corner, or in the cafeteria. He was the last one to be picked during PE or the one that was usually avoided, left alone.

He was what you would refer to as the 'invisible one' in the class. The teacher rarely bothered with him, so he wasn't too studious either. 

Although he showcased a strong front in the matter, the truth was, he was just like Lucien. Lonely. Ever since his passing, Jack had nobody to talk to. His only company was his phone. 

Before today, he rarely even trained his qi or his meager knowledge in the martial arts. Every now and then, when he had the time, he would do the exercises, but sadly, most of his free time was spent trying to earn the money they owed to their debtors.

As he clapped the offered hand and shook it with vigor, he pushed back all the surging negative thoughts to the depths of his mind, only showing a friendly, happy smile back to his newly made friend.

As he shook it and looked back at the naive, confused expression of this strange figure, he couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe… if he plays his cards right, he could hopefully solve some of his most pressing problems.

"Sure, Lucien. I would gladly know you as my friend!" Jack grinned at him. "After all, how could I refuse my savior, right?"

"Yeah… s-sure." Lucien responded, still feeling a bit out-of-place. However, as Sera's light cough reached his ears from behind and reminded him of the question he should be focusing on before they leave, he shifted his demeanor back to how it was before and asked the grinning young teen.

"So, uhm, Jack… Which school do you go to? Would you mind telling us?"

Sitting in the back seat, Lucien silently gazed out of the window, looking at the vast difference in those that traversed the streets as the day slowly completed its cycle and gave way towards the evening. 

The evenly mixed crowd was now shifted in favor of the younger generation, all kinds of colorful members of every caste could be seen going towards the closest club, pub, or whatever entertainment they set their eyes on. 

Young groups of teens banded together into small groups finding safety in numbers, laughing, cheering… enjoying themselves amongst those closest to him.

"Friends…" Lucien muttered as the car slowly made its way towards a giant skyscraper at the depths of this humongous metropolitan town.

Sera only smiled at his word, changing the topic back to the original, most important matter that they were intending to accomplish today.

"While most of the administration should already be handled, there are still a few documents we both need to sign to finalize the legal procedure. Additionally, we need to get a few more things done during this upcoming weekend, before Monday, especially if you wish to become a student at this High School."

"I know." Lucien lightly responded, his gaze still fixated upon the pedestrian traffic. 

"Tomorrow we will visit this school and visit the principal. He or She should already be contacted and made aware of us. That should be an easy matter and we could also spend some time after that to explore the neighborhood if you would like." She added with a warm smile.

Seeing Lucien's silent nod, she coughed and continued on.

"However, before all of that, we have two things we need to complete today. The first is easy, we just need to go to my office and sign a couple of documents."

Suddenly a frown appeared over her face as she went on.

"As for the second matter… Well, that might prove to be a bit more problematic…"

Finally, after a tiring and much more challenging workday than he would have liked, Jack finally made his way back home. Although they offered him a lift, he couldn't accept it. 

After all, if such a rich family and as he could see from the swift handling of the clean-up, the powerful family were to see the dilapidating, run-down shack, the dumpster-hole he called home, Jack was certain they would avoid him like the plague.

As he stepped off from the bus and walked through the gradually destitute parts of the city, his mind was racing on all the strange and peculiar events that had transpired today. First off, the matter of the local tyrant gang showing up, although it was new, it's not something that he would be too surprised about.

The fact that they would go as far as to beat him down for such a matter as a failed robbery, was, however, quite a baffling turn of events. Why would they care about it? There had to be something behind this event, as they wouldn't waste so much time and resources on such a trivial matter…

Question is, what was this all about?

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