Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 171: Are they from the Wall tribe?

Originally, both he and Jin Xuan disagreed, but there was no way, Xiaoxiao wanted to go, but in the end they compromised.

But they didn't know what Xiaoxiao wanted to find, and it wasn't that they hadn't asked, but Xiaoxiao didn't tell them mysteriously.

"Okay, let's go here first."

Anyway, she just came to try her luck. Whether she can find something to eat depends on her luck.

After speaking, the three of Mi Xiaoxiao walked in the direction pointed out by Shi Nuo. They hadn't been here last time.

"Boss, what shall we do?" The scarred man looked at his leader and asked.

When they passed by the gate of the Taer tribe this morning, the leader suddenly said that he would follow them out of the tribe to hunt.

But their initial plan was not like this. At first, the leader wanted to take them to urge the craftsman who made the tableware.

It was done early, and when they finished changing things, they returned to the tribe sooner. They hadn't returned to the tribe for two days.

Although someone reports to the leader about the tribe, it is better for the leader to return to the tribe.

"Of course I followed." Li Shuo's pale green eyes looked at the direction where Mi Xiaoxiao and the others were leaving, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Follow them? The boss wanted to...?" Tru raised his head, looked at Li Shuo, and what he said was quite understandable.

"Well, let's go, follow up. It's better to be careful not to let them find out." Li Shuo glanced at the two of them, and then followed him first.

"Let's follow too!" Tru and Scarface looked at each other, nodded each, and quickly followed.


"Xiaoxiao, have you found what you want to find?" Shi Nuo looked at Mi Xiaoxiao and said, they already had several small prey in their hands, didn't Xiaoxiao have found it at all?

"Not yet! I'm looking for it." Why didn't I find anything when I walked all the way? Do you want to be so pitted?

This is a forest, not a desert. She doesn't dislike radish and cabbage, but she doesn't dislike a wild vegetable!

"It's okay, it's early! Xiaoxiao can find it more slowly." Jin Xuan turned around and touched Mi Xiaoxiao's head.

"..." Why did the two of them like to touch her head lately? Touch the head to kill?

"Jin Xuan!" Suddenly, Shi Nuo called out Jin Xuan's name solemnly.

"Well, let's take a look at the situation, then protect Xiaoxiao." Jin Xuan nodded invisibly towards Shi Nuowei.

"What happened?" Could it be that there is a large beast approaching here?

Otherwise, how to explain the nervous atmosphere of these two men.

"Someone is following us." Shi Nuo held Mi Xiaoxiao's shoulders and whispered.

"Following? Who? Are they from the Wall tribe?" Mi Xiaoxiao thought about it, but only thought of this possibility.

After all, the only person they had offended in the past two days was the Wall tribe, because Shi Nuo killed the rock slide of the Na Wall tribe.

"No, it's Li Shuo, and his two subordinates." Shi Nuo continued. He just heard a sound from behind him, and after a careful sniff, he immediately understood.

"Well, it's their smell, but it doesn't seem to be hostile to us." Jin Xuan added.

The three people followed them sneakily and didn't know what they were going to do. If it was not good for Xiaoxiao, he wouldn't care about the cooperative relationship.

"In this case, let's wait and see the changes, and don't stun them. I want to see what the guy Li Shuo wants to do with us!"

Mi Xiaoxiao talked to the two of them, and then the three of them returned to their usual state.

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