Prime Evolver System

Chapter 84 - 84 - Shade Hills

Lucien tried his best to not reveal the immense torment he was under. He did his best to swallow the urge to cry out, and instead clenched his fist and gritted his teeth, so hard that a thin trail of blood began to slither from the inside of his palm and make its way towards the ground.

At the very least, the intense torture, the overbearing, sharp pain did not last long. Although it felt like hours, in reality, it was at most, a minute before the sharpness slowly, gradually receded leaving behind only a slight numbing discomfort only.

At first, as his senses calmed down, Lucien opened his fists and watched as his [Viral Regeneration] trait kicked in automatically and with a speed visible to the naked eye, healed up the small wound his fingernails bore on his soft skin.

Still, as he next looked over the window, and displayed the System's eerie-looking screen over it, his frown vanished, leaving behind only a thin smile. 

Just as the system promised, his accumulated points in Agility have been assimilated, raising his attribute to a new total of 10.72 points, reaching the requirements of the available evolution options!

He was giddy just like a child would be when he was given a present. Still, in the next second, he heaved a sigh and calmed his excited heart; he needed to wait until he was alone, and in a calm, stable environment and not in the back of a moving car.

Though he felt that the system may have deliberately acted to steal more of his gathered EP away, Lucien still didn't really mind it. He got what he wanted, and he could now place his plan of action into motion. Once he settles down in an empty room and manages to close it, he could pick the first two evolutionary options before laying down and allowing the system to begin its process to assimilate the rest of the pending gains whilst also attempting to break through into the next step in the Power Stage ladder.

Deciding on his plan of action, Lucien flashed a content smile and dismissed the System's screen. Just as he returned his attention to the world around him, Sera's gentle, angelic voice resounded next to him.

"We should be reaching the residence soon. If you want to take a peak, turn and look in that direction!" She said, pointing towards the north where a large, white stone gate blocked entry at the base of a small hill.

Despite that, several luxurious-looking mansions dotted the hillside, with the largest of them all lording over all of them below. 

"Is that…" Lucien asked with a wondrous gaze as he looked at the luxurious community that they were clearly heading towards. 

Seeing the boy's reaction, Sera chuckled with amusement. 

"Yes, Young Master, that place…" She pointed towards the very top of the hill. "…That is your new home!" 

She watched with a wide, happy, satisfied smile as the Young Master finally turned back into the child that he actually was. For the first time, since god-knows-when, there was no darkness pulling him back. He could finally get himself lost in the moment, be happy and excited for something like his new home.

Just how he did in his previous life, Sera decided to raise him. After all, he was his only family, his master, his… father… and now…

His son.

'Heh… Fate sure has its sense of humor…' She muttered inwardly, resisting the urge to chuckle.

Reaching the gates of the enclosed community, the car stopped as it reached the guard post. The driver took the golden card from the cubby, the glove compartment, and simply flashed it in front of the cold-looking guard. 

As soon as the man noticed the fabled, legendary card, the cold, fierce dominant look vanished from his face. His eyebrows were raised, leaving the dark protective premises of his sunglasses, his clean-shaven face formed into the shape of an 'O'.

He looked at the card with a mixture of fear, weariness, and amazement. After all, this card belonged to the owner to the top of the mansion, the only Diamond Level Residence in the luscious Shade Hills Community.

Still, his reaction only lasted for a brief few seconds, before he snapped back to reality, and with hurry, he pressed the button to open the grated gates and allow the black car to pass through.

Still, his reaction seemed weird, and way too exaggerated. Why did he look so shocked, and surprised? Didn't they pass these gates to reach the villa before he came? Or was this because of their a bit more than two-week-long excursion?

Sera couldn't hold her giggle as he looked at the boy's raised eyebrows and confused look in his dark brown eyes.

"I rarely ever visited this home. Before reuniting with you, Young Master, I mostly spent my time either out in the world, in one of the various Sub-Worlds I own, or in the office." She explained, turning thoughtful in the next moment as she pondered. "Hmm…. Let's see… In fact, I believe I haven't been here since early July last year…"

Lucien was surprised to hear that. Why wouldn't she want to stay in such a beautiful place?

"Why would you…" Thinking about it, another thought crossed his mind. With a pondering look, he asked. "If you really haven't visited for more than a year, will the mansion be…" 

Sera immediately understood what he wanted to ask, and chuckled at the boy's refreshing, blissful naiveness. 

"No, you do not need to worry. I had staff attend to the mansion. In fact, they were alerted before we left Eden, and should be ready to welcome your return appropriately." She giggled, revealing a cheeky look over her face as she added. "I do hope you are hungry, Young Master…"

They continued with their small talk, as the car resumed its course and slowly made its way through the spacious and empty luxurious road towards the top of the hill. The duo, amidst their warm discourse, ignored the looks their vehicle got as it passed the various, lavish-looking mansions one by one.

As it reached the top, they were stopped only for a brief moment yet again, as their own personal guards swiftly left them through once they noticed the familiar license plate reaching their gates.

The middle-aged guard gave a deep, courteous bow, his gaze plastered towards the ground, as the vehicle passed by. 

Eventually, as they reached the front of the mansion, Lucien was presented with yet another grand sight, causing his gaze to go wide, and mouth to gape ajar. 

In front of the entrance, lined up in two thick rows forming a wall, what seemed like the entire staff was lined up, welcoming them with the very same, deep, respectful bow. 

As soon as the driver opened the back door to allow the Young Master to leave, Lucien was welcomed with a loud chorus:

"Welcome home, Young Master!"


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