Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 220: From today, I will be your master!

This kind of intelligence is really amazing, but this puppy, without intelligence, is just an ordinary puppy, so, can she take it home?

"Of course, it is impossible to become an orc without lingzhi." Shi Nuo said naturally.

"That Jin Xuan, you can bring me a piece of animal skin!" Mi Xiaoxiao squatted down, reaching out to hug the dying puppy.

"Okay, Shi Nuo, look at it, don't let it hurt Xiao Xiao." Jin Xuan patted Shi Nuo on the shoulder and whispered in his ear.

He understood Xiaoxiao's thoughts, nothing more than he wanted to take it back. He didn't stop it, but it had to be on the premise that the little thing didn't hurt Xiaoxiao.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Just when Mi Xiaoxiao's hand was about to approach it, the puppy who was lying motionless on the ground suddenly raised his paw and was about to wave at Mi Xiaoxiao.

"Uh, it's quite fierce!" Mi Xiaoxiao muttered, touching her hand which is still intact.

Had it not been for Shi Nuo, he had reacted quickly and retracted her hand in time, otherwise she might have more blood stains on her hand now!

"Xiaoxiao, should I come?" Shi Nuo looked at Mi Xiaoxiao and discussed. This dog looks quite fierce, and it will be troublesome if it hurts Xiaoxiao.

"It doesn't matter, I still don't believe it, I can't fix it!" Mi Xiaoxiao took off the brace on her wrist a little bit. She was wearing a white animal skin skirt that Jin Xuan gave her today.

She added the bracer on her hand later, and the effect was not bad.

"Just stay quiet, I won't hurt you, don't worry, I just want to stop the bleeding, don't worry!"

Mi Xiaoxiao whispered on her mouth, but stretched her hand towards the puppy again.

Fortunately, the puppy didn't resist this time. I don't know if he was tired or he understood Mi Xiaoxiao's words.

"It's Xiaoxiao, but there is only one piece this big." Jin Xuan walked over with a small white animal skin, and he knew it was rabbit fur.

"It's okay, it's enough." Originally, she asked Jin Xuan to get the animal skin, which meant she just wanted to wrap the puppy with it, so that when she went back to gather, she wouldn't let other people see it.


"Jin Xuan, did you get the cotton back? Shi Nuo went to fetch water, why hasn't he come back yet." The dog looked daunting, wondering if it could be saved.

"I've done it, Shi Nuo should be a while, Xiaoxiao, don't worry, it just passed out, it's okay."

Jin Xuan looked at Mi Xiaoxiao helplessly, Xiaoxiao was so kind, and she was so anxious when a puppy was injured.

If Mi Xiaoxiao knew Jin Xuan's thoughts, would she give him a big blank eye, is she kind? no! She just likes animals like dogs.

"Okay, then you can give me the cotton!" There is no disinfectant, no cotton swabs, no gauze, so I have to use cotton first.

"Xiaoxiao, the water is here, I will boil it." Shi Nuo poured the water in the stake into the stone pot, and the fire started to burn.

After the trio of tossing, the puppy was finally safe. He was lying on the stone bed at this time, and Mi Xiaoxiao sat aside and teased him.

"Little guy, are you hungry?" Mi Xiaoxiao teased his chin with his fingers, but the dog was obedient, and let her touch it motionlessly.

"Xiaoxiao, give it some meat!" Jin Xuan put the small pieces of meat he had just cut into a bowl, and then handed it to Mi Xiaoxiao.

Judging from Xiaoxiao's appearance, I quite like this little guy. In this case, he will be a member of their family in the future.

"Little guy, you have to remember, starting from today, I will be your master! Do you understand? Come, eat more!"

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