Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 111: A large swath of white flowers!

"Xiaoxiao, don't I make it delicious?" Jin Xuan praised Shi Nuo when he saw Mi Xiaoxiao, and stopped doing it in an instant. This Shi Nuo is horrible!

"Of course, what you cooked is delicious." Mi Xiaoxiao turned to Jin Xuandao helplessly.

"Xiaoxiao, are you planning to leave the tribe tomorrow?" Shi Nuo said while holding the stakes and looking at Mi Xiaoxiao.

Because their wooden bowls in Tali have not yet been made, and the time to get them is set to be tomorrow afternoon, they had to continue using wooden stakes.

"Well, there were some unfinished red fruits last time, and they must have matured, so I want to check them out."

Mi Xiaoxiao and the others did not finish picking the ripe apples because they were in a hurry at the time, presumably the apples were already ripe.

This time I went out and brought these apples back by the way. After all, it would be a pity that they were broken on the tree.

"Then Xiaoxiao, you have to be careful, it may not be safe recently." Jin Xuan suddenly became a little serious when he heard this.

"It's not safe?" They said it's not safe. Isn't it a behemoth that just came out to make trouble?

"Well, because the prey on our side is relatively rare in the fall, but occasionally people from other tribes will come in, so Xiaoxiao, you have to protect yourself."

He really doesn't want Xiaoxiao to go out, but there is no way, Xiaoxiao is a female with her own independent thoughts, and he should respect Xiaoxiao's thoughts.

"Okay, I see. I will pay attention. You have to be careful too." Mi Xiaoxiao nodded at the two seriously.

After that, the three of them ate the fried meat, and then went to the hot spring to soak in a hot bath.

Afterwards, as usual, they said good night to each other and entered a beautiful dreamland.

Then, the next morning.

"Yeah..." Mi Xiaoxiao sat up from the bed, rubbing her still-open eyes with both hands.

"Xiaoxiao, it's still early, you can rest for a while." Jin Xuan looked at Mi Xiaoxiao who was still awake.

"No, I have to gather with everyone." I can't be late this time. Thinking about it, Mi Xiaoxiao also got out of bed neatly.

"Xiaoxiao, put the barbecue on the head of the bed, remember to be safe when you go out, let's go first." Shi Nuo pointed to the meat path wrapped in leaves on the head of the bed.

"Well, I see, bye!"

Mi Xiaoxiao smiled and moved her hands towards the two of them, watching their figures disappear into the hole without blinking.

"Good morning! Everyone." Mi Xiaoxiao took care of her appearance and went down to the cave as soon as she finished breakfast.

"Good morning! Xiaoxiao!"


There were more than one or two females who said hello to Mi Xiaoxiao...

"Well, the rules I said are the same as last time, so I won't repeat it. Now that everyone is here, let's go!"

Just now, she asked Lu Lina to count the number of people, and after confirming that everyone was there, she decided to set off.

It didn't take long for Mi Xiaoxiao and the others to reach their destination this time.

"Same as last time, the people here follow me, and the people over there follow Aike. If you find something special, just come and call me. You can't go too far."

Since Jin Xuan and Shi Nuo mentioned that there might be orcs from other tribes breaking into the tribe, Mi Xiaoxiao was more cautious.

Regardless of the authenticity of the matter, she must first ensure that everyone is safe.

"Xiaoxiao, come and have a look, Lisa found a large white flower!" Not long after they separated, Mi Xiaoxiao heard Lu Lina's cry.

"Go on, don't let them go far, I'll just come over and take a look." Mi Xiaoxiao said towards Ai Luo beside her.

"Okay Xiaoxiao, I know." Ai Luo nodded towards Mi Xiaoxiao.

"What did you find?" After getting the affirmation of Ai Luo, Mi Xiaoxiao hurriedly ran towards Ai Ke.

"Xiaoxiao, come here, right here!" Ai Ke walked through a small bunch of grass and pulled Mi Xiaoxiao towards the direction she had just come.

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