Fortunately, I was stunned by what Forestry said.

In the end, I agreed to take forestry with me.

After setting off, Forestry found that among the people accompanying him, several people whose names Forestry knew were in the team.

Fortunately, Sakura, Ishi, and Wen are all in this water collection team.

After Wen saw the forestry, he subconsciously turned his butt to the side.

In addition to the four of them, there were more than a dozen beast-eared ladies together.

Everyone holds a bucket-style piece of wood in their hands.

It is to hollow out a tree trunk from the middle so that it can be used to hold water.

Fortunately, he opened the way at the front, and Shi walked at the back of the group to prevent being attacked by wild beasts.

Forestry followed behind a fox-eared lady.

The fiery red tail swayed back and forth in front of the forestry, and the forestry was also in a burst of heart.

Forestry came to this world for the first time leaving tribal camps.

Along the way, Forestry found that most of the plants here had never been seen before.

Others look very similar to those on Earth, but their body size has been magnified many times.

For the natural environment, much of the knowledge before forestry has lost its role here.

The group walked for nearly an hour.

Forestry suddenly heard the sound of running water ahead.

After walking more than a hundred meters.

A slowly flowing river suddenly appeared in front of the forestry industry.

At this time, Xing, who was walking in the front, stopped.

“Stay here and try not to make a sound.”

Let everyone wait here for a while, fortunately hunched over, took a few steps forward, and began to observe the situation by the river.

This small river is the only source of water nearby.

Maybe some wild beast is roaming near the river.

After a short while, Yuki slowly retreated back and said.

“No traces of wild animal activity were found, go fetch water, and don’t linger by the river.”

Hearing Xing say this, several beast-eared girls came to the river to fetch water.

Forestry also came to the river, watching the river full of various animal footprints.

There are even droppings left behind by unknown animals.

Fortunately, the river is flowing and does not breed too many bacteria.

But seeing animal excrement by the river, forestry’s heart is still not very comfortable.

When she thought of herself in a coma, Sakura fed herself the water fetched here.

Forestry couldn’t help but feel a tingling in his scalp.

Forestry walked to a relatively clean area and began to pick up some thumb-sized stones on the ground and put them in his pocket.

After filling all the pockets on his body, forestry stopped.

The beast-eared ladies quickly brought the water up.

Koya began to urge everyone to prepare to return.

Forestry followed them and began to walk back.

Along the way, forestry has been figuring out how to make a water purification device.

The good news is that the water in the creek is fluid and does not breed too many bacteria.

However, the situation by the river is not optimistic, and the water brought back in this way is definitely not drinkable.

Forestry began to recall the wilderness survival books he had read before.

It details how freshwater filters should be made.

Halfway down the road, Sakura, the youngest, was panting with the bucket of water.

Hayashi heard Sakura’s hard gasp behind him.

So he turned around and took the barrel from Sakura’s hand.

“I’ll hold it for you.” After bringing the barrel over, Forestry whispered.

“Karma, no need, Sakura can handle it herself.”

Sakura saw that the barrel was taken by the forestry and quickly said to the forest.

But Forestry looked at her violently heaving little chest and ignored her.

Carrying the barrel easily with one hand, he turned around and continued to follow the team.

Because forestry has taken Dianabol pills, the physical fitness has been strengthened.

This bucket of water is in the hands of forestry and is not worth mentioning at all.

Sakura saw Forestry in the back carrying a barrel filled with water in her hand, very relaxed.

Comparing her strenuous appearance just now, Sakura was directly stunned in place.

Knowing that the person behind him opened his mouth to urge, Sakura reacted.

I ran quickly to the forestry side and wanted to get the barrel back.

But Hayashi shook his head at her, then reached out and took Sakura’s small hand.

Sakura, who was held by the small hand, saw that forestry was very relaxed, so she stopped insisting.

Obediently, let Forestry take his hand and walk beside him.

Forestry also walked slowly with a wooden barrel in one hand and cherry blossoms in the other.

Because everyone was holding buckets full of water, when they walked back, they walked a little slower.

After walking for about an hour and a half, the group returned safely to the tribal camp.

“Karma, give me the barrel now, I’ll go and put it in the cave.”

After returning to the tribe, Sakura again opened her mouth and asked for a barrel.

Forestry saw that it had reached the tribe, so he returned the barrel to Sakura.

After Sakura took back the barrel, she followed everyone to put all the barrels filled with water into the cave.

Forestry walked to the side, found a stone and sat down, and suddenly remembered that he hadn’t signed in today.

“System, daily check-in.” Forestry silently recited in his head.

“Ding! Successful check-in, congratulations to the host for obtaining the pottery craft. ”

With the sound of the system, a lot of knowledge about firing pottery flooded into Forestry’s mind.

It took a long time for forestry to sort out the knowledge that suddenly came to mind.

“Clay, clinker, drying, firing, so it is.”

“With pottery, it will be much more convenient to take water and load things in the future, and with pottery, you can boil hot water to cook broth.”

After straightening it out, Forestry said with words in his mouth.

However, the priority now is not to fire pottery, but to make water purifiers first.

Forestry came to the place where everyone had a barbecue last night.

There is also a lot of incompletely burned charcoal scattered on the ground.

Forestry collected a bunch on the ground.

This is the most important thing to make a water purifier.

Charcoal can absorb most of the fine particles and toxins in the water.


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