Prime Evolver System

Chapter 97 - 97 - Commotion

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After the memorable and at the same time, incredibly curt introduction of their new classmate, Lucien took his seat, the relative normalcy could once again return into the classroom. 

Jonathan, being the homeroom teacher, was also responsible for a pretty peculiar combination of lectures. History was one of them, which, given both his real job back overseas, as well as his other 'nightly' engagements, was quite fitting.

Although he disliked being forced to do this kind of work, after all, he didn't only hate being amongst such annoying pests, he didn't even have any real experience in the field either.

Yet, he swallowed his pride, and battled the displeasure, and forced himself. For the sake of finding his dear daughter, he would even jump into the chasms of hell, the pits of inferno without hesitation, much less give a lecture to these brats about the publicized version of past events. 

Though there were many, more interesting stories shrouded in obscurity, they were not for the ears of these mortals…


With the abrupt hollering cries of the school bell coming from outside the hallway, Jonathan's lecture was forced to come to an end. He sighed with relief, as he walked away from the whiteboard and without wasting any more of his precious time, turned towards the door.

Yet, before leaving, he turned and gave one last glance at the inconspicuous newcomer boy sitting at the back, looking with those cold, emotionless eyes of his, looking out at the window. His deskmate, Jack didn't seem to mind his aloofness and was relentlessly bombarding him with his assault.

Jonathan wasn't sure why, but his instincts were on fire ever since he gazed on this newcomer. There was a shroud of mystery surrounding him. For the first time in his life, he found himself unable to look into a supposed mortal, an innocent citizen. Instead of the usual visions, images of the individual, or the animalistic, predatory instincts of the supernatural, he was met with deep, eternal darkness. A void unlike any other that he saw whenever he tried to pry some information from this so-called Lucien. 

'De'Angelis, huh?' He muttered inwardly, as he turned his gaze away, back to the doorway, and left the room. 'Are you perhaps the one I'm looking for? No, you have only just arrived. Then who are you, boy? What are your secrets? Trust me, I'll find out sooner or later…' Deep in thought, he slowly strutted away.

Almost instantly as the old man had left the room, the class literally exploded. The girls jumped up from their seats, they rushed and flocked around the new boy's desk. In almost no time at all, Lucien was surrounded by a swarm of girls from the class. As time passed and the word traveled even ladies from the neighboring classrooms came to get their eyes on the newest eye candy. 

It didn't even matter that he wasn't sitting alone. As usual, Jack was considered as empty air. The girls, like hungry vultures, have surrounded the new boy's desk in an instant.

A heavy barrage of questions was launched at him, Lucien was under a heavy assault.

"Where are you from exactly?"

"Who are you? What about your family?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

Even from the first round, it was clear what they were truly interested in. Though they wanted to get to know the new boy, Lucien more, the most important questions to a lovestruck teen weren't too hard to guess.

"Are you really from overseas? If so, why does your name sound so local?

"Do you like someone?"

"Are you rich?"

"Are you good at sports? Fights? What about your tattoos? Did you have trouble with the law in your hometown?"

"Would you like to go out and have a drink with me and my friends after school?"

Amidst the endless slew of questions, the returning topic was undoubtedly related to Lucien's private life. Though like he did with the rest, he gave the same cold-shouldered snorts as responses to each and every one.

Eventually, he couldn't ignore them any longer. With a sigh, he looked at his friend, and with the same aloof look donning on his face, he responded in a curt, cold manner.

"No. I have only one person, my only family. I don't have anybody else. I have just arrived in the city, my full name is Lucien Sha-, *khm* De'Angelis." He expressed, coughing to fix and hide the mistake. He still had a bit of difficulty in getting used to his new name. Although he had no ties to the Shaw family, -if there were anyone with that name at all-, it was still his only belonging throughout his harsh childhood years.

Lucien Shaw was no more. As of today, he is Lucien De'Angelis, the sole heir and official descendant of the De'Angelis Corp. The adopted son of Sera De'Angelis.

He was also the Master, the Lord of the entire sect behind his angelic Guardian, and the wielder of an ancient curse, the host of a still mostly unknown ancient entity, Pravitas.

Unlike the rest of the class, the long light-brown-haired class president girl that stood up and greeted Jonathan before was the only one that didn't share the same enthusiasm. She was the only one, together with her deskmate Zoe, that didn't take the opportunity and rushed to swoon under his shadow like the rest of these brainless chicks.

"Ah… I see what's going on!" A soft giggle came from beside the girl, breaking her off from the short trance and bringing her back to reality. She turned to look at her deskmate and best friend with a stern, berating gaze wrinkling her soft, fair skin hiding behind the rims of her glasses.

Sidney looked at her friend and shook her head with a look of disapproval.

"Zoe! If you continue acting like that, you will turn into an annoying, stinky old woman!"

The girl, Zoe, didn't seem to mind being chided by her best friend. Instead, she looked at the brunette thoughtfully.

"Will I have lots of cats as well? Will I be like Ms. Fulton down the street?" She asked with an innocent look in her eyes, causing the brunette to lose her stern demeanor and burst into a chuckle together with her in the next instant.

"Sure! You will be stinky with all the piss and litter of your little darlings!"

They giggled at the imagined scene for a bit, before they calmed down.

"Still, you gotta admit Sid, there's something special, something mysterious about the new boy. He has quite the air around him."

Sid was caught slightly off-guard by her friend's statement. She looked away from her lecture book turning her confused attention on her goth-looking bestie instead.

"What do you mean? What are you-"

Before she could finish her thoughts, suddenly the back door was pushed in. A powerful and loud roar filled up the room in the following second.

"Move away, you trash! The Prince is here and has words with the new boy!"


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