Primitive Animal World: Beast Husband, Really Stunning

Chapter 245: This Mi Xiaoxiao is an eccentric little female

"Knowing the leader, I will go to the Taer tribe now." Tru nodded, and then his figure disappeared in place. It is estimated that he has now left the tribe.

"Chief, I'll go down if it's okay." Scar looked at Li Shuo, then turned around and wanted to leave the cave.

"Wait! Come here."

"Chief, what else is there?" The leader didn't say anything just now, but his attitude towards the Taer tribe has changed a lot.

At least when the little female was still there, this was not the case. At first, he thought that the leader would agree to Naot's request and continue to cooperate with the Taer tribe.

But in the end, the leader chose to break the cooperation with the Taer tribe, which is equivalent to breaking the contract.

Although I don't know how the leader and Mi Xiaoxiao agreed, but in the absence of Mi Xiaoxiao, the leader made this decision alone, even if he did not comply with the agreement.

But this kind of thinking, he just thought about it in his heart, after all, the leader is still his own leader, and he is always on the leader's side.

"You find some more flexible staff, and take them to find the whereabouts of Mi Xiaoxiao, ten days, I will give you ten days, ten days later, I hope I can get the answer I want."

Li Shuo's index finger tapped on the stone table beside him, and no one knew what he was thinking.

"Okay, I'm looking for someone now." Scar ran out with excitement, staying in the tribe all day, and it was very boring.

It's better to go out of the tribe to find the whereabouts of the little female, find more people, ten days should be no problem.


"How many times have I said that? If the foot injury doesn't heal, just stay on the bed honestly for me, otherwise it will sprain and cause me trouble."

Tamo looked at Mi Xiaoxiao with disgust, and then seemed helpless, and had to carry a certain woman who sneaked out of the bed back to the bed.

"Tamer, I just feel bored, just come down and walk around, don't make a fuss about it, and also, is the crutch I asked you to make?"

Lying in bed all day long, can't it get moldy? Originally, I just wanted to get out of bed while Ta Mo was out hunting, but I didn't expect to be caught and ready for a few minutes.

"Here, thank you. I don't need it. Just treat it as I gave it to you for free." Tamo curled his head and handed the cane in his hand to Mi Xiaoxiao.

He hadn't seen this thing anyway. Hearing Mi Xiaoxiao mentioned it, he finally finished it after groping.

I don't know if it's like this. Mi Xiaoxiao seems to be used to assist walking, saying that with this, she doesn't need to lie in bed every day.

"Not bad!" Mi Xiaoxiao gestured to her temporary legs, and nodded in satisfaction. It would be hard for him to be able to do this.

"Of course, it doesn't depend on who did it." When Ta Mo heard Mi Xiaoxiao's praise, he immediately tilted his head and said awkwardly. The ears on the top of his head also moved.

"Well, I know you are great, by the way, do you know any bare stone mountains or lakes with extremely salty water around here?"

It is very important to find salt. After being rescued by Tamo, in just a few days, she didn't drink animal blood. The taste was simply amazing.

"I haven't seen Shitou Mountain, but I've seen this lake with extremely salty water." After spending so many days together, he discovered that this Mi Xiaoxiao is an eccentric little female.

For a while, he had never seen a weird way, like this crutches, but he was curious about what horrible ideas she could toss up this time.

"Have you seen that kind of lake? Then can you bring some of that kind of water back tomorrow?" She wanted to see if this water, like sea water, was rich in salt.

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