Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 178: Xiaoxiao is going to hurt!

"No, we are back." Just when Mi Xiaoxiao was puzzled by that glance, and Ji Ke was about to go out to find him, Li Shuo's voice came from behind everyone.

Hearing the sound, everyone turned around habitually, walking towards them behind them, surprisingly the three people Otto said just now that he was going to inquire.

"Otto, they are back! Moreover, they have brought back a lot of prey." Chisis looked at the three Li Shuo who came by with some admiration.

"Yeah." Otter narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at Li Shuo's eyes, filled with such a trace of disdain.

"This guy...!" Shi Nuo paused while looking at the three of them.

"It's really amazing." Jin Xuan also made a look of approval, and looked at the three people and nodded.

……, Mi Xiaoxiao alone, who stood by, couldn't understand what the two people beside her were talking about.

"Chief Otter, you don't need to look for it anymore. We are not back here, we can set off and go back."

Li Shuo shrugged towards Otter, and the tone of his speech clearly sounded the same as usual, but Mi Xiaoxiao sounded like it was a little different.

"Well, let's go!" Ottoman nodded, and then took the lead.

"Xiao Xiao, this Li Shuo is very powerful. If it is a friend, that would be great. If it is an enemy, it will be a little troublesome."

Jin Xuan and Mi Xiaoxiao walked in a row, he looked at Li Shuo ahead without blinking, and said thoughtfully.

"Why do you say that?" Although Li Shuo has some skills, if he fights with Jin Xuan Shi Nuo, he should still be at a disadvantage.

"Don't Xiaoxiao see the prey they brought back?" Jin Xuan looked at Mi Xiaoxiao in a daze. Isn't Xiaoxiao always observing very carefully?

"Prey?" With the meaningful look in Otter's eyes that had just been thinking about, she really didn't pay attention to what prey was.

Look now, this Li Shuo is carrying a wild sheep in his hand, and his two subordinates are carrying a wild boar, one carrying three hares and two pheasants.

Tsk tusk tusk, these three people have actually gained more than the three of them, and they still have been around for almost a day.

When they are stalking, it should be impossible to hunt, because hunting makes noise.

Therefore, they should have caught so many prey within ten to twenty minutes after they returned to the assembly location.

When Mi Xiaoxiao thinks about it now, she really admires them. It is very impressive to capture so many prey in such a short period of time.

"Don't worry, even if you are not a friend, you shouldn't be considered an enemy." At least this is the case for now. As for the future development, it is unknown.

"Well, I hope so!" Jin Xuan sighed.


"Xiaoxiao, let me cook tonight!" Shi Nuo said while looking at Mi Xiaoxiao, leading the meat just allocated.

Xiaoxiao has been working hard for the past two days, besides, I can't let Xiaoxiao cook so often, but Xiaoxiao will hurt it.

"No, I'll do it today, you just wait for something delicious!" Mi Xiaoxiao smiled at the two fans.

"Ok... well, then I'll do it tomorrow."

Shi Nuo nodded helplessly. Every time he saw Xiaoxiao's expression, it proved that they had a good food tonight.

"Xiaoxiao, what shall we eat tonight?" Jin Xuan leaned closer and asked impatiently.

"Well! Keep it secret for now!" Mi Xiaoxiao blinked, and then ran to the front of the two.

I have cabbage tonight, as well as peppers and ginger, as well as the meat I received, plus the honeycomb that Shi Nuo got today.

Enough for her to make a delicious meal.

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